Tag Archive | Maine

Drowning Death At ‘Acadia National Park’, April 11, 2019.

by Anura Guruge

From ‘Mount Desert Islander’, Maine.

Click to ENLARGE. Use link above to access the MDI original.

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google Maps’ — where else?

An area that we are extremely familiar with. ‘Schooner Head overlook‘ is probably our favorite spot in Acadia. Invariably our first stop. So, we can identify.

It would appear that it was accidental, but they are not sure. He seems to have gone to the overlook ahead of Monday’s snowstorm. I can understand. We have watched storms in Acadia.

Shame. And the 2019 Season hasn’t even started.

I at Schooner Head overlook in 2014.

Related posts:
Check ‘Acadia’ page above ↑↑↑↑.
Search ‘Acadia’ & ‘deaths.

by Anura Guruge


James & Lizette Eckert, Alton (NH) Shooting Victims: Vital Data Culled From Excellent ‘Boston Globe’ Article.

by Anura Guruge

Data culled from this “Boston Globe” article.

Long article. So, I am summarizing some of the key data so you can get a snapshot.

But, please read the original if you have the time. It is very good & informative.

Click image to access the original post.


♦ Met at ‘Palmer College of Chiropractic‘ in Iowa.

♦ Got married in 1997. [He would have been 26, she 28. No details of prior relationships, children or where they came from.]

♦ Established ‘Innate chiropractic’ in South Portland in 1998. [There is also, coincidentally or otherwise, an ‘Innate Chiropractic’ in Iowa.]

♦ Owned a ‘big house’ on a lake in Gray, Maine — the lake being ‘Little Sebago Lake’.


♦ One biological child, a daughter (born before 2010, probably around 2004).

♦ Adopted two boys (NOT twins) from a Russian orphanage in 2010 via ‘KidsFirst Adoption’ agency in Indiana.. The youngest, the 11-year old shooter, would have been 2-years old at the time. The older brother was probably 4 or 5.

They violated Russian adoption rules, which require mandatory yearly updates, by ceasing to send such reports after the third year. 


♦ Believed to have had, c. 2010, $100,000 in credit card debts & $250,000 in student loans.

But, had not stopped them from buying a boat, a timeshare and a Mercedes Benz camper.

Legal Woes

♦ 2009 IRS audit on ‘Innate chiropractic’ that resulted in the IRS asking for $100,000+ in payments.

They contested the IRS in court.

♦ August 2011: With battle with IRS ongoing they file for bankruptcy: over $2 million in liabilities, just $600,000 in assets.

♦ March 2012: Stopped paying mortgage.

♦ July 2012: Dismissed bankruptcy proceedings. Not going as they had hoped. They were now liable for all of their ever mounting debt.

Move to Alton

♦ Late 2012: They abscond from their Gray, Maine house (with its unpaid mortgage) at night — taking with them, among other things, the water heater from the house.

♦ Farmhouse, at 76 Dobbins Way, Alton, where the shooting took place, was supposedly built-in 1770. It sits on 19-acres.

It was purchased in October 2012 for $140,000 — supposedly by Lizette Eckert’s father.

♦ Lizette started working for ‘Sanctuary Bodyworks and Sauna‘ in Pittsfield, NH, as a chiropractor.

♦ James ran a chiropractic business, from home, in Alton, called “The Big Idea“. [I can’t find any details about it or whether he was licensed to practice in New Hampshire.]

UPDATE: His NH license supposedly lapsed in 2015. Possibly her’s too. Check this April 11, 2019 post.

Click here to access my last post.

Related Posts:
Category ‘Alton‘.

by Anura Guruge

“Warren’s Lobster House”, Kittery, Maine — Reflections Of The Sign II.

by Anura Guruge

Click pictures to ENLARGE.

 Attribution will be ENFORCED!

It was raining and snowing all day. So, there were big puddles in the parking lot.

I noticed the reflection in a puddle as soon as I walked out of Warren’s. I had to take a picture.

Then I noticed that I can get the actual sign too. So, I did.

In February 2018 I had taken some other pictures of this sign reflected off car windows. So, this would complement that collection. Enjoy.

Related posts:
Search “Warren’s”.

by Anura Guruge

‘Olive Kitteridge’ By Elizabeth Strout — Magical Enough To Win A ‘Pulitzer’.

by Anura Guruge

It is not a novel. Essentially thirteen short-stories with ‘‘ playing some role, major in some, fleeting in others, in each story. Beautifully crafted. The story and characters engage you. Draw you in. You want to know what happens to them.

All the stories are set in a fictional coast town in Downeast Maine. My wife of 16-years is from coastal Maine (albeit slightly further North). Over the last year six years I have been spending a fair amount of time in Maine — mainly in Acadia. So, the landscape and the nuances of the characters were familiar.

I found it interesting and absorbing — though typically I am not a huge fan of short-stories. The portrayal of the Mainers amused I. An overriding theme is their lecherousness and promiscuity — irrespective of age. Hmmm. I won’t comment on that.

Yes, as with the ‘Secret Lives of Bees‘ this book is hugely well known and has a huge following. I am, as ever, late to the party.

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Check Category ‘Books
Search on ‘Michener.

by Anura Guruge

Unsolicited Validation Of ‘Brain Meditation’ By An ER Physician Assistant (Certified).

by Anura Guruge

Click IMAGE to ENLARGE and read here.

From page 61 of my 2016 “Quick Guide to Brain Meditation”. Click on image below for more details on book.

Click to access post.

As you may have read, here & here, I busted my knee, well & truly, last morning, when I fell awkwardly while shoveling snow. There was an almighty crack. Left knee was at a funny angle and there were things pointing out from it. I couldn’t get up. Finally hobbled into the house. Knee was in bad shape. Managed to pull on a knee brace onto it and that made a big difference. I could at least now drag the leg along.

Made it to the ER at ‘Frisbie Memorial Hospital’ in Rochester (NH) by noon — about 90-minutes after I had done the damage. I was in some pain, but I was doing OK. I hadn’t taken any pain medication and declined the first batch that was offered to I.

Once I was horizontal on the ER bed most of the pain, if not all of it, went away. I could just lie there with no pain to talk about. That is par for the course for I. {Sorry!}

They did a X-ray and a contrast CT Scan (which required the insertion of 2 IVs, the 1st apparently not large enough for the contrast dye they wanted to pump into I).

They diagnosed that I had completely ruptured (i.e., seperated) my Quadriceps Tendon.

I needed surgery, to reattach it, within 10-days. (Surgery is scheduled for tomorrow.)

They gave me some acetaminophen (Tylenol) about 2-hours into my stay and a shot of morphine before I left.

But, as I was being discharged the female Physician Assistant (Certified) (PA-C), from Maine, who had taken care of me throughout my 4.25 hour stay came to check up on me.

After going through all the formalities, she said: “So, what is your secret? Mind-over-matter? This is fairly serious injury and you coped with it like it was not too bad“.


I told her about my ‘Brain Meditation’.

If you look at the top picture I had spelled all of that out, as a ‘Reward’, 3-years earlier.

So, here was proof.

Ability to: module pain, coping with lifestyle change and continued serenity.

‘Brain Meditation’, as I spell it out here, has served me well over the first 6-days. I am basically pain-free. Just taking 2 Aleves a day — and that is mainly as a precaution.

The Physician Assistant’s was going to check out my book. As she said, it certainly seemed to be working.

Related posts:
Search on ‘brain’.

by Anura Guruge

One Expensive, And As Such Possible Rare, Buddha Statue For Sale — And That Puzzles Me.

by Anura Guruge

Click to access their Website.

I know these folks and they are very nice people. We visit their magical gallery & garden, in Northeast Harbor, Maine — i.e., ‘Acadia‘ — at least once a year. We have even chatted about Buddha statues.

I am in no way trying to cast aspersions but when I saw this it got me slightly puzzled and concerned.

Shouldn’t this be in a museum? In the scheme of things it is not that old, but, it is old enough and no doubt also rare.

I would hate to see it end up in someone’s house as a decoration or worse still as a garden decoration. Heaven forbid it ending up in some corner of a Chinese restaurant.

My point is very simple. This appears to be a statue that warrants some high level attention and care.

I am going to see if I can get a Buddhist temple to show some interest in it. That is all.

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Search ‘Trump’.

by Anura Guruge

by Anura Guruge

NO post-processing whatsoever.

Taken with my Google Pixel 2 Phone.

Click pictures to ENLARGE.

Attribution WILL be enforced.

Warren's Lobster Kittery Maine Anura Guruge

The also rans:

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Category ‘Six Images’.

by Anura Guruge

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