Archive | August 20, 2016

by Anura Guruge

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by Anura Guruge


My Camera Saga — In Quest For Semi-Perfection; 10 Cameras In 2 Years.

by Anura Guruge

This should be fairly self-explanatory.

I finally got around to documenting it
primarily for my own edification.

It all makes sense to me.
No real regrets per se. It was all a learning experience.
I got great use from most of the cameras.
I used most of them nearly every day.

This is why I took a 30-year break from cameras!
But it is one of my very few vices and
I have to have some vices to keep me human.

camerasaga1 camerasaga2

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++++ Check Categories ‘Fuji’, ‘Nikon’, ‘Camera Notes’ & ‘Six Images’ >>>>

by Anura Guruge

6 Fuji X-E2s Images Of The Day — August 20, 2016.

by Anura Guruge

NO post-processing whatsoever.

Taken with my soon to be erstwhile
Fuji X-E2s.

Click pictures to ENLARGE.

Attribution WILL be enforced.

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by Anura Guruge

Picture Of The Day — August 20, 2016.

by Anura Guruge

Click pictures to ENLARGE.

Taken with my soon to be erstwhile
Fuji X-E2s.

Attribution WILL be enforced.

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by Anura Guruge

Wanton Waste Of Sugar/Sweetener By Hotels Is A Crime Against Humanity!

by Anura Guruge


I am talking about the plastic enclosed condiment kits provided by hotels as part of their coffee maker service.

My GRIPE is the fact that each packet contains BOTH a sachet of sugar and a sachet of sweetener — and in the case of the more generous ones, two sachets of sugar and two sachets of sweetener.

Though I am sure that there are some that will use BOTH the sugar and the sweetener to add taste to their coffee many will use just ONE — either the sugar or the sweetener. And, moreover, there will be those that don’t use either, but just opt for the creamer.

What kills me is what happens to the sachets that are left UNUSED.

I do NOT believe that room service collects them and recycles them. There will, obviously, be some ‘safety’ and ‘hygiene’ issues with that.

I am fairly sure that the cleaners just toss the unused sachets in the garbage.


Why can’t we have a better scheme.

I, for one, would NOT have a problem if hotels had dispensers like the ones we find at even ‘high-end’ restaurants. IF we will use them in restaurants why should we have an issue using them in a hotel room? IF they, in any way, look tampered or soiled YOU could, of course, call room service for more.

Or we can have SEPARATE sugar and sweetener condiment packages. I will just use the sweetener packages in the room and the sugar ones will remain unopened.

This is an outrage. A crime against humanity.

There are millions around the world that would LOVE this sugar/sweetener we are throwing away (and PLEASE don’t even start the debate about sugar being bad for you since that is not what this is about).

THINK. Thinking is good for you.

Related posts:
++++ Search ‘hotels
& check Category  ‘Rants’ for many other posts >>>>

by Anura Guruge

“” Real Cool Gadgets — I Bought A ‘S-Biner’ Carabiner At Walmart.

by Anura Guruge


Click image to access the “” Website


Click to ENLARGE and marvel here. Use link above to access the site.

I was looking for a carabiner at Walmart yesterday when I serendipitously came across these ‘S-Biner’ variety — and at $2.75 the price was right too. It was beyond perfect for my application — i.e., serving as a secondary anchor point for my camera at times when I am not using it. [As some of you know I don’t like (and hence use) camera neck straps. I prefer a wrist strap with a handgrip. And that is what I use. If I know that there will be times that I do not want the camera on my wrist I carry a light leash with a clip on anchor. Then to keep the camera close to my hip I use a carabiner and clip the wrist strap to that. That also gives me ‘belt-and-braces’. Two separate attachment means. Hence the need for a carabiner (seems it appears I have lost the one I was using recently).

The ‘S-Biner’ looks good in addition to being practical. I like the idea that I can just slip the camera strap in-and-off WITHOUT having to touch the part attached to my pants.

The packaging for the ‘S-Biner’ included a micro, folded-up catalog of the other products by the company. It was very cute. And compelling enough for me to pull up the Website — and, moreover, share it with you.

Check it out. You are bound to find SOMETHING that appeals to you. I haven’t, however, checked their prices.

Related posts:
++++ Search ‘cool
for many, many other posts >>>>

by Anura Guruge

6 Fuji X-E2s Images Of The Day — August 18, 2016.

by Anura Guruge

NO post-processing whatsoever.

I took my Fuji X-E2s given that
I had used the rented Nikon D500
the day before.

Teischan & I were at the Mystic Aquarium
again. We actually went 3 days running!

Click pictures to ENLARGE.

Attribution WILL be enforced.

Related posts:
++++ Check Categories ‘Fuji’ & ‘Six Images’ >>>>

by Anura Guruge

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