Archive | May 30, 2014

Anura Guruge, June 8, 2013.



by Anura Guruge

Last Google Doodle:
≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ Check CATEGORY ‘Google Doodle’ for other posts —>>> (sidebar)

Click to ENLARGE.

This footnote that was on the Google search page on May 30, 2014,
is no longer there.

It is not in the either — and that makes sense since it is not a Google Doodle.

The YouTube video you get when you click on Google’s “This is for you” link …

Click to access.


New Hampshire LakeFest 2014, On July 3, Looks Like A Blast.



by Anura Guruge

Related posts:
++++ Check Category ‘New Hampshire’ for other related posts  >>>>

Click to access their blog for all the details.

Click to access their blog for all the details.

We do have a brand new kayak that we bought c. 2010 — but it has not seen the light of day in 3 years. It is in the back of the garage. I have been using my Stand-Up Paddle Boards (yes, we have two). I guess I could take the SPB but it might be dangerous — because if I fall (and that is always possible though I don’t fall that often) I will fall on a bunch of kayaks.

Alton Central School (ACS) N.H. — So I Guess Monday, June 2, 2014 Board Meeting etc. Fell By The Wayside.

Anura Guruge, June 8, 2013. .. ..... .

Anura Guruge

Related posts:
>> Principal search update —

>> May 28, 2014.
>> ACS Administration again drops ball
— May 23, 2014.
>> Not a single proficient piano player in ACS
>>May 23, 2014.
>> Alton’s Funniest Videos — Nov. 18, 2013
>> & Nov. 24, 2013.

++++  Search on ‘ACS’  & ‘Lander’ for many other related posts >>>>

Alton Central School (ACS) Superintendent William (‘Bill’) Lander had this to say on his blog from May 23, 2014.

Click to ENLARGE. Use link below to access his blog that the ACS IT person insists on calling 'blander'.

Click to ENLARGE. Use link below to access his blog that the ACS IT person insists on calling ‘blander’.

Link to access the ‘blander’ blog:

So what gives?

B. Lander couldn’t get the dysfunctional Alton Central Board to jump through the hoops like he normally does? Remember how he forced through the hiring of  HIS $3,000 facilitator? If not … here is a link.

I don’t know why but I have a horrible feeling that B. Lander might try to get this facilitator, his friend, Jean Richards, as the new Principal. That should be fun.

So, I wonder when we will find out …

Have a great weekend. As far as I know, B. Lander, does not work Fridays. So nothing will happen on this front today.

Disclosing Pope Francis’ Prayer At Jerusalem’s Wailing (Western) Wall Is Plain Wrong.

Francis-at-the-Western-Wall-May-26-2014Anura Guruge, June 8, 2013.


by Anura Guruge

Related posts:
>> Cardinal Bertone and missing $2M —
>> May 29, 2014.
>> Frontline “Secrets of the Vatican” —
>>Feb. 26, 2014.
>> ‘Legionaries of Christ’ — Feb. 27, 2014.
++++ Search on ‘pope‘  & check Category ‘Religion’  for loads of other pope related posts >>>>
†  Search on ‘prayer’  for other posts >>>>


Click to access the original at ‘The Jerusalem Post’.

To me this is wrong on multiple levels.

1. I am not an expert on prayer but I had thought that prayers were supposed to be private and confidential. Does the “The Western Wall Heritage Foundation” divulge any and all prayers placed in the Wall at will — though I am sure they had to have got approval from the Vatican before they released the pope’s prayer.

2. Though I grew up in a family steeped in prayer I as an adult was totally confounded by the notion of prayer. So I don’t actually get why people, especially supposedly rational adults, pray BUT I fully appreciate that it is their prerogative.

3. Though I, as a committed papal historian, better understand that Jesus was born a Jew and died a Jew (and would be totally confounded if he saw what Saul (sic.) did to his teachings) I think a pope praying at the Wailing (Western) Wall is but politics, posturing and pandering. [Yes, I also think that the Pope inviting Shimon Peres, President of Israel, and Mahmoud Abbas, President of Palestine to the Vatican to pray for peace on June 8 is just political theater.]

4. If praying at the Wailing Wall is so profound and potent why don’t we already have peace in the Middle East?

5. As an historian it bothers me to see folks defacing an ancient, very historic artifact — i.e., the Western Wall. That Wall should be preserved, sans human contact, as we now do with the Parthenon and Stonehenge (and I talk as one that was lucky enough to visit both before they banned public encroachment). Sticking pieces of paper into it always makes me cringe. To me it is sacrilegious to poke holes in this historic monument. (And yes, I had a puppy, Rosseau, that lifted up his leg and peed on each and every one of the stones in Stonehenge c. 1972.)

6. Israel, as I well know (having done tons of consulting for Israeli companies from 1992 — 2000) is big into technology. So why this archaic, primitive and, of course, ultra superstitious means of praying. Sticking pieces of paper into a crumbling wall. Can’t they just provide a bank of iPads in front of the Wall whereby the gullible can just e-mail their prayers to God or maybe just send a Tweet if they can keep it succinct? The paper things seems so outdated and puerile like Buddhist using prayer wheels and prayer flags to cast prayers to the wind.

7. The Pope using the Lord’s Prayer as his prayer was trite and maybe even insulting to his hosts. Lets face it, they don’t exactly subscribe to all that is in the Lord’s Prayer — though they should.

Enough said. Peace.

P.S., Don’t worry. I have at least a dozen folks, including a number of Catholic priests, that pray for me, hoping that I will see the light. Cracks me up how many times I get told, via e-mail, that my name got mentioned during a Mass because folks are praying that I will change my mind about prayer. Bless them.

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