Archive | October 1, 2015

New Hampshire, 2015, Fall Foliage, October 1 — The Reds Are Here.

Anura Guruge December 2014 thumbnail


by Anura Guruge

Related posts:
>> 2015 Foliage — Mid-Sept. II
>> 2015 Foliage — Mid-Sept.
>> 2015 Foliage — late August
>> August 24, 2014
Gilford has foliage
>> New Hampshire 2014
>> My picture on VisitNH … 

++++ Search ‘foliage’ for other posts from 2013 & 2014 >>>>


Click pictures to ENLARGE.

Attribution WILL be enforced. 

All these taken on ‘Prospect Mountain Road‘, Alton, NH around 11:45 am, Thursday, October 1, 2015.

All above taken with my NEW Panasonic Lumix FZ1000
— which arrived Tuesday.

It was EXACTLY a week ago, taking foliage picture,
that my Sony a77 mk II went on the FRITZ.

So a LOT has happened to me, as ever, in a WEEK.
Kind of scary.

Few more Fall pictures with the Lumix FZ1000.


Man Eating Leopards — Yes, There Are, Mainly In India, But Sometimes In Sri Lanka.

Anura Guruge December 2014 thumbnail
by Anura Guruge

Other Related posts:
Leopard: head stuck in pot.

++++ Search ‘leopard’, ‘tiger’ & ‘lion’ for many other related posts >>>>

**** Check Category ‘Sri Lanka’ for a boat load of posts >>>>


Click image to access detailed Wikipedia entry — with some sobering pictures.


From a Sri Lankan paper. Click image to access original — from 2011.

My early morning post about the leopard in India — and my claim that it could turn into a maneater got me thinking. As I did say, I kind of knew that leopards are not, naturally, aggressive towards humans.

And that appears to be the case. But, there are also cases of man-eating, which is a shame.

I LIKE all BIG cats but have a soft spot for leopards. Leopards are the ONLY BIG cats found in . That seems incongruous when you realize that the Sri Lankan National Flag FEATURES a lion — rampant. WTF? Has to do with the origin of the majority race — the Sinhalese. (And yes, I am, as far as I know, Sinhalese.) The Sinhalese came to Ceylon (the old name) from what is now Afghanistan/Iran etc. ‘Sinha‘, as with the Sikh ‘Singh’, means LION. So we are a race name after the LION that live in a country that only has leopards. And that is why I always though ‘Tamil Tigers‘ was a really stupid name. We have no tigers — but that is par for the course for Tamils. They get easily confused. C’est la vie.

Just thought I will share this with you while it was on my mind. SMILE.

Randy Kaplan, ‘The King of Signed Baseballs’, Now Has A Website.

Anura Guruge December 2014 thumbnail
by Anura Guruge

Other Related posts:
>> Randy’s baseballs at LBJ Library
>> Randy’s baseballs at Nixon Library

++++ Search ‘Randy’ for other related posts >>>>


Click image to access the wonderful world of Randy’s signed baseballs (and I ALWAYS have to make sure I don’t have any Freudian slips when I type in stuff about circular objects).

India’s Zuckerberg Shoving Prime Minister, Modi — A Canon or Nikon User?

Anura Guruge December 2014 thumbnail
by Anura Guruge

Other Related posts:

++++ Search ‘India’ & ‘Indian’ for many other related posts >>>>

Narendra Modi, India’s Prime Minister, pushing aside Mark Zuckerberg, at headquarters, so that photographers would be able to better capture his grey bearded, ‘Pirate of the Arabian Sea’ visage, deservedly got a lot of media publicity.


Canon 7D — side view.

But this, by no means, is the only time that the media has caught Modi trying to be the most photogenic subject in the frame. Moreover he is reputed to be quite an avid photographer himself — and that is what intrigues me. I have found two pictures of him with a fairly expensive looking DSLR glued to his face. But I can’t make out the make of it. Yes, I Googled. The consensus is that he uses a ‘near Pro-level’ (albeit APS-C sensor size) Canon 7D (Mk I or Mk II) — though, of course, it is possible that a man of his stature probably could have multiple ‘high-end’ cameras. I am curious. It would be a hell of a marketing coup for any camera maker — having Modi, the leader of the World’s largest democracy being a fan and user. So, IF you know, please let us know.

So here are two pictures, from this GREAT ‘Huffington Post’ article, of Modi the photographer.


And another, from the same article — this time Modi, at a resort, taking some pictures, as he should.


Click to ENLARGE and enjoy here. From the ‘Huff Post’ article referenced (and linked) above.

And of ALL the pictures of Modi looking at the camera
ignoring ALL around him,

this, for multiple reasons, is MY favorite.


Click to ENLARGE and have a nice chuckle. From the same article as above. You do KNOW that I am originally from Sri Lanka — though I left in 1967 (aged 13.9999 years).


I know a lot of you come here for GoDaddy e-mail status. So hope this helps.

Very annoying. Happening more and more.

Leopard, In India, With Head Stuck In Pot Is OK — Rescued After 6 Hours.

Anura Guruge December 2014 thumbnail
by Anura Guruge

Other Related posts:

++++ Search ‘leopard’, ‘tiger’ & ‘lion’ for many other related posts >>>>

In case you didn’t see the video.
This is but one version. Google or YouTube for others.

Click to access YouTube video.

IF you, like I, was perturbed that the Indians didn’t do anything — GOOD NEWS.

The leopard was tranquilized, by game wardens, the pot removed and it was permitted to go.

Why the Indians acted like a bunch of 5th grade school girls is another matter. They could have roped it and got that pot off. But at least it all ended well.

But 6 hours?

6 hours … for that poor, petrified leopard. I wouldn’t be surprised if it now turns into a maneater — though leopards rarely if ever do that.


Click to access ABC News coverage.

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