Archive | April 2019

Lake Winnipesaukee [NH] Ice-Out: Earliest Occurrences.

by Anura Guruge

Click to ENLARGE and study. Note, 2012 was a LEAP YEAR and I take that into account.


2012 was a LEAP YEAR and I take that into account.
I count days from January 1, taking into account leap years.
So, March 24 in a non-leap year is the SAME as March 23 in a Leap Year.

So, of course, we have had ice-outs by now; viz. April 5.

And we don’t have to go to far. Just in the last 9-years, with 2016 THE RECORD since the 1887 — the first year for which we have reliable data.

I was in two-days ago. The ice was very white and looked pretty solid.

Yesterday, the ice on The Broads looked black. That means it would typically break-up within 48-hours. I have seen it happen — ONCE. Magical. One second we have ice, the next it is ALL gone as far as the eye can see. This was in 1999 or 2000 when I was living waterfront in Gilford.

Mid-April might be good for this year too.

Related posts:
Search ‘Winni‘ & ‘ice‘.

by Anura Guruge


25th Annual JTG Music Memorial Extravaganza, Giuseppe’s, Meredith, Sunday, May 5, 2019 — Program/Schedule.

by Anura Guruge

Click to ENLARGE.

Initial heads-up. As with last year 2019 JTG will be in May rather than in April, Sunday, May 5, 2019 to be precise.

As always this should be a blast, and I should know. I have been to at least 22 of the 25 JTGs over the years.

I will keep you posted. Stay tuned.

Click image to access post — from last year.

Related posts:
Search on ‘JTG’.

by Anura Guruge

by Anura Guruge

NO post-processing whatsoever.

Taken with my Google Pixel 2 Phone.

Click pictures to ENLARGE.

Attribution WILL be enforced.

up your crutch Anura Guruge

The also rans:

Related posts:
Category ‘Six Images’.

by Anura Guruge


Flowers Of “Harvest Market”, Wolfeboro, New Hampshire — April 3, 2019.

by Anura Guruge

Click pictures to ENLARGE.

Attribution WILL be enforced.

Though it was ‘‘ the temperature was just in the 40s Fahrenheit, the ground was frozen and there were plenty of piles of snow. So, it was a treat to see all these fresh flowers outside — albeit under cover. Of course, I could NOT resist. Enjoy. Hopefully Spring will arrive by mid-May 2019.

Related posts:
Search ‘flowers’.

by Anura Guruge


“Epping Well & Pump”, From Epping [N.H.], Did Us Real Proud This Morning. Thank You.

by Anura Guruge

Click image to access their Website.

I was rudely woken up this morning, at 6:30am (at least 2-hours ahead of when I normally decide to open an eye), with the news that we had an EMERGENCY. NO WATER!

Yikes. NO WATER.

And it wasn’t because we had lost power. That would have been easy. But, we had power, but NO WATER.

I lumberingly got up, pulled on pants and made it to our utility room. Checked the breakers and and switches. Even ‘messed’ with the pressure switch. Nothing. NADA.

Last February I had called “Epping Well & Pump” just so that I had a rapport with them for just this emergency.

Shortly after 7am I called — — and spoke with Mark, the ever-friendly and well-informed Service Manager. He pulled us up on the computer and we were of to the races. He promised to dispatch a crew within the hour.

90-minutes later (maybe a tad less) the truck was in the drive. To my amazement they did NOT immediately suspect a burnt-out pump. Instead they wanted to replace the pressure switch. with my luck of late I did not even want to hope for the best. I left them to it and came upstairs to drink my coffee and listen to the news.

Then we started hearing water. Wow. It was the switch. We didn’t need a pump — at least not today. That could change tomorrow.

I was elated.

That is SERVICE. I was grateful. Very grateful.

There are NOT cheap. Smile. But, when you don’t have water you are willing to pay a King’s ransom. But, it could always have been worse.

So, kudos and THANK YOU to Epping Well & Pump.

They want me to replace my pressure tank but that is another story and another day.

Related posts:
Check Category ‘Endorsements.

by Anura Guruge

Interesting Names: “Cunnett” & A Mouth To Match — Which Gets Him 7-Months In Prison.

by Anura Guruge

Click to ENLARGE and read.

I guess with that name the ‘c-word’ must just trip from your tongue.

I was not familiar with that name.

It is an old British name that even appears in the Domesday Book. A variant, that makes sense, is “Connett”. Both the names are believed to be from the Latin for “Constantius”. Other than that folks have no idea what the name means.

Just amused me that he, with that name, would have such a potty mouth. 7-months in jail should sure cool his jets. Not sure how that impacts his marriage let alone his honeymoon.

The dangers of drinking and flying.

Related posts:
Search ‘names.

by Anura Guruge

Alton (NH) Shooting By 11-Year Old: Outstanding, But Also Disturbing, Article By ‘Boston Globe’ Writers.

by Anura Guruge

Click to ENLARGE. Use link below to access original. MUST READ. Well written.

Click here to access reproduced article in
The Laconia Daily News“.

Click here to access my last post.

Outstanding journalism. Bravo.

MUST READ. Please read it — especially if you are in Alton or have an Alton contacts.

As I am reading this I started thinking “I have never seen this level of investigative reporting in the Sun“. Made me look at the byline. Bingo. ‘The Boston Globe‘. You could just tell. I appreciate good writing and diligent research. I was so impressed that I contacted the lead reporter to offer her my sincere congratulations.

Some very disturbing elements in the story. ‘They’, the two victims, are no the demi-saints they were portrayed to be by some in Alton. They had issues; serious issues — legal, financial and ethical.

The irony of their sign warning government agents from entering their property is sublime. I guess our wonderful State Troopers and local Police, quite rightly, ignored their ‘threat’.

I had a quick check of the local Facebook ‘channels’. NO mention of this article. Made me smile. I could be wrong, but I think that some posts have even been taken down.

I never knew these folks and it would appear I didn’t miss much. As I have also made clear my main concern and thoughts are with the poor 11-year old. As the State, quite rightly, is beginning to realize, 11-year old is way too young to understand all the ramifications of what has transpired.

I have asked it before, and I will ask it again: “how did he get his hands on a loaded gun?

Something else that crossed my mind today: “was he licensed to practice in New Hampshire?” I tried to look it up just now but did not have much luck.

Well, this article has at least given us a better insight as to the background and demeanor of this family.

I am so glad that ‘The Boston Globe’ invested in this article and assigned to gifted reporters to cover it. This is what I call GREAT NEWS.

Related Posts:
Category ‘Alton‘.

by Anura Guruge

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