Archive | August 16, 2018

by Anura Guruge

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Taken with my Google Pixel 2 Phone.

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Concord New Hampshire State House Eagle clock Anura Guruge Google Pixel 2

The also rans:

Related posts:
Category ‘Six Images’.

by Anura Guruge


The Haunting History Of ‘Canyon de Chelly’ — The ‘Antelope’ At The ‘Antelope House’ Ruin.

by Anura Guruge

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The ruins to the right of the antelope frieze.

More of the historic aspect of Canyon de Chelly as opposed to its majestic grandeur.

I have already talked about the ‘Antelope House‘ ruins. This is the artwork from which it gets its name. In the North Rim.

Related posts:
Search ‘Chelly’.

by Anura Guruge

“Hotel Transylvania 3” Movie (2018) — Stupid Enough To Be Vaguely Entertaining.

by Anura Guruge

Click image to access listing for this movie.

Click to access my comments on ‘2’ from 2015.

We saw it at ‘Cinemagic‘ in Portsmouth, NH — our preferred movie theater (of late). They were having some kind of ‘special’ and all tickets were $8. I wasn’t aware of this price until I got the tickets, BUT I was sure glad we hadn’t paid more because $8/ticket was just the right price.

Teischan (12) & I have seen all three ‘Hotel Transylvania‘ movies — at the theater. She WAS a big fan and did want to see ‘3’. But, she doesn’t think they should, or would, make a ‘4’. She thinks they are done.

That about sums it up.

It was OK. It is so, so STUPID that you are kept vaguely amused. The music was good. Some downright funny bits, but it is getting tired and forced.

The theater yet again, as it as been the last few times we have been, was near empty. SIX people in TOTAL, with us. That is scary. Yes, it was a midweek matinee, but it is Summer and this is a kid’s movie. There was a girl, of about 8, seated by herself, behind us — on the very back row. I asked her if she liked it. She loved it. So, that was good. Teischan & I are both getting too old.

Some of the music was good. Without spoiling it for you, I can tell you that this macarena scene is one of the better bits:

If you have young kids you might have no choice but to take them. But, try not to pay more than $8/ticket.

So, at best, a very qualified recommendation.

Related Posts:
Category ‘arts’.
Search ‘movie’.

by Anura Guruge

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