Give Up Sex To Live Longer? STUPIDEST Thing I Ever Heard.
by Anura Guruge
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Most idiotic thing I have EVER HEARD in my life. What is the point of LIFE without SEX?
I just don’t understand why some folks have it in for sex. Without sex, between MEN & WOMEN, 98% of us would not be here and even the rest required sperm harvested in some form.
I can just about understand when the pope or a Catholic cardinal talks about divorced Catholics foregoing sex so that they can have communion because in the end they do NOT know what they are talking about. Beyond their grasp.
But this IDIOT. I would tell it to his face. Scrawny little whimp. OBVIOUSLY has issues with sex. Yep. Written all over his face. He should go become a priest.
The only reason I spent 4 decades making sure I would never, ever, go to heaven was because I was told there was NO sex in heaven. That would be hell for me and I might as well go straight to hell — BUT I don’t believe in any of that anyway.
Give up sex to live longer. What garbage. More sex and YOU will live longer. . I cite research on that. Orgasms are good for you.
New Roku 4 — Does Not Offer Me ANYTHING!
by Anura Guruge
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I just love my Roku 3. Getting a Roku 3 in February was probably one of the best things that happened to me in 2015, though I am also pretty happy with the two Jaguars that I purchased and the recent Panasonic Lumix FZ1000.
I use the Roku 3 everyday — though we also have Dish.
I had been waiting anxiously for the Roku 4. I even volunteered to be a beta tester — though they, obviously, ignored my request.
Yesterday I was SO EXCITED when I got an e-mail from Roku telling me I should pre-order a Roku 4. At $129.99 I can sure afford one. So price is not an issue.
But, I being who I am, I checked the specs. I was GUTTED. There is NOTHING in the Roku 4 for ME!
I don’t have a 4K TV and I find all this emphasis on 4K, even on cameras, an absolute pain.
I have a perfectly good 1080p TV and I am very happy with the HD picture quality I get on it — even with the Roku 3.
My Roku 3 is hardwired to a 15Mbps Internet service. So all the changes to Wi-Fi does not apply.
OS 7 that will come with the Roku 4 will ALSO be available for the Roku 3. So I don’t need a Roku 4 to get the new software features.
They say the Roku 4 will give me a better picture quality BUT I don’t buy that. My eyes could NOT resolve anything better than what I now get when I watch the likes of ‘Downton Abbey‘, on HD, from Amazon Prime, on my Roku 3.
So I am real upset. I wanted a Roku 4. Yes, for $129.99, I could just go ahead and get one. But that would also mean installing all the channels and RE-REGISTERING them all. That is a lot of hassle — when I am not going to get any ROI.
I will investigate further BECAUSE I really want to say I have a Roku 4. So stay tuned.
Rupert Murdoch Is RIGHT — Obama Is Half White.
. .
by Anura Guruge
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It is not often, in the last 15 years, that I have agreed with Rupert Murdoch, though I have always admired and respected his business acumen and vision.
I worked like a black in 2008 (primary & election) and 2012 to get Obama elected. During all that time, and since then, I have ALWAYS been befuddled as to why we call Barack Hussein Obama black! He is also half-white. That his mother was (all) white has never been contested (as far as I know).
So what makes Barack black? 50-50.
I talk here also has a father of 3 mixed race kids. Other than by those that want to be mean (and there are a lot of them around) the kids are not referred to as ‘brown‘ or ‘black’ — THOUGH I routinely describe myself as the ‘Brown Guy‘.
Over the last 2 weeks we have been spending a lot of quality time with quite a remarkable lady, Kati Preston. She is a Holocaust survivor from Transylvania (now Hungary/Rumania). She and I had this Obama discussion JUST a week ago. Kati’s father was Jewish and was killed during THE War. Her mother was Catholic. So she was 50-50. Half Jewish, half Catholic. But the Nazi’s considered her a Jew. She then equated it to Obama. And we both had a few minutes of being totally and utterly in accord.
Rupert, who is no mug (though he comes across as one), is right. Obama is not a 100% black president — and I am NOT sure whether there are any 100% black people around! I don’t know. But I am sure there has been a lot of blood diluting over the centuries.
Obama is as white as he is black.
Malaysian Airlines MH370: 19 Month Anniversary.
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This is the LATEST? Latest? After 19 months?