Appears That Some Buddhists In Sri Lanka Are Eager To Emulate What Happened In Myanmar (Née Burma).
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From “Green Left“ — Click for original.
I have been warning you about this for years. One examples (and click image to access the post on this blog):
I really HOPE I am dead wrong on this!
I am just going by what little I have seen on over the last 72-hours (and all of it has been in Sinhalese) and my general knowledge of where so many Sri Lankan Buddhists stand on this.
This would be a grave humanitarian crisis and another blot in Sri Lanka’s copybook.
What would really make a refugee crisis dire is that Sri Lanka — unlike Myanmar — is an Island. The only way to flee the country is across water. Thinks small boats …
Not good.
The intolerance by the Buddhists makes me sad. Growing up in Ceylon (the prior name of Sri Lanka) we prided ourselves of being a extremely tolerant multireligious, multiethnic society. Not so any more.
So, I am hoping that my fears will be unfounded.
So, I have given some of YOU a heads up. Of course I will keep you posted.
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