Archive | August 9, 2018

Obihai/Polycom OBi212 Has NO Documentation Nor Support. Do NOT BUY.

by Anura Guruge

I had an for nearly 5-years. It worked, though it needed some attention . Then OBi intentionally killed it, so we would UPGRADE. I did.

The is TOTAL GARBAGE. Yes, works and you can get incoming calls over POTS. That is IT.

You can’t dial out over the POTS. The **8 on the OBi110 does NOT work. Neither does ## nor **70.

There is NO DOCUMENTATION. Go ahead. Check online. Google. Go to the Website. I defy YOU.

ObiTalk support does NOT even recognize the model number and serial number!

Do NOT BUY! Waste of money.

Get something else or a two line phone and get a CHEAP, $20, Google Voice adapter. 

The OBi212 does NOT support OUTBOUND POTS — which is the only reason to buy this.

You have been warned. There is no need to THANK ME. I am glad to save you the $$$ and aggravation.

I got the OBi212 at the same time as the TP-Link AC750. The TP-Link, as I suspected it would, was great. Not so, the OBi. Not a good company.

Related posts:
Search ‘Obi’.

by Anura Guruge


Prohibition Of Alcohol In ‘The Navajo Nation’ Is Counter-Productive & Inane.

by Anura Guruge

Click to ENLARGE.

Sorry, BUT I do know what I am talking about here, and some reflective, ‘educated’, older Navajos — who have travelled some — agree.

Yes, of course, there will be initial mayhem, BUT that is a necessary price for the long-term gain.

The prohibition is a JOKE. An absolute joke. Wherever you go around Chinle, AZ, the roadside is littered with bottles and cans that once contained alcohol. Some folks have to be making a fortune bootlegging the stuff to places like Chinle. I suspect it is those that maintain pressure on ‘Window Rock‘ not to lift the ban.

I find the ban INSULTING to the Navajo. You are treating them like kids.

Yes, alcoholism, drugs, obesity and diabetes are HUGE problems. With a few exceptions nearly every Navajo you meet around Canyon de Chelly looks like they have a health issue. They also age so quickly.

But, just next door, in Colorado, drugs have been legalized. And the poor Navajos are considered too irresponsible to trusted with alcohol.

Lets just take the added pain upfront and look forward to the inevitable sanity that will come down the road.

I am a lone and small voice — from far-away New Hampshire. But, we have to speak up.

A wrong is a wrong and this is wrong.

Free the Navajo. Give them choice.

Related posts:
Search ‘Chelly’ & ‘Navajo’.

by Anura Guruge

by Anura Guruge

NO post-processing whatsoever.

Taken with my Google Pixel 2 Phone.

Click pictures to ENLARGE.

Attribution WILL be enforced.

raging water after the storms New Hampshire Anura Guruge Google Pixel 2

The also rans:

Related posts:
Category ‘Six Images’.

by Anura Guruge

Canyon de Chelly: YouTube Video Of Hiking The ‘White House’ Trail.

by Anura Guruge

Post from last week with 10 pictures and a real-time GPS track. Click image to access that August 2, 2018 post.

OK, I already did one post re. this rewarding hike, BUT I still had over 200 pictures I had NOT shared with you. I knew that a short video would be the best way to try and share them with you.

YouTube, inexplicably, no longer allows you to make photo-montage videos. So, I had to use Picasa 3. I am new to this. So, please bear with me. Videos are not my thing.

I intentionally chose the fastest slide change rate. Maybe it was too fast. But, if I increase it, it will double the length of the video.

So, I am sorry if it is too fast, but it is pretty close to the speed I walked down.

Enjoy. Tell me what you think.

Related posts:
Search ‘Chelly’ & ‘Navajo’.

by Anura Guruge

The Raw, Rugged Grandeur Of ‘Canyon de Chelly’ — Spider Rock, South Rim.

by Anura Guruge

NO post-processing whatsoever.

Click pictures to ENLARGE.

Attribution WILL be enforced.

Continuing the series. This is the third picture, NOT counting all the ones I posted as ‘Picture of the Day‘. Please check those out too. Enjoy.

Related posts:
Search ‘Chelly’.

by Anura Guruge

IF I Were A Rich Man I Would Have 2.5 Of These 7-Pound Burgers For Lunch, Each Day.

by Anura Guruge

Click image to access the U.K. “Daily Mail” article from August 8, 2018.

Please click to ENLARGE.

I have been poor for so long that I rarely think about what it would be like to be rich. But, when I read about this 7-pound, $75 burger, I really wished that I was RICH.

Because, IF I were a rich man, I would get 3 of these, every day, for lunch. I will give the buns and half of the third to the dogs, but will scoff down the 2.5 with relish (but without any relish). That would keep me going for a couple of hours. I might have to have some nuts to take the edge off.

The FEW of you who know me know I have a bottomless, ; hence the constant battle with near-obesity.

Wow. The hot dogs is the kicker.

But, $75 each!

My budget for lunch is $1.50! Hence, the disconnect.

I am thinking whether I could possibly start a GoFundMe page.

Ah! To be rich.

In the meantime back to my 99 cent a package hot dogs.

Related Posts:
Search ‘burger’.

by Anura Guruge

Successfully Installed A TP-Link AC750 On My Backup (TDS) Network.

by Anura Guruge

Click for Amazon listing.

Click for Amazon listing.

Click to ENLARGE. Our network 3.5-years ago. Much has changed. I just haven’t documented it. Click to ENLARGE.

3.5-years ago, i.e., January 2015, when I first got the (then v. high-speed) 75Mbps Metrocast Internet service I did some extensive research into up-and-coming Wi-Fi routers. I discovered TP-Link. By then I had been using Wi-Fi routers for nearly 15-years and knew what to look for.

TP-Link impressed me, and I have not been proven wrong. The I then got cost me $170. I do not regret getting it. It is now down to $100.

Last Friday, during a t-storm, the CHEAP AND NASTY ‘ActionTech‘ Wi-Fi router that TDS had given me gave up the ghost. I was not upset. Actually kind of relieved. It was a GARBAGE router. Only one Wi-Fi channel and that was slow. So, I opted to get my own rather than bother even telling TDS.

I decided to go with TP-Link, on the ‘known devil‘ principle. I didn’t want spend too much money since I plan to totally overhaul the whole house with new Wi-Fi technology ‘soon’. Plus, this is our backup network — with only 45Mbps bandwidth. Our main network, from Atlantic Broadband, delivers 200Mbps.

Hence, the inexpensive TP-Link AC750. Plus, it looked cute. It doesn’t look as cute ‘in person’ as it did in the pictures, but it is OK.

Easy enough to configure. But, here is the CRAZIEST thing. It is 3.5-years newer than my Archer C9 AC1900, but it doesn’t have a pictorial interface that shows you the status of the router schematically. That surprised me.

It was baptism by fire. Four hours after I got it working I had to unplug it again because we had another major storm. Getting it hooked back on was easy enough.

From the little I have seen of it, I like it. Fingers-crossed.

Related posts:
Search ‘Chelly’.

by Anura Guruge

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