Archive | October 16, 2015

FREE HBO & Cinemax Preview Weekend On DISH — Now, Oct. 16 – 18, 2015.


DVR this IF you haven’t seen it. Very FUNNY.

.Anura Guruge December 2014 thumbnail

by Anura Guruge

A Few Related posts:
>> Dish picture quality inferior to DirecTV.
>> Cancelled DirecTV.
>> DirectTV: 1st TEN reasons to HATE them.
>> DirectTV: More reasons to HATE them.directvdish1212
>> DirectTV: No sound.

++++ Search ‘DirecTV’ or ‘DISH’ for the many, many other posts  >>>>

I just found out when HBO left me a ‘preview teaser‘ on DVR.

So giving you a heads up.

To be honest nothing really that special this weekend!

Yes, I had had HBO for the last 4 months and Cinemax for 3 of those. So I have seen many of these movies (and I typically don’t watch the series). I now have HBO, on Dish, ‘for life’, for $10/month. So the preview doesn’t get me much. BUT, if you don’t have HBO or Cinemax get your fingers working and record some. Enjoy.

Here I got you the Primetime schedule. Just click to ENLARGE.




“Journey To The North Pole”, “The Polar Express”, Conway & Lincoln (NH) — 2015.

Anura Guruge December 2014 thumbnail.
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by Anura Guruge

For Other Related Posts:

++++ Check Category ‘Events’ for all the other events related posts >>>>

Click top image to ENLARGE and read here.

Click bottom image to access their Website.

polarexpress2 polarexpress1

Having heard numerous radio commercials for this ‘Polar Express‘, I decided to check it out because we have never done it.

Of course anything to do with trains has appeal and given that I am a sucker for Christmas, this is perfect synergy.

OK. I made a phone call and can share some IMPORTANT information with you.

1/ They do NOT, I repeat, NOT, have a steam train any longer — despite the prominent picture on their Website. They had a steam engine JUST ONCE a few years ago. So IF you are expecting steam you will be disappointed in that the only steam you will get is that from the hot chocolate.

2/ The trains leave from both North Conway and Lincoln (i.e., ‘Loon‘). BUT the trains do not go from one station to the other, i.e., it is not a North Conway <-> Lincoln train ride. The trains go to the ‘North Pole’ from each station. So it is a different ride, both 2 hours in total, depending on which station you pick. Got that? From what I can see the rails from Lincoln, by and large, go south towards Woodstock. From North Conway you can (and we have) gone north to Bartlett etc. I get a feeling that North Conway is THE better deal. I could be wrong. IF you know otherwise please share.

3/ A bit pricey.

4/ Most (if not all) the weekend departures from N. Conway are already sold out — at least online.

If Avoiding Kidney Stones Really Was This Easy — I Should Be All Set (But I Doubt It).


From THE book. Click to ENLARGE and read.

Anura Guruge December 2014 thumbnail

by Anura Guruge

Related posts:

++++ Search on ‘orgasms’ for other posts on a subject that this blog is duly noted for >>>>

Click to ENLARGE and read here.

This is the link for the original in the “Medical Daily”.


Wow, I would LOVE to believe this. Just seems too simple BUT then again I have always maintained that daily orgasms are so beneficial to your health and psyche. We no, for a fact, that it reduces prostate illness. Well, if this is even halfway true I should be all set. SMILE. Come on give it a try. It is NOT going to kill you and worst case, just put a smile on your face.

bosss232Anura Guruge December 2014 thumbnail.
. .
by Anura Guruge

Last Google Doodles:

**** Check Category ‘Google Doodle’ (sidebar) for other Doodles >>>>


This was NOT created by Google.
I just mashed something up because I thought the Canadians deserved a Doodle.
Of course “Google” owns the Trademark, Copyright and whatever for
everything and anything to do with Google.
Just wanted to make sure that nobody got confused
that maybe I owned “Google”.
Alas I don’t even own Google stock — my loss.


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