Tag Archive | Buddhists

Donald Trump In His Diwali Tweet Gets The List Of Celebrants Mangled; 96% Of Buddhists DO NOT Celebrate Diwali!

by Anura Guruge

Trumps tweet.

Thought on his account this was NOT, of course, a Donald Trump tweet. Done by one of his many minions.

They must have looked it up on Wikipedia — because they got the list HORRIBLY wrong!

Diwali, as most people do know, is first and foremost a HINDU celebration. A very special holiday for them.

So, in any list re. Diwali, Hindus need to come first ….

Having the list starting with Buddhists is a JOKE.

Only a very small, Nepal-specific subset of Buddhists celebrate Diwali.

96%, if not 98%, of Buddhists do NOT celebrate Diwali.

This was a REALLY STUPID Tweet — even by Donald Trump standards.

Yes, there was a 2nd Tweet that tried to rectify matters by mentioning the Hindus.

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Search ‘Trump’.

by Anura Guruge


The Saddest (& In A Way Funniest) Thing That I Read Today — Albeit On Facebook.

by Anura Guruge

Click to ENLARGE.

How to gradually reduce sensual desires?

Doesn’t old age do enough on that front?

Yes, I appreciate that this all has to do with the Buddhist fear of having too much fun. And that is why I am NOT a Buddhist.

You can read my response. I do NOT think they were amused BUT, as Buddhist, they are way to polite to delete my comment or be rude to I.

Sad. Sad. Sad.

Some very sad, unhappy people in this world.

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by Anura Guruge

Virgin Mary — The Patron Saint Of #MeToo.

by Anura Guruge

Click to ENLARGE.

Click to access this post from last year where I talk about how God had to have violated Free Will when he put Jesus on Earth.

A friend of mine by sending me a detailed exposition of ‘Determinism’ got me thinking about ‘Free Will’ again.

As I talked about in this post, I firmly believe that God violated ‘Free Will’ when he gave ‘us’ Jesus without ever consulting any of us — NOT even (poor) Mary.

And that got me thinking. Poor Mary. She had NO choice. She was NOT given a chance to say ‘No’!

Wow. How times have changed?

But, we don’t bring this up. It should be.

But, I am an equal opportunity skeptic. I was brought up a DEVOUT Buddhist by my adoptive parents — my adoptive father a big muckety-muck in International Buddhist circles.

As a child I was brought up to think what an amazing person Gautama Buddha was. Then, in my 40s, as a DIVORCED dad of two, I suddenly realized something. Gautama Buddha was a Deadbeat Dad! He abandoned his 1-day old son and snuck away at night with a male servant. They never heard from him for 7-years. Classic Deadbeat Dad. Buddhists get very mad at me when I bring this up. But, it has to be said.

So ….

Why do we cut slack?

And that then brings up …

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by Anura Guruge

Buddha In A Snow Globe — The Supreme Irony.

by Anura Guruge

Click to ENLARGE.

This was today, at our local ‘Marshalls‘ in Rochester, New Hampshire.

It was, of course, nowhere near as offensive as the Incense Dispenser I saw at T.J. Maxx in 2016. [See below] Still amuses me how folks think nothing of disrespecting the Buddha. But, he doesn’t mind since he is not around and I doubt whether too many truly devout Buddhists shop at Marshalls or T.J. Maxx. C’est la vie.

The first thing that crossed my mind was Buddha and snow. After some thought I came to the conclusion that he probably did encounter some snow in his travels — since the physical domain he operated in (discounting the supernatural flying through the air stories) did encroach upon the foothills of the Himalayas. I doubt whether he saw much snow but he probably did see some — maybe just in the distance, on the mountains.

Then I was struck by the supreme irony. Buddha trapped inside a glass globe! Wow. He hated being trapped. He so desperately wanted out — out of everything. So, this is a rather cruel joke — of sorts.

Did I buy it? NO. Just too this picture with my Google Pixel 2.

What do YOU think?

Related posts:
Check category ‘religion‘.
Search ‘Buddha‘.

by Anura Guruge

Has The Dalai Lama Started Using Ordinal ‘XIV’ And Affecting A Style Of That Of A Pope?

by Anura Guruge

Click to ENLARGE. Seen on Facebook today.

He is, per that school of Buddhism, indeed the 14th Dalai Lama — and really the ONLY one most of us have ever known since he has held this title since 1940!

This is the very first time I have seen an ordinal — in this case XIV (for ’14’) — used next to the Dalai Lama title. With the use of the Roman numerals it looked exactly the same as that used by popes.

Not sure whether this is official or whether it was a creation of western ‘graphic artist’ trying to be clever.

There is nothing wrong with it. I am just curious about the timing. Why now.

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Search on ‘Burma’ & ‘Buddhism’.

by Anura Guruge

Appears That Some Buddhists In Sri Lanka Are Eager To Emulate What Happened In Myanmar (Née Burma).

by Anura Guruge

Click to ENLARGE and read here.

From “Green LeftClick for original.

From Facebook.

From Facebook.

I have been warning you about this for years. One examples (and click image to access the post on this blog):

I really HOPE I am dead wrong on this!

I am just going by what little I have seen on over the last 72-hours (and all of it has been in Sinhalese) and my general knowledge of where so many Sri Lankan Buddhists stand on this.

This would be a grave humanitarian crisis and another blot in Sri Lanka’s copybook.

What would really make a refugee crisis dire is that Sri Lanka — unlike Myanmar — is an Island. The only way to flee the country is across water. Thinks small boats …

Not good.

The intolerance by the Buddhists makes me sad. Growing up in Ceylon (the prior name of Sri Lanka) we prided ourselves of being a extremely tolerant multireligious, multiethnic society. Not so any more.

So, I am hoping that my fears will be unfounded.

So, I have given some of YOU a heads up. Of course I will keep you posted.

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++++ Check Category ‘Religion
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by Anura Guruge

The Dalai Lama Should Go On A Hunger Strike To End Refugee Crisis In Myanmar (Née Burma).

by Anura Guruge

Click to access BBC coverage from today.

Click to access “Huff Post” coverage from yesterday.

Click to access CNN coverage from yesterday.

‘We’ all know that this crisis was architected and engineered by Burma’s hardline Buddhists. This has been coming to a head for years.

I have been warning you about this for years. Just two examples (and click image to access the post on this blog):

** ** ** ** **

Well it is time for the Dalai Lama to ACT. Words, especially from him, are cheap and mundane.

Mahatma Gandhi would have gone on a hunger strikes, without hesitation, demanding a STOP to the violence. And it would work.

It is about time the Dalai Lama stopped raking in his celebrity money and did something constructive to shape/help Buddhism — given that he has the Western World hoodwinked that he represents Buddhists. So, come on Dalai Lama. Be a MAN.

[Yes, there is a very good reason he would NOT dare go on a hunger strike for this cause or any other. He is NO Mahatma Gandhi. ‘They’ would just let him die!]

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++++ Check Category ‘Religion
**** Search on ‘Burma’ & ‘Buddhism’.

by Anura Guruge

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