Tag Archive | Dalai Lama

Has The Dalai Lama Started Using Ordinal ‘XIV’ And Affecting A Style Of That Of A Pope?

by Anura Guruge

Click to ENLARGE. Seen on Facebook today.

He is, per that school of Buddhism, indeed the 14th Dalai Lama — and really the ONLY one most of us have ever known since he has held this title since 1940!

This is the very first time I have seen an ordinal — in this case XIV (for ’14’) — used next to the Dalai Lama title. With the use of the Roman numerals it looked exactly the same as that used by popes.

Not sure whether this is official or whether it was a creation of western ‘graphic artist’ trying to be clever.

There is nothing wrong with it. I am just curious about the timing. Why now.

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by Anura Guruge


The Dalai Lama Should Go On A Hunger Strike To End Refugee Crisis In Myanmar (Née Burma).

by Anura Guruge

Click to access BBC coverage from today.

Click to access “Huff Post” coverage from yesterday.

Click to access CNN coverage from yesterday.

‘We’ all know that this crisis was architected and engineered by Burma’s hardline Buddhists. This has been coming to a head for years.

I have been warning you about this for years. Just two examples (and click image to access the post on this blog):

** ** ** ** **

Well it is time for the Dalai Lama to ACT. Words, especially from him, are cheap and mundane.

Mahatma Gandhi would have gone on a hunger strikes, without hesitation, demanding a STOP to the violence. And it would work.

It is about time the Dalai Lama stopped raking in his celebrity money and did something constructive to shape/help Buddhism — given that he has the Western World hoodwinked that he represents Buddhists. So, come on Dalai Lama. Be a MAN.

[Yes, there is a very good reason he would NOT dare go on a hunger strike for this cause or any other. He is NO Mahatma Gandhi. ‘They’ would just let him die!]

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by Anura Guruge

Who Will Represent The Buddhist At Pope Francis’ September 20, 2016 Inter-Faith Summit In Assisi?

by Anura Guruge

Click here to read ‘Crux‘ original.


Pope John Paul II started the tradition, at Assisi, which went onto become the “World Day of Prayer for Peace“, in October 27, 1986 — 30 years ago. As you can see from the above picture the Dalai Lama was there with what looks like a Buddhist monk (or nun) from Thailand — among the 160 religious leaders who attended.

Pope Benedict XVI was not keen on the idea of joint prayer with non-Christians, at Assisi or anywhere else. So the Assisi gatherings under Benedict were more low-key.

Appears that Francis wants to follow in the footsteps of JP II, at least when it comes to Assisi and inter-faith. Plus it is the 30th anniversary.

The Dalai Lama most likely will finagle his way there. But who else will be there to represent the OTHER Buddhists? Anybody from Sri Lanka?

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by Anura Guruge

Are The “Bank Of America” ‘Says The Llama’ Cleverly Parodying The ‘Dalai Lama’?

by Anura Guruge


Click to ENLARGE. Search the Web for more or swing by a “Bank of America” branch.

The basis of these ads, for the “Bank of America” mobile APP, is the notion of a Llama as a sage provider of wisdom.

When I saw a 5.5′ stand-up display ad at a “BofA” branch yesterday, which ended with a ‘punchline’ along the lines of “Says the Llama”, I was immediately struck that you could easily take that to be ‘Says the (Dalai) Lama‘.

Clever and cute.

I have no problems with it. I do not consider the Dalai Lama has infallible or even the nominal head of all the Buddhists around the World. Of late he has been saying some very strange things.

Just wondered whether YOU saw the Llama/Lama connection?


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by Anura Guruge

“Great British Bake Off” (Show) On PBS During July 6 Appears To Be Season 6 (2015) RERUN.

by Anura Guruge


Click image to access PBS/NHPR original … i.e., the schedule.

Refer to this post, June 30, 2016, and this, from June 27, 2016, for details and background.

I skimmed through the first episode that was shown at 9pm (Eastern) on Friday, July 1, 2016. It was DEFINITELY the 2015 Season/Series 6 with Nadiya, Ian (as in Dalai Lama), Prison Governor Paul Jagger and anaesthetist ‘heart-throb’ Tamal Ray etc. 

This is the Season/Series 6 Bakers
(if YOU have already forgotten).


Click to ENLARGE.

>> >>  See ‘Season 7’ News Roundup I  << <<

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by Anura Guruge

Pray Tell Me, Who Does The Dalai Lama Pray To?

by Anura Guruge


From “USA Today”. Click image to access original.

The notion of in general confuses me, and seeing so called ‘Buddhists‘ pray really confounds me.

Very simple, from my understanding of prayer, you pray to a ‘higher being‘ that can in someway intercede in matters down here on Earth. OK?

Who is that ‘higher being’ when it comes to Buddhism? That is my issue.

Please do not tell me that it must, of course, be the Buddha. But, it cannot be, by definition. The Buddha is no longer around. He is gone. He reached ‘Nirvana‘. The state of NOT being here, there or anywhere else. So the Buddha is not like God. The Buddha was adamant that he will cease to be. So you can’t pray to Buddha — at least in a meaningful way. He can’t intercede. He is not there. Bit like an imaginary friend.

Yes, Buddhists do pray — but to gods (small ‘g’) from other religions. My adoptive mother, who believed that she was a model Buddhist, was renowned for her prayers, which people, around the world, claimed worked. [I have one rebuttal. If her prayers were that good how do you explain ME?] But she prayed to everybody and anybody. Though claiming to be 100% Buddhist she prayed to the Christian God, Hindu gods and whoever she could rustle up. She had more Holy Water from different parts of the world, Lourdes her favorite, at her apartment in Paris that soda. It would always be ‘would you like some Holy Water? Got some special from Lourdes, last week’. But that was my adoptive mother (who birthday it was today). Not the Dalai Lama.

He is said to be a Buddhist leader. So who does he pray to — because that is the religion you should check out. SMILE.

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by Anura Guruge

China Is Correct, Dalai Lama Is ‘Disrespecting’ Buddhism & He Only Represents 4% Buddhists Worldwide.

by Anura Guruge


Click to access Reuters article from March 28, 2016.


From the Dalai Lama’s official Website. Click to ENLARGE and read here. Use link below to access original.

Click to access the original at the Dalai Lama’s official Website.

I addressed this Dalai Lama reincarnation issue over a year ago. Whether he is talking obliquely about him reaching NIRVANA or whether he is just playing politics (as he is WONT to do) the Dalai Lama really has no say as to whether reincarnation, per Buddhism, happens or does NOT happen. His statement about it possibly being ‘voluntary’ is sheer, utter bunkum! I have talked about reincarnation in this blog — before. It is a subject I do know quite a lot about and have devoted a lot of mental energy thinking about.

Let’s PLEASE get one thing straight about this Dalai Lama. He is NOT the equivalent of the Pope. He is not even the equivalent of the Archbishop of Canterbury. He is, at best, equivalent to the Patriarch of Alexandria. There are about 490 Million Buddhists worldwide (and I am not one of them). The Dalai Lama ONLY represents the at most 20 Million ‘Tibetan’ Buddhists and at least 40% of these are WESTERN cafeteria Buddhist who believe Buddhism is all about meditation, yoga and avoiding beef. So, the Dalai Lama has no authority (unlike say the Pope) to talk about Buddhist dogma or doctrine. This Dalai Lama is really nothing but a Western celebrity — the Ben Carson of Buddhism.

Though not a Buddhist now, I find it wrong when the Dalai Lama tries to, using his media creds, to mess with very fundamental Buddhist precepts. To me it is like Donald trump saying that there was no Virgin Birth (and that he would know). China is right. The Dalai Lama should stop talking about reincarnation and just do what he is best at doing — making money for himself.

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by Anura Guruge

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