Archive | March 30, 2019

National Remembrance Service For Christchurch [NZ] Mosque Massacre Victims — Very Dignified, Quite Stirring.

by Anura Guruge

All YouTube videos.

Click on ‘PLAY‘ button.

Another impressive, touching & humbling show by New Zealand. Kudos. Bravo. You have shown the world how it can be a better place.

Though I have no connections whatsoever with New Zealand, other than being a fellow (and very PROUD) British Commonwealth Citizen, I am so awe of New Zealand and their young PM Jacinda Ardern. I hope she gets the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize.

Shame the massacre happened. It should not have. But, some good as come out of it, though that is little consolation to those that lost family, friends and neighbors.

Related Posts:
Search Christchurch‘.

by Anura Guruge


That Jeff Bezos Is Relying On Psychics To Tell Him Of The Future, Does NOT Bode Well For Amazon’s Future.

by Anura Guruge

Click to ENLARGE and read here.

BET the psychics didn’t tell him his phone was BUGGED!

Click to access the CNBC original.

Click to access post.

This is getting worrying. Jeff Bezos, the once MIGHTY VISIONARY now paying psychics!

This whole affair thing and the Dick Pictures had me concerned. Now I am real worried.

I have fairly decent financial stake in Amazon. Jeff Bezos has done me proud. But, I don’t want him blowing my gains.

He has to know better than to be consulting psychics.

This is not good. I assume that the Amazon Board and other executives are beginning to feel on edge.

Has all the pressure over the last 30-years been too much? Finally catching up on Jeff.

Well, at least I warned you.

Related Posts:
Search ‘Bezos’.

by Anura Guruge

Taking Selfies My Way — Day #23 Post-Knee Surgery — March 30, 2019.

by Anura Guruge

Click picture to ENLARGE.

I actually took these pictures to show-off the close and comfortable shave I managed to get with the new Gillette SkinGuard razor. Then, I realized that these were also ‘selfies my way‘.

So, here is what is kooky. This is the mirror in MY bathroom. I have never taken a ‘selfies my way‘ using that mirror — and it is the mirror I spend most time in front of! That is typical I. Well, now I have rectified it.

Yes, I am topless. Bottomless too. I am not exactly shy.

Well 3-weeks post surgery and I am still around. Sorry.

45th post in this “Taking Selfies My Way” series.

Search ‘Selfies‘ using blog’s search function.

Related posts:
Search ‘Selfies’.

by Anura Guruge

by Anura Guruge

NO post-processing whatsoever.

Taken with my Google Pixel 2 Phone.

Click pictures to ENLARGE.

Attribution WILL be enforced.

sad fire in Alton Anura Guruge

The also rans:

Related posts:
Category ‘Six Images’.

by Anura Guruge


‘Fitbit Inspire HR’ vs ‘Garmin Vivosport’ Step Count. Prepare To Be Amazed.

by Anura Guruge

Click to ENLARGE.

Spot the difference.

Worn all day, side-by-side. 24-hours. Midnight Friday to Midnight Saturday.

She started wearing them, together, on Thursday,
so we can get a 24-hour reading on Friday.

I have tested it against other watches too.

You can draw your own conclusions. I had a hunch. I needed proof. I started logging steps on an Excel spreadsheet. But, right now, 3-weeks after major knee surgery, I am on crutches. Step counts don’t work too good with crutches.

My wife wears a Garmin Vivosport. So, I convinced her to help me test. She started wearing the Inspire HR on Thursday so that we could get a full day count on Friday. Well, you see the numbers. You make up your own mind.

Both bands needed charging. So, we are not going to test them today, i.e., Saturday. We will try again tomorrow.

My wife was speechless. She has heard me ranting and raving about fake steps. She just thought that it was just I … Now, she saw proof and was AMAZED.

Related posts:
Search ‘Garmin’ & ‘Fitbit’

by Anura Guruge

Gillette SkinGuard Works — And Works Brilliantly! Thank YOU, Gillette.

by Anura Guruge

Click to ENLARGE and venerate.

Clean Shaven, With NO Discomfort, with Gillette SkinGurad.

Yes, Yes, Yes. I am SO HAPPY.

Click to ENLARGE and examine.

Anura Guruge clean shaven and topless

Click to access this informative post.

Shaving has been the absolute bane of my adult life. I suffer so when I shave. It is torture. I dread it.

Over the decades I have gone to extreme lengths to make it bearable. Cost never a consideration. I have tried them all: razors, blades, electric. And I have suffered mightily.

In December 2018 I bought one of these because it was supposed to be gentle on sensitive skin. To be fair, it was better than MOST. But, after just 4-months I could tell the blades were getting dull! That is the bloody irony. The skin on my face is ultra sensitive and soft. Much softer than that of a baby’s bottom and as a father of 4 who changed MORE diapers than any, I would know. Part of it is that I do pamper my face and have done since I was a teenager. I put more oil and cream on my face than any female! The rest of the skin on my body, especially on the palms of my hands, makes rhinoceros hide feel soft. And then there is my stubble. Like metal shards! Hence why the blades of electric shavers have little chance — and life.

Click for Amazon product listing.

The Gillette SkinGuard commercials on TV spoke to I. They described my exact dilema.

This was I. I had to try it. I owed to myself.

Last Thursday, while at Walmart I got one and now realize that bloody Walmart overcharged me. C’est la vie.

This morning I tried it with much trepidation. I wasn’t going to take any chances. I used both ‘Shave Secret’ and ‘Cremo Shaving Cream’ as a base.

Then I shaved. Hallelujah. It was good. I am sold.

Wow. I hope this solves my shaving woes. I sure hope so.

Thank YOU, Gillette. I will never bad-mouth you again (I hope).

Related posts:
Search ‘shave’.

by Anura Guruge

Claim That 25% Of 18 – 30 Year Old American Men Got NO SEX In 2018 — Is Mind Blowing.

by Anura Guruge

This very well could be a tad-too-early April Fool’s joke.

IF not, all I can say is: Wow, WOw, WOW!

25% of young adult American males not getting sex? How could this be? It has to be morally reprehensible. I am SHOCKED. A year or MORE. I have to smile.

What is the world coming to.

This is NOT good. The survival of the species depends on us having frequent sex.

This has to be a prank.

There was the 1970s British hit movie “No Sex Please, We’re British. So, what now, a new movie called “No Sex Please, We’re American“?

Related Posts:
Search ‘sex’.

by Anura Guruge

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