Archive | September 26, 2017

How Strange Is The Name Of Alabama State Hopeful ‘Luther Strange’?

by Anura Guruge

As you would expect of one who wrote a 160-page book on the ‘‘, people’s names intrigue. I am always curious as to their origin and how one came to get it.

So, of course, the strange name of Luther Strange really piqued my interest and I had to research it.

Wow. It is what it is! ‘Strange’ as in stranger! Who would have thought.

I started with this provided Last Name ‘search’
— which uses the U.S. 2010 Census data.

So it is not a totally obscure name though its usage is dropping!

Just in case you are wondering I get 0 (i.e., ZERO) for my last name.
But that is because they only included the TOP 150,000 names.

Click to ENLARGE and read here. From ‘’ — as you can see.

So now you know.

The next question is whether he will win today’s Alabama Primary. Right now he is trailing, but it is still quite early in the night.

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++++ Search ‘names’ 

by Anura Guruge


The Picture Of The Day (Sony a7 II) + 6 Also-Rans — September 26, 2017.

by Anura Guruge

NO post-processing whatsoever.

Check here for resolution details.

Click pictures to ENLARGE.

Attribution WILL be enforced.

New Hampshire tumbled down cottage 2017 Anura Guruge Sony a7 II

The also rans:

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by Anura Guruge

The Beatles’ “Abbey Road” LP Was Released This Day 48-Years Ago; September 26, 1969.

by Anura Guruge

Click to ENLARGE and read here. Wikipedia:

I think I remember this. I had just started at Mill Hill — my London boarding school. Music was BIG at Mill Hill, the kids, in general, affluent enough to indulge in their musical tastes in terms of LPs, record players etc.

In later years I would become EXTREMELY familiar with ‘Abbey Road’, the road and the iconic pedestrian crossing. Abbey Road was ‘next door’ to MY ‘Holy of Holies’ in LondonLord’s Cricket Ground.

When I started going to Lord’s for Test Matches and Middlesex matches, mid-1970s to 1985, I would park, for FREE, on Abbey Road — a bit further up north, and walk down to Lord’s. Often I would cross the pedestrian crossing for fun.

Click to ENLARGE. Google maps.

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by Anura Guruge

Garmin Vivoactive 3 vs Fenix 5 Comparison — Worth Watching.

by Anura Guruge

This is something you might want to consider BEFORE getting the new Vivoactive 3. To I GPS is the BIG thing. I love the GPS on my current Garmin Vivoactive HR and definitely want an UPGRADE in GPS capability. Being able to PRE-LOAD GPS maps for hiking would be neat.

So, I really need to give this more thought before rushing ahead and pre-ordering a Vivoactive 3.

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>>>> Search ‘Fitbit’ & ‘Garmin’

by Anura Guruge

What Would Happen If International Cricket Players Knelt During The National Anthem?

by Anura Guruge

The Sri Lanka ODI Team (top) & Indian Test Team (in white).

It is even inconceivable to even think of but we all know what would happen. They would immediately be charged by the ICC of bringing the game into disrepute — heavily fined and suspended. That we know because the ICC is, quite correctly, is ultra-strict about behavior and compliance — and let’s face it, cricket has a 400-year reputation for his gentlemanly-manners, sportsmanship and decorum.

Now PLEASE do NOT get me wrong. I have NOTHING against American sportsman (and to-date, as far as I know, it has all being men) taking the knee during the national anthem. It is there right — and I understand that. But, having bummed around the World I also know the pride and significance of national anthems.

Having the national anthems played ahead of Internationals is NEW in cricket. Definitely post 1980. I actually like it. Very moving.

A few things to PONDER and Chuckle IF you are NOT an American.

There are things that WE (e.g., British, Sri Lankan, Indian, Australian, Pakistani etc. etc.) take for granted — like a National Health AND a National Sports Teams, or to be fair TEAMS.

We have our National Cricket Team, National Soccer Team, National Rugby Team.

America really doesn’t — in terms of what the PEOPLE FOLLOW — outside of the Olympics. Yes, they have a soccer team, and a tennis team. But those are NOT their national sports.

Just think IF the U.S. had a National Football Team or Baseball Team.

Just think IF the U.S. played national sports on an International basis — as we do, all the time.

Then the National Anthem issue would really become a BIG deal.

Something to think about.

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by Anura Guruge

Garmin Vivoactive 3 Owner’s Manual Now Available.

by Anura Guruge

Click image to download Owner’s Manual, as a PDF, from the Garmin site.

Garmin has yet to announce the availability date for the new Vivoactive 3. The expectation is that it will be in mid-October, i.e., a few weeks from now.

I plan to pre-order it from Amazon. Nothing to lose. Amazon will NOT charge me (or you) till it is shipped. Just means that I (or you) will get it more or less as soon as it starts shipping.

In the meantime the Owner’s Manual is available — as a PDF.

I have downloaded it, already. {Smile}

So can you.

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>>>> Search ‘Fitbit’ & ‘Garmin’

by Anura Guruge

2017 Fall Foliage New Hampshire — September 25, 2017.

by Anura Guruge

NO post-processing whatsoever.

Click pictures to ENLARGE.

Attribution WILL be enforced.

Not a one from our yard! All from ‘Prospect Mountain Road‘ — which, however, is not far from our yard. This is my main running route.

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by Anura Guruge

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