Archive | October 19, 2015

‘6 images for the day’ — October 19, 2015.

Anura Guruge December 2014 thumbnail


by Anura Guruge

Related posts:
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++++ Check Category Six Images >>>>

I plan to make this ‘6 images for the day’ (6 my lucky number) a regular, if not daily, post. These days I take a LOT of pictures each day — just for the heck of it. Think about it. It wasn’t like when I was young. There is no processing cost per se, though YES, there is an expense associated with the additional electricity that is used to charge the batteries, upload the images and display them. But that is, at most, a few cents a day. Soon I am going to be taking daily pictures with at least two cameras, the Lumix FZ1000 & the Canon PowerShot G1X that I ordered (on the cheap) yesterday. The only way I can learn how to use these increasingly complicated and convoluted ‘computers’ is to use them daily. So I thought I will share some of the images with you. You can tell me what you think. I won’t bite and I will not be offended.

Taken with my Panasonic Lumix FZ1000. JPEGs, as usual, with no post-processing, whatsoever. Straight out of the camera. I am not a lover of post-processing.

Original 5472 x 3648, ~7Mb,
JPEGs reduced to 1024 x 683, 280Kb, for display here.
So v. low resolution. Sorry.

Click pictures to ENLARGE.

Attribution WILL be enforced.

Enjoy. Thank YOU.


Willow TV Cricket/Sling — Yes, There Are Video Playback Issues, Particularly Pakistan v. England Days 3 – 5.

.Anura Guruge December 2014 thumbnail
by Anura Guruge

pakvengtest1Other Related posts:
>> Cricket with Sling TV.
>> Sling TV, DishWorld & Willow Cricket.

++++ Check Category ‘Cricket’ for many other related posts >>>>

willowoakengbannerBasically any of the popular (in-demand) matches, especially Pakistan v. England, that are more than 48 hours old, can have playback issues — typically load errors or choppiness.

Sling now knows about it and were able to reproduce the problem for Days 3, 4 & 5 of the Pak. v. Eng. 1st Test. So that is good. They are looking into it.

In the meantime the easiest workaround. Just watch matches being shown in the last 48 hours. So, today is Monday, and as such anything as of Saturday noon should be good. Where you will run into problems is if you want to watch a popular match being shown on say Wednesday or Tuesday. Got that.

I will keep you posted.

Lake Winnipesaukee, New Hampshire — In Her Fall Splendor.

Anura Guruge December 2014 thumbnail


by Anura Guruge

Related posts:
2015 Foliage — Reflections.
2015 Foliage — Sandwich Fair. … …

>> Lake Winnipesaukee: First swim 2015.
>> Lake Winnipesaukee At Its Best. … …

++++ Search ‘foliage’ for other posts from 2013 & 2014 >>>>
Search Lake Winnipesaukee’ 
for other posts >>>>

Click pictures to ENLARGE.

Attribution WILL be enforced.

Taken with my NEW Panasonic Lumix FZ1000.

‘Bumbles’, Botham & Other Commentators SO Wrong On England’s Prospects of Winning 1st Test Against Pakistan.

.Anura Guruge December 2014 thumbnail
by Anura Guruge

Other Related posts:
Letter to ‘Times’ re. West Indies.
West Indies Women’s Team.
3/ WI wins a Test Match.
4/ WI v. Eng & parallel IPL 2015.
5/ IPL 2015
opening ceremonies.
6/ WI v England 2015 on Willow.  … … …

++++ Check Category ‘Cricket’ for many other related posts >>>>


From ‘’. Click to ENLARGE.

On the 2nd day of the 1st Test, in the UAE, as Pakistan declared at 523-8, and the players were trooping off, Bumbles, with Botham (I think) concurring, said something along the lines of: “Only one team can win this now. The best that England can play for is a draw”.

As a keen observer of the game, that surprised me. It seemed WAY too premature. If the score was 723 I could have had more sympathy.

As we all now know England came within a whisker of WINNING this Test and should have IF they didn’t stop play for bad light with 11 overs remaining. So Bumble and Botham were WAY off mark. To be fair they are usually very good, astute given their vast experience and canny as hell. This was atypical.

I thought Misbah declared too prematurely. So he wanted 23 overs against England that day. That was too much. He should have tried to have batted for another 5 overs and got at least another 20 on the board. Wahab is capable. He can bat. Those 20 runs could have made such a difference.

But the point. You can, NOT these days, ever call a Test match UNTIL, at least the 3rd innings. Remember how Sri Lanka won against India earlier this year?

Good Test match. Enjoyed it. 

Check Out “New England Nomad” Blog — Beautiful Pictures, Great Stories.

Anura Guruge December 2014 thumbnail
by Anura Guruge

Other Related posts:

++++  Search ‘Strawbery’ or ‘Portsmouth’ for possible similar posts >>>>


Click to access the “New England Nomad” blog. You WILL thank me.

Somebody else I met through this blog. He is a frequent, and much appreciated, visitor who often leaves ‘LIKE’ messages. Since I don’t get many of those — because I guess 99% of YOU don’t like my posts — I notice his efforts and am grateful.

Well, you should check out his blog. You will definitely LIKE his work. Enjoy.

Thanks, Nomad.

[Isn’t ‘nomad‘ such a interesting word. Only in English. It is from the Latin, nomás, for pasturing flocks’. But in English it sounds like to be a ‘nomad’ is to be ‘no’+’mad’. Had you ever thought of that?]

IF Amazon Thinks They Only Have 1,000 Fake Reviewers They Are Definitely ‘Under The Influence’ At Work!

Anura Guruge December 2014 thumbnail
by Anura Guruge

Other Related posts:

>> Search ‘Amazon’  for many other related posts >>>>


From ‘’. Click to ENLARGE and read here.

This is a BIG joke on the part of Amazon, just in the same way that most of us, who actually do real business on the site, know that at least 50% of the reviews are a JOKE.

They are out-and-out BOGUS and Amazon has ENCOURAGED that for decades.

There were people in the U.S. writing reviews for the Sony RX10 II, that they claimed that they had bought from Amazon, 8 weeks BEFORE the camera started shipping in the U.S.!

I have review on some of my books from people who I know, just from what the review says, never saw the book let alone bought it.

Amazon, and here I speak as one who has MORE of a monetary stake in Amazon (in terms of the number of shares I own) that in any other ‘thing’ (including our (very modest) house) in the World. Yes, I am a genuine stakeholder. I want Amazon to do well. But on this issue I know that Amazon will always be disingenuous and even duplicitous. They WANT reviews — more stars the better. They EVENTUALLY published my 1-star review against the Sony a77 Mk II, but only after 72 hours when my 4- and 5-star reviews get published in seconds!

I do plan to attend the next shareholder meeting, in Seattle, in person. My main goal is to address the issue of and the widespread misconception that you need a Kindle to read a Kindle eBook. That drives me nuts. Amazon share are going gangbusters. But the share price does not reflect quite a few things that are drastically wrong with this company — their encouragement of bogus reviews high on that list.

Lumix FZ1000: Actual, No Post Processing, Images, October 18, 2015.

Source: Lumix FZ1000: Actual, No Post Processing, Images, October 18, 2015.

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