Archive | October 23, 2015

Honestly, YOU Did NOT Think That The West Indies Women Would Get A 1st Innings Lead v. Sri Lanka … Right?

womenmen2015dsfsf.Anura Guruge December 2014 thumbnail
by Anura Guruge

losersOther Related posts:
Letter to London Times.
West Indies Women’s Team.
3/ WI wins a Test Match.
4/ WI v. Eng & parallel IPL 2015.
5/ IPL 2015
opening ceremonies.
6/ WI v England 2015 on Willow.  … … …

++++ Check Category ‘Cricket’ for many other related posts >>>>

I KNEW that this bunch of pussies, masquerading as the West Indies, would NOT get 200.

They are so pathetic it is hard to comprehend.

Marilyn Samuels is taking way too much ‘ganja’. He should be deported.

I gather Gary Sobers is in Colombo to see these girls try and play cricket. I feel bad for Gary. He was a man. And these these are a bunch of girls presents him with a problem. He can’t go into the dressing room and kick each of them on their bum. You can’t kick women.

I am so disgusted with this bunch. Yes, some of them batted like I used to — BUT that was why I NEVER played Test cricket. I am so disgusted. Don’t know why I watch.

When they bowled out Sri Lanka for 200 I was thinking that it was such a shame that it wasn’t 202 or even 201 BECAUSE I had visions that Sri Lanka might have still been able to get these (and I am trying very hard not to use a derogatory term to refer to the genitalia of this bunch) to FOLLOW ON!


.Anura Guruge December 2014 thumbnail

by Anura Guruge

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>> Resurrect Grid Computing.
>> IBM, Bob Dylan & Watson.

>> Donate Hursley House …
>> Get rid of unproductive R&D.
>> IBM’s 26% layoff is NOT enough.

Punch-drunk IBM, 40% layoff.
>> “Think” sign — Aug. 28, 2014.

>> Hursley’s John Fairclough …
>> Mainframe 50th.
>> Gene Amdahl & I.

Search on “Hursley”, “IBM” & “mainframes” for other IBM (Hursley) related posts … and also ‘Dylan’ >>>>

While IBM’s results continue to confound and contract, Amazon and Google are riding high.

To hear Amazon described as a TECH GIANT cracks me up (and partly because I am an Amazon shareholder and as such have not been able to stop smiling all day).

Amazon’s market cap is now more than TWICE that of poor IBM.

Amazon is better positioned to truly exploit the AI magic of ‘Watson‘ than IBM.

Think about it. Amazon already uses some sophisticated AI to tell us, daily, as to what we should be buying next. Amazon with Watson will rule the World.

Amazon probably does NOT need IBM’s much vaunted, by increasingly long in the tooth, server technology. But it and Google should divi it up.

Don’t for a SECOND think that this is a strange suggestion and that pigs will fly before this will happen.

Remember, remember Wang and DEC from the 1980s. In 1984, Wang was 2nd to IBM in computer revenues. Today it is GONE. GONE. GONE.

DEC for so long was a GIANT, slightly dwarfed by IBM. Today is a buried, forgotten, somewhere inside HP!

So this is not off the charts.

Just remember who told you about this first — on Friday, October 23, 2015, a day when AMZN shares were up 6% on the DAY. SMILE.

‘6 images for the day’ — October 23, 2015.

Anura Guruge December 2014 thumbnail


by Anura Guruge

Related posts:
++++ Search ‘images’ for other posts >>>>

++++ Check Category ‘Six Images’ >>>>

Taken with my Panasonic Lumix FZ1000. JPEGs, as usual, with no post-processing, whatsoever. Straight out of the camera. I am not a lover of post-processing.

Original 5472 x 3648, ~7Mb,
JPEGs reduced to 1024 x 683, 280Kb, for display here.
So v. low resolution. Sorry.

Click pictures to ENLARGE.

Attribution WILL be enforced.

Enjoy. Thank YOU.

New Hampshire Foliage 2015 — The View From My Desk As I Write.

Anura Guruge December 2014 thumbnail


by Anura Guruge

Related posts:
2015 Foliage — Reflections.
2015 Foliage — Sandwich Fair.
2015 Foliage — Locke Lake.
2015 Foliage — Oct. Lakes.
2015 Foliage — Oct 1
2015 Foliage — Mid-Sept. II

++++ Search ‘foliage’ for other posts from 2013 & 2014 >>>>


Click pictures to ENLARGE.

Attribution WILL be enforced. 

Taken in Alton, on Friday, Oct. 23 2015
~ 11 am.

From my ‘office’ area.

Through glass and a screen. Though I blurred out the screen you can still see the diffraction.

Taken with my Panasonic Lumix FZ1000.

Will Australian Cardinal George Pell Be The Next Pope — After Francis?

.Anura Guruge December 2014 thumbnail
by Anura Guruge

Related Posts:
>> Schism post family synod.
>> Francis and his mortality.
>> Need to start working on ‘Next Pope’ again?

>> Pope Francis’ U.S. Visit — THE book.

++++ Search on ‘pope‘ for many, many other posts >>>>


Cardinal George Pell.

One way or another, just going on what Pope Francis himself has repeatedly said about his ‘2 to 3 year life span’ and the possibility of him retiring (à la Benedict XVI), I have a distinct feeling that we will have a new pope, post Francis, in the next 18 months.

So, it falls upon me, as “Mr. Next Pope“, to start working on this again, though I had hoped for a longer break.

Australian Cardinal George Pell (74 years in age), though controversial in his own right (for his handling of sex abuse in Australia and being outspoken about both Benedict & Francis), is now seen, increasingly, as the ‘Leader of the Opposition’ — though ironically, Francis has also given him significant power (over Vatican budgets and finances) as a ‘trusted’ member of his ‘inner cabinet’.


Cardinal Carlo Caffarra.

My initial druthers had been that AFTER the Francis experiment, which has NOT worked out that well, that the cardinals will become even more introspective, batten down the Vatican hatches and decide to go back to the ‘ways of the old’ — i.e., an European pope, if NOT an Italian pope. Basically avoid another EXOTIC. And Pell, from Oceania (as the Vatican characterizes that part of the Pacific), is definitely an EXOTIC. But he does seems to have a following as exemplified by this recent letter of ‘no-confidence’ to Francis signed by 13 other cardinals.  13 cardinals is 66 votes short of the 2/3 majority that Pell would need to be elected pope. That is a fair chunk of cardinals that have to get behind him. But what is fascinating about the list of 13 is that it includes INFLUENTIAL names from all continents, and some with real clout, e.g., New York’s Dolan, Canada’s Collins, South Africa’s Fox Napier, Europe’s Müller. These folks can definitely rustle up votes from their colleagues.

At 74 Pell is YOUNG. The trend is towards OLDER, i.e., past 75, popes in the hope they don’t rule for decades and decades now that life expectancies are long.

I see that , in their infamous ‘Next Pope’ betting, has my 2013 #1 papabile, Canada’s Marc Ouellet at #2. But Marc is even younger! Philippines’ Tagle is but a wet dream. Not for another 20 years.

Here is a name to think about, 77 year old Italian Carlo Caffarra. His conservative credentials are impeccable. 

Taking Selfies My Way.

‘Sandwich Fair’, Oct. 2015 — sunglass stall.

Anura Guruge December 2014 thumbnail


by Anura Guruge

Related posts:
++++ Search ‘camera’ for other posts >>>>

++++ Check Category ‘Six Images’ >>>>

Click pictures to ENLARGE.

Attribution WILL be enforced.

At ‘Sandwich Fair’, October 2015 (check post) in a mirror, mounted inside a horse harness, at ‘New Beginnings by Clara Sullivan’, by FAR my favorite stall. I must do a post on her work. I took a ton of pictures. The camera is my Panasonic Lumix FZ1000 and this was its first real outing.

October 22, 2015, my (new) refurbished Canon PowerShot G1 X, taken the second day I had it, using my bathroom mirror.

April 2015, at the ‘Grand Canyon’, Arizona, (check post), using the Canon Rebel T3i (which is now Devanee’s camera). I could NOT afford the fancy headgear though I really took a shine to it. It was SO ME.

Enjoy. Thank YOU.

Jim Cramer (Of CNBC) — Please Tell Me That Nobody, Nowhere No Longer Takes Any Notice Of His Stock Picks.

.Anura Guruge December 2014 thumbnail

by Anura Guruge


A Few Related posts:
>> Cramer on losing his pay check.

++++ Search ‘CNBC’ for many other posts  >>>>


A lead story on October 22, 2015 ‘’. Click to access original.

I was surprised, if not outright shocked, to see this story in ‘MarketWatch‘.

No, no, I was not at surprised at ALL, at ALL, that Jim had got it wrong. Come on Jim has been a total joke for nearly a decade.

PLEASE tell me that you do not view him as anything more than an entertainer — a comedian at that. That has been his role at CNBC, ‘Mad Money‘ including, for close onto a decade. Nobody who is seriously into the market pays any blind bit of notice as to what Cramer says — other than maybe to do the exact OPPOSITE of what he recommends.

There was a time, over 10 years ago, when Cramer actually knew what he was talking about. He helped me make some money. I used to watch (or tape) ‘Mad Money’ every day and listen to him whenever I could. He got me into Caterpillar (CAT) c. 2003 and I then extrapolated that into Cummins. Yes, I made some decent money. Then I started to notice that Jim was getting things BADLY wrong with increasing regularity.

His advice, on air, not to buy MasterCard was the final straw for me. I haven’t listened to anything he has said since. And I am extremely THANKFUL. Jim could NOT beat a chimpanzee when it comes to picking stocks now. He has totally lost it. Read the article below.

And he rarely admits to getting it wrong.

So PLEASE treat Jim Cramer for what he is — a serious comedian.


Click to ENLARGE and read here. Use link below to access original.

Here is the link to CBS News original.

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