Archive | August 15, 2018

I Got A Letter From ‘Buckingham Palace’.

by Anura Guruge

Click to ENLARGE.

This was in response to the letter I sent to the Queen on May 24, 2018. I always knew, without an inkling of doubt, that I would get a reply — even if it took a few months.

It came today in the mail. As soon as I saw the envelope I knew what it was.

I am NOT going to divulge what was in the letter. That would be ‘bad form’ from a British gentleman. I am happy.

I love the envelope. For those of you not familiar the “E II R” with the little crown on top is the Queen’s crest. The ‘E R‘ stands, in Latin, for ‘Elizabeth Regina‘ (Queen Elizabeth) and the II is because she is ‘Queen Elizabeth II‘.

Postmarked ‘Buckingham Palace‘.

Love the now hardly ever used BLUE ‘Par Avion’ sticker. We don’t use it because mail no longer goes by sea across the Atlantic.

Made my day.

Related posts:
Search ‘British’.

by Anura Guruge


by Anura Guruge

NO post-processing whatsoever.

Taken with my Google Pixel 2 Phone.

Click pictures to ENLARGE.

Attribution WILL be enforced.

Kittery waterside Maine Anura Guruge Google Pixel 2

The also rans:

Related posts:
Category ‘Six Images’.

by Anura Guruge

Pennsylvania Catholic Sex Abuse Crisis — IF You Want The Full Grand Jury Report.

by Anura Guruge

Click image to directly download the 30MB (scanned for viruses) PDF file … ready to read.

If you want to get it from, PLUS watch the video at,
the Pennsylvania Attorney General’s office:

Click image to access.

This is beyond shocking — despite us all having had nearly 20-years to get inured to this pedohilia by Catholic clerics. This is sickening. This is the ONE ASPECT of the Vatican and the current popes that I find incredibly unpleasant and makes me very mad.

Just can’t understand HOW people let the churches, The Church, prelates, the Vatican and the Pope get away with it.

Irony of ironies: two of the popes implicated are NOW SAINTS! Can you really be a Saint if you condoned child sex abuse? Doesn’t that make a joke of what a Saint is supposed to be? Where were the Saints when it came to protecting these innocent, little children?

Related posts:
Search ‘pope or ‘cardinal’.
Check Category ‘religion’.

by Anura Guruge

The Haunting History Of ‘Canyon de Chelly’ — The ‘First Ruins’, Close To Entrance.

by Anura Guruge

Click pictures to ENLARGE.

Attribution WILL be enforced.

Continuing the series on Canyon de Chelly but now on the historic side as opposed to its undeniable grandeur.

The name tells it all when it comes to these ruins and they are, as such, the second best known of the ruins, after the easily accessible ‘White House’ ruin. These ruins are prior to the ‘junction‘ when the Canyon splits into ‘North‘ and ‘South‘. It is about 45-minutes on horseback and about 10 by jeep.

Related posts:
Search ‘Chelly’.

by Anura Guruge

Key European Prelates Yet To Be Created Cardinals — By Louis Epstein.

by Anura Guruge

Louis Epstein (often mentioned in this blog) maintains a detailed and unparalleled Cardinalabili list — and has done so for decades.

‘Cardinalabili’, a play on ‘papabili‘ (i.e., pope contenders), is a term we use to refer to potential cardinals, i.e., those due or likely a cardinalate.

There was a time, when I was writing all my pope books, that I used to publish Cardinalabili lists — primarily Louis’ — on a regular basis.

I haven’t done so in years, and predicting Cardinalabili with Pope Francis is getting near impossible because he relishes not playing by the prior rules and traditions.

But, today I asked Louis for a list of JUST European prelates that should have been cardinals by now.

This is the list that Louis Epstein provided and I omitted a ‘couple’ that he marked as still being quite young and as such probably a tad premature for a red hat.

Braulio Rodriguez Plaza (b. 1/1945) — Archbishop of Toledo (Spain).

Cesare Nosiglia (b. 10/1944) — Archbishop of Turin (Italy).

Francesco Moraglia (b. 5/1953) — Patriarch of Venice (Italy).

Matteo Maria Zuppi (b. 10/1955) — Archbishop of Bologna (Italy).

Marek Jedraszewski (b. 2/1949) — Archbishop of Krakow (Poland).

Mario Enrico Delpini (b. 1951) — Archbishop of Milan (Italy).

Michel Aupetit (b. 3/1951) — Archbishop of Paris (France).

Related posts:
Search ‘pope or ‘cardinal’.
Category ‘religion’.

by Anura Guruge

Two (Famous) Navajo Sisters Sing A Hybrid, Navajo/English ‘Facebook’ Song.

by Anura Guruge

Yes, the same sisters in the ‘National Geographic’ ‘Canyon Song
video I posted yesterday.

Click this image to access my post with the videoes (yes, plural).

Yes, the same two sisters that sang
the Navajo Morning prayer for us.

I this post, I explained in detail, how we met his father, a renowned Navajo guide and how we brought the two sisters for dinner with us. He asked them to regale us, after dinner, and they did so without demur. They are very self-poised and assured. My ‘Canyon Song‘ post includes the ‘National Geographic’ write-up of the family, including their names. The dad’s name is Daniel Draper and he is well known in Canyon de Chelly circles.

I am told that this ‘Facebook’ song is fairly well known among ‘kids’. What is unique is the hybrid version that THEY CREATED — Navajo and English.

It gets better. She had sung it at a talent competition at her school and one of her teacher’s had recorded it and put it on . That video is longer and of better quality. I ‘post’ it below.

Related posts:
Search ‘Chelly’ & ‘Navajo’.

by Anura Guruge

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