Tag Archive | topless

‘Free The Nipple’, In Style, En Masse, In New York, Thanks To Artist Spencer Tunick.

by Anura Guruge

Click to ENLARGE. From the U.K. “Daily Mail”. Link below.

So, this, of course, exceeds anything we have managed to achieve in New Hampshire — the Hampton Beach topless events notwithstanding.

This was protesting the Facebook and Instagram ban on photographs of the female nipple, though the whole issue of ‘Free The Nipple‘ is still very relevant especially after the New Hampshire Supreme Court, inexplicably, claimed that it was NOT discriminatory to ban the female nipple but not the male.

So, it is good that the fight continues.

I am a supporter. I believe in equal rights to both sexes when it comes to going topless — a right I exercise near daily in the Summer.

So, here is to “Free The Nipple“.

August 23, 2015 — Hampton Beach, NH.

Related posts:
Search ‘nipples’ and/or ‘topless’.

by Anura Guruge



Another Bikini You Are Unlikely To See At Lake Winnipesaukee — UNLESS I Try To Fit Into One.

by Anura Guruge

Click to ENLARGE and read here. Use link above for the U.K. “Daily Mail” original.

Click IF you want to order one or just check out the sizes.

Prior Posts on Same Theme …
and there are MORE. Just ‘search’ blog.

Click image to access the post.

As I have often stated, I read the U.K. “Daily Mail”, my trusted source of news, online, multiple times a day and have done for ages — having been a ‘‘ subscriber when I lived in the U.K.

When I saw this I knew that YOU would expect me to share it with you. DONE.

I am fairly certain that we are unlikely to see this bikini around Lake Winnipesaukee, New Hampshire. However, IF I am wrong, I would not mind a jot. I will just be happy for.

Just so I could be proved wrong, I am thinking about ordering one for myself and wearing it when I go to the . I think I will look OK. The only problem. From what I can see they don’t seem to make it in MY SIZE! They all seem too BIG to fit I. Dilemma. Maybe I could get somebody to alter the small size to fit I.

Related posts:
Search on ‘nipple‘, ‘toplessness‘ & ‘bikini’.

by Anura Guruge

Topless Skydiving ‘Fleggaard’ Supermarket Commercial — Way Too Racy For American TV.

by Anura Guruge

Click to ENLARGE to get an eyeful. YouTube video below.

If YOU want better quality try this version.

Click image to access the version.

Very clever & obviously irresistibly compelling to most of us lucky men who are, of course, genetically programmed to respond to such visual titillation.

As far as marketing goes it is absolutely brilliant.

It is to sell € 269 (i.e., US $305) Siemens washing machines!

These washing machines are being sold in by a small (Costco-owned) supermarket chain named ‘Fleggaard’. You see that name come up at the end.

Though Siemens is German these washing machines are cheaper at Fleggaard’s (in Denmark) than they are in Germany – and Fleggaard has supermarkets right on the border (albeit on the Danish side).

Hence the message at the end: ‘Lige over grænsen’ (Just over the border). And since both countries are in the European Union there are no customs or taxes. Just like buying a washing machine from another State and hauling it back.

Very clever.

Well, I being who I am wanted to know how the commercial was made. I knew that the girls did NOT skydive topless. ‘They’ would have FROZE. Simple as that. So, I went looking. Found how it was made. Pretty close to what I thought. Enjoy.

Related posts:
Search ‘topless’, ‘nipple’ &‘nude’.

by Anura Guruge


N.H. Supreme Court Ruling On ‘Free The Nipple’ (Kia Sinclair et. al.) Is Confounding & Seems A Travesty.

by Anura Guruge

The February 8, 2019,
New Hampshire Supreme Court
Opinion on Kia Sinclair et. al.

Click image to gain instant access to the 29-page opinion at the ‘Supreme Court’ Website.

Click to ENLARGE and read here. From the ‘Union Leader’ @

This NH Supreme Court ruling upsets me GREATLY.

How can it NOT be discriminatory. I as a male can do something, legally, that a woman can’t do — and that is not right and it is discriminatory on the grounds of gender.

This has to go to the U.S. Supreme Court.

This should not have anything to do with politics — Democrats vs Republicans, and who nominated the judges. This is all about people, equality and common sense.

I was a big supporter of Kia Sinclair when she started ‘Free The Nipple‘. Then we found out that there were NO State Laws in NH that forbid the display of nipples. I thought, obviously incorrectly, ‘CASE CLOSED’. Kia Sinclair was right. I was wrong. Case was not closed. We have to continue to fight.

And I am back on the case. This has to end. As the photo below clearly shows I try to go topless most days during the NH Summer. I consider it a right. If I can go topless then Kia Sinclair should also be allowed to go topless.

This is so inane. So, New Hampshire.

August 23, 2015 — Hampton Beach, NH.

Related posts:
Search ‘nipples’ and/or ‘topless’.

by Anura Guruge


MRI-Based Research Into How & Why Women’s Breasts Bounce As They Walk!

by Anura Guruge

Click to ENLARGE.

Click to access my 2016 posts.

As soon as I saw this in the U.K. “” (which I scan multiple times a day) I knew I would be remiss if I didn’t share it with you.

You have to hand it to us Brits. Not only did we invent the very meaningful ‘Standard British Handful’ (SBH) measurement for breasts, but we are also indefatigable when it comes to researching anything and everything related to the mammary glands.

When women are jogging or walking their breasts are said to perform a ‘Figure 8′ motion.breastmotionchart

Well this ‘Figure 8’ claims destroys one of my few worthwhile contributions to science and education!

Yes. Way back when I was 18 I came up with a memorable discovery that helped many get through the intricacies of college level physics. I claimed it was Simple Harmonic Motion‘ as I describe in this post.

Well this research my vindicate my assertions. I will try and keep you posted.


Related posts:
Search on ‘nipple’, ‘topless
and ‘breasts’.

by Anura Guruge

‘Eastern Paradise’ Asian Cuisine, Rochester (NH) — Sure Lives Up To Its Name.

by Anura Guruge

Click pictures to ENLARGE.

Attribution WILL be enforced.

Click to access their Website.

Click to see more pictures.

They have been open for a few months. This, however, was our first time there, and it sure will not be the last. Very good, positive experience. Good buzz. Busy (but, it was Friday night). Good food, upscale menu, decently-priced cocktails (with cute, topless ‘scorpion bowls’), engaging staff and modern, airy & bright interior (with some very fancy LED lights).

A bit fancy for Rochester! But, I am glad. It will help Rochester reinvent its image.

Interesting menu with items that I have not seen on other Chinese menus — and as any reader of this blog knows we are no strangers to Chinese eateries.

I had the ‘Honey Walnut Chicken‘. They were RIGHT about it on the menu. You had to try it. It was different and appetizing. Something different, plus I am a sucker fort nuts. Deanna had the ‘Sizzling Seafood Festival‘ and it was pretty spectacular with even a lobster tail. Spicy, but just so. It was much appreciated. Teischan had her usual chicken fried rice and was sated. There was a lot of it and, of course, we brought the remainder home.

As always, we also had a (small) Pu Pu Platter, Scallion Pancakes & Peking Ravioli. We are Scallion Pancake connoisseurs — and these were GOOD. Yes, the right amount of scallion and crisp to the bite.

We all agreed that it was good and that this was a keeper.

Leaving the restaurant, around 8pm, heard a boy (of about 11) tell his mother how good it was! So, that was confirmation.

You should definitely give it a try. I doubt whether you will be disappointed. I gather that it is busy most nights, but I assume it is a tad less busy on a Monday or a Tuesday. And yes, they are over 7-days a week, till at least 10pm.

Related posts:
Check Category ‘Restaurants’.

by Anura Guruge

Topless ‘Scorpion Bowl’ At Chinese Restaurant.

by Anura Guruge

Click pictures to ENLARGE.

Attribution WILL be enforced.

This was cute. I have never seen one like this before. Of course it was meant to be titillating! Very blatant. In your face. Not sure I would have noticed it if I didn’t go to take a picture. But, then, SMACK. As soon as I pointed it out everybody else saw and agreed.

The ‘new’ ‘Eastern Paradise‘ that opened in Rochester, New Hampshire over the Summer. Our first time there. It was good. I will write about the dining experience separately.

In the meantime just enjoy this — THE Topless Scorpion Bowl.

Related posts:
Search ‘topless’ ‘Chinese’.

by Anura Guruge

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