Tag Archive | pictures

I Took 27,000 Pictures (i.e., Photographs) In 2018!

by Anura Guruge


On January 1st of each year (of late), I create a folder with that year’s name for ALL the pictures I am going to take that year.

So, a year ago I created a ‘2018’ folder on my Drobo RAID storage unit.

Today, I created the ‘2019’ folder. But, before doing that I checked the ‘2018’ folder.

26,625 STORED pictures (i.e., individual files) in 96 folders. I create a folder for each month BY CAMERA! So, in the image above you will see a7 (i.e., Sony a7 II), a6500 (i.e., Sony a6500) and Pixel 2 (my phone).

I took more pictures that this. These are but the ones I kept. I deleted a few hundred more. Just yesterday, after the fireworks, I deleted about 30 that did not make the cut.

So, this comes to 74 pictures a day. That makes sense. Most days I shoot between 25 — 35, but there are days I shoot upwards of 900!

Remember that I also post at least 7 pictures EVERY DAY and I did NOT miss a single day in 2018. That means I have posted, on this blog, at least 2,555 pictures in 2018! Since I invariably post more than 7, most days, the number, in reality, is probably over 3,000 pictures! That is a lot — but it also means I have 23,625 pictures I have NOT share with YOU! That is sobering.


Related posts:
Search ‘Picture‘.

by Anura Guruge


“Soweto Gospel Choir” At The “Capitol Center For The Arts”, Concord, NH — November 25, 2018.

by Anura Guruge

Click pictures to ENLARGE.

Attribution WILL be enforced.

Soweto Gospel Choir Anura Guruge Capitol Center for the Arts Concord New Hampshire

Click to access their Website.

This was truly a High Dynamic Range (HDR)
performance — musically & visually.

Non-stop celebration of HOPE & JOY.

What a delight.

And it was FREE!

Thank YOU (again) to the amazing “William H. Gile” Trust
that put on these FREE concerts in Concord, NH.
The “Summer of Love Concert” in June 2018
was brilliant — this was equally good.


This time I knew it was going to be good. I am a BIG “Ladysmith Black Mambazo” fan (and I have seen them live at least twice) and I kind of knew, intuitively, that this Choir would be in that mould. They were and they did NOT disappoint.

The ‘jubilation‘ mentioned on their Website (above) is a real good description. I also saw, in the concert program, that the U.K. ‘The Scotsman’ had called their performance: ‘riot of exuberance‘. Yes, that is a great description too.

High energy & ultra dynamic. Hence, why HDR — High Dynamic Range — came to my mind as I watched them, entranced and enthralled.

This concert was a part of their tribute to the GREAT MAN, Nelson Mandela’s 100th anniversary year.

As such right through the concert they set out to pay tribute to:

  • the new rainbow South Africa.
  • Nelson Mandela, the Father of the Nation.
  • Humanity.
  • Music.

And in each instance they succeeded brilliantly.

An inspired, celebratory performance that was uplifting & motivational but at the same time a reminder of where we have all been (in terms of oppression) and where we might still head! It made you think. It made you realize that people will prevail. We need great leaders like Nelson Mandela.

Their CDs are . They will make great Christmas presents.

All pictures with my .

Thank YOU, “William H. Gile” Trust.

Related posts:
Search ‘Capitol Center’.

by Anura Guruge

‘Sandwich Fair 2018’ — In 30 Pictures.

by Anura Guruge

Click picture to ENLARGE.

No post-processing whatsoever!

Attribution WILL be enforced.

Anura Guruge Sandwich Fair 2018 with mist on the hills

By definition, ‘Sandwich Fair‘, that we have attended annually without fail for decades, is always good, always fun, always rewarding. No different this year. It was good. Cloudy, dreary day on the Sunday — the only day that we could attend. We have been in much worse. There was no rain and the temperature in the mid-60s was ideal. The light, however, was not good for photography and I struggled to get decent pictures — though, I discovered to my amusement, on the way home, that had taken exactly 600 (yes, 600) pictures. That is not unusual for I for a day. Have been known to take 1,100 to 1,200 too.

I have already done ‘7 Pictures of the Day‘ & the ‘Flower Show‘. The later is quite good and even the folks from the show liked them.

So, enjoy. I have more. I will try and post, time permitting.

Related posts:
Search flowers’.

by Anura Guruge

2018 Autumnal (Fall) Equinox In New Hampshire Will Be On Saturday, September 22, 9:54pm (Eastern).

by Anura Guruge

Click pictures to ENLARGE.

Attribution WILL be enforced.

Sunrise & Sunset Times for Concord, New Hampshire around the September Equinox.
(From Time-and-Date).

Note that daylight is NOT exactly 12 hours!
If anything we get closer to 12 hours 3 days later.
There is a reason for that. It is our latitude above the equator.
If we were closer to the equator it would have been closer to 12 hours.
See this explanation in Time-and-Date.

My equinox diagram.

Click to ENLARGE, study and admire.

Related Posts:
Search on ‘equinox’ for lots of other posts with tons of pictures & diagrams.

by Anura Guruge

‘Circus Smirkus’, Wolfeboro, NH — In 215 Thumbnails.

by Anura Guruge

Click pictures to ENLARGE.

I already did a post about the circus a few minutes ago.

This was just to give you a flavor of the VIBRANCY by creating a montage of the 215 pictures I took.

I will post more pictures in the days to come. Enjoy.

Related posts:
Search ‘circus’.

by Anura Guruge

“Summer Of Love Concert” At The “Capitol Center For The Arts”, Concord, NH — June 13, 2018.

by Anura Guruge

Click pictures to ENLARGE.

Attribution WILL be enforced.

Click to access their OFFICIAL Website.

It was a BLAST. It was BRILLIANT.

It was FREE.

Thank YOU (again) to the amazing “William H. Gile” Trust
that put on these FREE concerts in Concord, NH.

This was an unexpected bonus. I had NOT heard of this concert until quite recently when I got a flyer, in the mail, from the “Capitol Center For The Arts” (since I am a patron). I thought it would be too late to get tickets, but I managed to get 4 though they were not the great seats I have managed to get to “William H. Gile” concerts in the past. I had never heard of this ‘concert’, so was not sure what to expect.

So, so GLAD we went. It exceeded all expectations. Kind of a hybrid ‘tribute band‘ cum ‘legends in concert‘ mix that just covered songs from 3-years, viz. 1967 to 1969 — the “Woodstock Generation“. They really went to town. Talk about over the top energy. Very, very well done. This was my music.

I would readily go and see them again; even pay to see them. But, noticed on their Website that they don’t have that many gigs. They could be expensive to hire. A LARGE cast. Typically 15 – 16 performers on the stage. I heard the cast was close to 20.

It was a good night. The theater was fairly well packed. Some empty seats. That surprised I. Folks missed a great event.

Thank YOU, “William H. Gile” Trust. Much appreciated.

All pictures with my .

Thank YOU, “William H. Gile” Trust.

Related posts:
Search ‘Capitol Center’.

by Anura Guruge

Great Pictures That Sum Up The Ball Tampering By The Cheating Australian Bums.

by Anura Guruge

§§ My 1st post on the ball tampering by the Australian bums.

§§ My 2nd post on ‘Instant Bloody Karma’.

I saw these pictures on Twitter and wanted to share them with YOU.

I do NOT want to infringe anybody’s copyright. If I am, PLEASE let me know and I will take the offending picture down. Thanks.

Related Posts:
Check Category ‘cricket’.

by Anura Guruge

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