Archive | October 25, 2015

My Son, Matthew Gordon Guruge, The Entrepreneur — October, 2015.

Anura Guruge December 2014 thumbnail


by Anura Guruge

Related posts:
Matthew & ‘Flint & Foster’.
Matthew in ‘NHBR’.
Matthew & Tintwear.
Matthew is writing for ‘NH Business Review’.
>> 99 cent book
for my son, Matthew

Matthew, who is very busy working on his latest software application venture (which is actually quite promising and exciting) came up for the weekend — to take his two youngest sisters fo dinner. It was good. So this is Matthew Gordon Guruge on Saturday, October 24, 2015.

Click to ENLARGE.

Anura Guruge + Matthew Guruge

Dad & Matthew.

Anura Guruge + Matthew Guruge

Three-Fourths (3/4) of my kids — the three youngest, 23, 15 & 9. The oldest, Danielle, is missing from this picture.


Pope Francis Blames Synod Bishops To Cover Up His Own Conservative Views On Gays.

.Anura Guruge December 2014 thumbnail
by Anura Guruge

Some Related Posts:
>> Francis dig against gay marriage.
>> Francis nixes gay French ambassador.

Francis says the darnest things 

++++ Search on ‘Francis‘ for many other posts >>>>


Just one example of the coverage of Pope Francis blaming the Synod bishops for exclusion. This from the the ‘Washington Post’. Click to access original. Google for more.


Just one example of the coverage of Pope Francis’s infamous meeting with gay-marriage license withholding Kim Davis. This also from the the ‘Washington Post’. Click to access original. Google for more, many more.


From my August 2015 “Pope Francis U.S. Visit” book — giving just some specific examples of Francis’ known opposition to same-sex ‘relationships’. Click to ENLARGE and read here. Use link below to access book.

Click here to access my “” book, $0.99 ebook.

Pope Francis is not being genuine when he is BLAMING the synod bishops for their opposition to ‘opening the doors’ for gays.

Despite his confounding ‘why am I to judge’ remark, Pope Francis, a conservative at heart, has a well documented 100% track-record of opposing anything to do with LGBT inclusion. He even refused to allow the French to send a gay Ambassador to the Vatican.

IF the Synod bishops had opened the doors to gays the pope would have NIXED IT!

He is being very disingenuous even by his standards!

The pope does NOT need synodical approval to do whatever he wants. He issued his edicts on the new Catholic marriage annulment standards without any consultations with a synod, cardinals or bishops. That is the beauty of being a pope as opposed to a President or Prime Minister. Absolute, unfettered, dictatorial, autocratic powers. Plus he can’t be voted out of office, impeached or does he have term-limits.

Pope Francis can just thumb his nose at this synod on families.

But he will NOT. Despite his posturing this is what he too wanted.

He can prove me wrong. He can go against the bishops. Other popes have.

Old Pictures Of Ceylon — Archived For The Edification Of All.

.Anura Guruge December 2014 thumbnail . .
by Anura Guruge

Related Posts:
**** Check CATEGORY ‘Sri Lanka’ for MANY other posts >>>>

++++ Search ‘Ceylon’ for other posts too, as well as ‘Buddhi’ and ‘Cricket’ >>>>

Over the years I would receive great pictures of Ceylon, from the old days, from various people.

It kind of went unsaid that some of them wanted me to share these pictures with the World given that they knew that I had Web presence.

And I actually did that. For the longest time I had an ‘Images from Ceylon’ page on my ‘‘ Website. When I redid the Website, in Weebly, I never got around to adding that page back on.

Well this morning, spurred by a post I saw , my my old ex-school mate , I decided to rectify this omission.

So I created a permanent (fixed) ‘Ceylon’ page here. See above.


Go check it out.

The OLD Ceylon pictures are not mine.
But their copyright would have long expired.
Don’t come to me claiming copyright unless
you can prove that you legally renewed it — in the U.S.

I know my copyright laws. SMILE.

What the page looks like.

ceylonpage5 ceylonpage4 ceylonpage3 ceylonpage2 ceylonpage1

Laconia, N.H., Pumpkin Festival, 2015 — The Pictures & Report.

Anura Guruge December 2014 thumbnail

by Anura Guruge

Related posts:
Laconia 2015: Map …
>> Laconia 2015!
>> Laconia — 
Déjà vu?

Keene 2014: the riots!
>> Keene 2014 schedule.
>> Keene 2014 preview.
>> Keene Pumpkin Festival 2013.

++++ Search on ‘Keene’ or ‘pumpkin’ using sidebar search (at top) for ALL the posts from 2012 festival >>>>

Click pictures to ENLARGE.

Attribution WILL be strictly enforced.

All taken with my Panasonic Lumix FZ1000.
Original 5472 x 3648, ~7Mb,
JPEGs reduced to 1024 x 683, 280Kb, for display here.
So v. low resolution. Sorry.

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** 

Keene’s loss was Laconia’s GAIN. And I am delighted. During the 10 years I lived in Gilford I had much dealings in Laconia and I like Laconia. Laconia has never been bad to me. So I am happy that Laconia has another attraction to add to the “Multicultural Day“.

Of course we went. We got there just before 5pm, found a free ‘handicap parking‘ (given that Deanna does have a permanent pass), and was ‘downtown’ by 5:10pm. That was the timing I was aiming for. Wanted to be there as it was getting dark.

Respectable number of people. Yes, it was busy. More people than for “Multicultural Day“, but less than what you would see at the Weirs for “Bikes”.

Well organized. Bravo Laconia. Lots of stalls and Deanna managed to spend a fair amount of time milling around.

It was COLD. Low 40s. Though we were dressed for it, it was still biting. And that was a detraction and distraction. The only time we had been to Keene for their festival, in 2013, it had been much warmer, even at 8pm at night.

There was only one thing missing. Pumpkins. Of course there were pumpkins BUT not that many. In 2013 in Keene, just one ‘block’, had more pumpkins than all of Laconia and there were a lot of blocks in Keene. So I doubt this even came close to a record.

C’est la vie. First year. Lets see how it goes. We were glad we went. I took 142 pictures with my Lumix FZ1000. Deanna and Devanee were also snapping away with their cameras. We went to dinner after that in Belmont. The ‘Hong Kong Buffet’. I was thinking. Two years ago in Keene we had one ‘point-and-shoot’ Panasonic between all of us. How things have changed. I even carried a Monopod with feet!

The 142 pictures I took with my Panasonic Lumix FZ1000.


The Pumpkins.

Local Color In Laconia.

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