Archive | August 26, 2017

Finally End-Gaming My Once Highly Popular “Popes and Papacy” Website/Blog.

by Anura Guruge

Click image to access the “Popes and Papacy” Website while it is still up.

Click to ENLARGE and marvel. These the stats for February 10, 2013 to March 30, 2013 — viz. Pope Benedict XVI’s resignation and Pope Francis’ election. 168,000 hits during those 6-weeks. 14,702 hits on the day of the resignation. Those were the glory days.

This during 2012 — 2013 was my PRIMARY blog — as opposed to this one. I put in a TON of work into it, working on it 4 – 6 hours a day. It had nearly 1,500 posts — and over 760,000 hits.

But it was really my “Next Pope (after Benedict XVI)” blog — to go with my “” book.

Once Francis was elected — and I did correctly identify him as a potential next pope — I kind of lost enthusiasm. My job was done. I wanted to move onto other greener pastures, e.g., orgasms, meditation and chronic pain. Plus, this blog was ‘taking off‘ — with around the same number of hits per day.

So, as I have done with so many other blogs I basically abandoned it. So for the last 4 years it has been ticking along because of the wealth of posts that were already in there.

But, keeping it going is becoming an issue — and cost is NOT one of them, though bloody GoDaddy charges me two arms and two legs for it. A lot has to do with security and I just am not willing to expend the efforts needed to button down all the hatches that I am supposed to.

So I am in the process of closing it down.

Hence the flood of ‘papal’ posts you have seen in the last week. {Smile}

I am transitioning over all the valuable, in many instances unique posts. I have also already deleted nearly 200 posts. Hopefully I will be done by October 2017.

So, now you know what all the new papal posts are about.


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by Anura Guruge


Today’s Fall 2017 Foliage In New Hampshire — Saturday, August 26.

by Anura Guruge

NO post-processing whatsoever.

Click pictures to ENLARGE.

Attribution WILL be enforced.

These were all taken in our yard. I did not venture far with my camera today — too busy with my latest book and putting up new railings on the deck. These were all taken with 10 yards of each other.

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>> Search on “foliage” for many more posts from prior years >>>>


by Anura Guruge

The Picture Of The Day (Sony a7 II) + 6 Also-Rans: August 26, 2017.

by Anura Guruge

NO post-processing whatsoever.

Check here for resolution details.

Click pictures to ENLARGE.

Attribution WILL be enforced.

Backlit rose New Hampshire Anura Guruge Sony a7II

The also rans:

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by Anura Guruge

The Devastating Krakatoa Volcanic Explosion Took Place This Day 134-Years Ago; August 26, 1883.

by Anura Guruge

Click to ENLARGE and read here. Wikipedia:

Click to access Amazon listing for this compelling book.

I read (above) and was totally enthralled.

It is thought to have produced the LOUDEST sound ever known on Earth — in ‘modern’ times. The sound was heard 3,000 miles away.

I have watched at least one documentary, BUT it wasn’t as memorable as the book.

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by Anura Guruge

Could ‘Hurricane Harvey’ Be Broken-Up With High Altitude Explosives?

by Anura Guruge

Click to ENLARGE and read here. “Project STORMFURY” from the 1960s. They didn’t use PROPER explosives. For original from U.S. Government “NOAA” at:

I am pretty sure that a common-or-garden nuclear explosion would do the trick — BUT nuclear has to be OFF THE TABLE.

What we are trying to do is to create another area of low pressure to break up the atmospheric pressure patterns.

I did remember that there had been some work on this way back — and a quick Google on ‘Breaking Up Hurricanes‘ unearthed Project STORMFURY. But, they were NOT using explosives. I am thinking along the lines of the “Mother Of All Bombsexploded over Afghanistan in mid-April 2017. Of course, you would do it while the storm was still over the ocean.

I am surprised we are not doing more research into this.

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++++ Search ‘storms  >>>>

by Anura Guruge

College of Cardinals, Pre- and Post WWII Pope, Pius XII.

by Anura Guruge

Click to ENLARGE and study.

One of this controversial pope’s many foibles was that he appeared not to think that highly of cardinals in general. Though he was pope for nearly 20-years he created but 56 cardinals — in just 2 consistories. Two consistories in 19.6 years! And WW II alone can’t be used as an excuse. Study my Excel spreadsheet above. Intriguing.

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by Anura Guruge

Fascinating Story About How Prior Pope Benedict XVI’s Parents Met In The 1920s.

by Anura Guruge

It is a cute, but true, story from 2006 which needs to be preserved. It is from my favorite daily paper, the U.K. ““, which I used to read everyday when I lived in the UK — and now read online everyday.

Wonder how many people know of this story. Real nice. The pope’s father appears to have waited a long time; 43-years prior to this marriage! Was he previously married?

Click to access UK Daily Mail 2006 story.

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by Anura Guruge

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