Botswana Regrettably Lifts Its 5-Year Moratorium On Elephant Hunting.
This is a crying shame BUT was to be expected.
Landlocked and very sparsely populated Botswana is NOT poor by African standards. It makes good money from mining and tourism and has a growing economy. But, elephant hunting is LUCRATIVE money and will, ironically, boost tourism — i.e., and influx of RICH hunters with money to throw around.
Shame. A crying shame.
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Remarkable & RARE Elephant Rescue At Sea By The Sri Lankan Navy.
Click here for the original from the U.K. Guardian.
Where this took place.
Northeast Sri Lanka north of ‘Trinco‘.
Pretty incredible, very suave and at the same time SO Sri Lankan!
I have told you multiple time, the most recent just 6-days ago, about the special relationship that Sri Lankans have with elephants, whether wild or domesticated.
This elephant, a WILD one from the jungles in that part of the country, was found 10 miles from shore! They think it was swept out, accidentally, by a strong current. Wow. I have never heard of elephants needing to be rescued from the sea. Has got me thinking. This one was, serendipitously, spotted. Does this mean we lose elephants at sea! That is NO joke. That would be such a waste. IF I had any sway in Sri Lanka I would urge the relevant officials to try and determine whether this was a freak or not.
That they spend 12 hours bringing it back close to shore is CLASSIC Sri Lankan. We are into low-tech and trial-and-error. Notice there was no attempt to put some sort of large floatation collar around the elephant. They must have some in Sri Lanka for salvage and rescue purposes. Just using ropes to pull an elephant weighing a few tons seems cruel. But, they saved his life — we think.
Well done. Hats off.
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Making Elephants Kneel In Front Of Buddha Statues Is Very Juvenile — And Sri Lankan.
Yes, I know that the mahout thinks he is doing something NOBLE. And I really don’t want to criticize the mahouts. They are typically not the most educated of folks and their skills are in dealing with elephants.
But Buddhist monks and others, better educated, should prevent this from taking place.
IF an elephant, on its own volition, wants to kneel or pay homage in any other way, to a Buddha statue or anything Buddha-related, I am ALL IN FAVOR. That is fine.
But do NOT make a noble animal do something that it has no idea as to why it is doing so. That is not cricket.
A domesticated, tame elephant, 99% will do whatever it is asked to do. But, come on. This is NOT right.
This upset me. As you may know I do not totally object to elephants being made to perform because like dogs they like to please. But we need to have limits.
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“When Elephants Were Young” Movie About Asian Elephants For “World Elephant Day” 2016.
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Celebrate August 12, 2016 “World Elephant Day” In The Hamptons.
Click here to access the “Veterinarians International”
Website for details, if you so desire.
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