Tag Archive | Northeast

Remarkable & RARE Elephant Rescue At Sea By The Sri Lankan Navy.

by Anura Guruge

Click here for the original from the U.K. Guardian.

Click to ENLARGE and read snippet. Use link above to access the U.K. Guardian original.

Where this took place.

Northeast Sri Lanka north of ‘Trinco‘.

Pretty incredible, very suave and at the same time SO Sri Lankan!

I have told you multiple time, the most recent just 6-days ago, about the special relationship that Sri Lankans have with elephants, whether wild or domesticated.

This elephant, a WILD one from the jungles in that part of the country, was found 10 miles from shore! They think it was swept out, accidentally, by a strong current. Wow. I have never heard of elephants needing to be rescued from the sea. Has got me thinking. This one was, serendipitously, spotted. Does this mean we lose elephants at sea! That is NO joke. That would be such a waste. IF I had any sway in Sri Lanka I would urge the relevant officials to try and determine whether this was a freak or not.

That they spend 12 hours bringing it back close to shore is CLASSIC Sri Lankan. We are into low-tech and trial-and-error. Notice there was no attempt to put some sort of large floatation collar around the elephant. They must have some in Sri Lanka for salvage and rescue purposes. Just using ropes to pull an elephant weighing a few tons seems cruel. But, they saved his life — we think.

Well done. Hats off.

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by Anura Guruge


Happy Pi Day 2017 For All In The Northeast Hunkered Down For The Blizzard Of 2017.

by Anura Guruge

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by Anura Guruge

New Hampshire, Per Latest Gallup-Healthways Polls, Has More Fat People Than MA, ME, VT, CT or NY.

.Anura Guruge December 2014 thumbnail

by Anura Guruge

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++++ Search Category “New Hampshire” for many other related posts >>>>

Click the two images below to ENLARGE and study here.

Only Rhode Island, of the Northeast States, comes in any worse. Not good.
To be beaten by Maine!
Sacrebleu, is there no pride left in N.H.

What is worse is that N.H. obesity is on the increase. Not good.

This is a shame. It is becoming noticeable. When we were in Phoenix Airport, last month, while waiting for our luggage, we were forced to comment on this: ‘you don’t see this many THIN people at home’! Saying that the climate helps is only part of the story. I really would like to see this trend reversed.

Fair Amount Of Snow In The Lakes Region (Alton) From The Martin Luther King Weekend Storm, Saturday Into Sunday.

Anura Guruge, June 8, 2013.P1090407

Anura Guruge

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Slightly more snow than WMUR led us to believe — even with me automatically adding 2″ more to compensate for our higher, 660′, elevation.

Not heavy, but sticky. Hard to shovel. That said I spent 70 minutes shoveling. Entire drive is shoveled. Didn’t bother with the mailbox. No mail tomorrow. I will shovel it out Tuesday morning.

It is very pretty out here. All the trees have a coating of snow a couple inches deep. But, grey, miserable sky. No sun. WMUR is also wrong, so far, about the temperature getting up above 32ºF. At 11:30 am the thermometer in my bathroom with a wireless link to an outside sensor on the deck was reading 28ºF. I want the temp. to rise so the snow on the DirecTV dish will slide off. Yes, I can get out of there and brush it off with my snow shovel, but I would rather not because I haven’t put it together as yet, this year.


Click to ENLARGE.

It was fun to be out shoveling. I can’t imagine not being able to or not wanting to shovel. I find shoveling very soothing and satisfying. Having the two dogs froliking around and Teischan playing in the snow adds to the general feeling of bonhomie.


A Gaggle Of Turkeys (Of The Feathered Variety) On Prospect Mountain Road Last Sunday ‘Evening’.

Anura Guruge, June 8, 2013.

by Anura Guruge

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++++ Search on ‘Prospect Mountain’ & ‘turkey’ for other storm related posts >>>>

We have a lot of turkeys (mainly feathered) around here. That one of the neighbors feeds them lavishly, year round, must, I think, be a factor. Doesn’t bother me. I kind of like having them around, as do the kids and especially Maya. Deanna is not keen on them because of their propensity to defecate willy nilly.

I think there are multiple gaggles and they are growing. This one we saw last Sunday evening was around 40 strong. They had just finished their Sunday dinner and were walking across the road.


Click to ENLARGE.

Martin Luther King Weekend Snow In New Hampshire: It Started Snowing In The Lakes Region (Alton) At 11 a.m.

Anura Guruge, June 8, 2013.P1090407

Anura Guruge

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It wasn’t snowing during my run up Prospect Mountain this morning: 9:40 to 10:30. It was cloudy, but quite nice. Not cold!

I had heard that it would start to snow around 10, albeit the ’10’ more towards the West, i.e., around Manchester.

It started snowing in Alton at 11 a.m. I could see it from the bathroom window while I was doing my ablutions for the day. It was snowing quite hard. It is still snowing though the accumulation is light.

I am going to wait till tomorrow morning to shovel. Wow. I haven’t shoveled in nearly 10 days, I think. It will be nice to do some shoveling.

The snow coming down, quite heavily, around 11:30 am on Saturday, January 18, 2014 in Alton. Click to ENLARGE.

The snow coming down, quite heavily, around 11:30 am on Saturday, January 18, 2014 in Alton. Click to ENLARGE.

The 2014 “New Year’s Storm”, Hercules: New Hampshire Lakes Region, Alton, Got Off Quite Lightly, Maybe 7″ Of True Accumulation.

Anura Guruge, June 8, 2013.P1090407

Anura Guruge

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++++ Search on ‘snow’ & ‘blizzard’ for other storm related posts >>>>

It was snowing since yesterday and it was bitterly cold last night. But, as far as I can tell we didn’t get much, if any, howling winds. It was still snowing lightly when I woke up around 8:30 am this morning. Deanna and Teischan informed me that there was a LOT of snow. That we had expected. I watched CNN and CNBC while having my coffee. Things seemed dire in Boston, but we also knew that this was a southern and coastal storm. I had predicted, given our 660′ elevation, that we would get 14″. I was wrong. We got 7″ from what the tape measure said.

Did YOU know that this storm has a name? I learnt it from the U.K. press! Hercules

Yes, we had 19″ (or more) where the plow had pushed aside snow. Plus there was some drifting by the garage doors.

We, Devanee, Deanna & I, shoveled and pushed snow
for just over an hour.

That is all it took. We cleared a path for the SUV and I shoveled the mailbox out,
with a generous drive-in area for the postman. That is my trademark. Well shoveled mailbox.

So, it wasn’t bad. There was NO WIND. Calm. Nothing was stirring.
So, we are happy. Could have been much worse.

The heartwarming dogs froliking in the snow video from Deanna,
on YouTube,
featuring Braxton (the Beagle) and Maya (the Golden).

Click to access YouTube video.

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