
“Professor World Band”, One-Man Band — Best Show In Boston, At Least In “The Park”.

by Anura Guruge

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Check out this short YouTube video.

Click to access his whimsical Website.

There were quite a few ‘street performers’ playing in the ‘‘ (attached to the ‘Boston Common‘) today, i.e., Sunday, — in what was a glorious, near-perfect late Summer day. “Professor World Band“, hands down, by a long chalk, was the BEST — both in terms of the music, presentation and style.

Indubitably the best show in Boston that Sunday afternoon — and he plays for tips. He was SO GOOD we tipped him twice.

Tremendous. Musically outstanding, great songs (from the 1960s — 1970s) sung very well with the instrumental accompaniment just a sheer joy. And they you have the whole presentation, with him rotating himself around. We watched him for quite a few minutes.

We were lucky enough that we got to chat with him for a few minutes. He has been doing this for 35+ years and has played around the world. And he deserved to have. I just got the inkling that he was more than your typical busker. And he confirmed that when I asked him. He has a postgraduate degree in Biology and turned to music, as his way of protesting, during the Vietnam War.

I would love to engage him. He told me his mid-week rates. I would pay him three or four times that. Just don’t have an occasion to bring him up here. I will have to find one.

But, please check him out. You will THANK ME for it. I gather he is at ‘The Park’, in Boston, most weekends during the Summer.

Related posts:
Search ‘Boston’ & ‘bands’.

by Anura Guruge


Tags: , Boston Common, Boston Public Park, , music, one man band, , Professor World Band, street performer, , Vietnam War, Website,

About Anura Guruge

See 'The Blogger' on my blog.

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