Archive | October 9, 2015

Quite The List Of Tax Lien Properties For Auction, ‘At Absolute’, In Campton, New Hampshire.

Anura Guruge December 2014 thumbnail


by Anura Guruge

Related posts:
++++ Search Category ‘New Hampshire’ for TONS of other posts >>>>


Click to access auction site.

This Absolute Auction, by the McGlauflin Group has been in the local papers quite a bit. I like Campton. We even looked at some places in Campton in 2007 before (alas) moving to Alton.

At any other time I might have been slightly motivated to have a look at some of these properties since I am sure there are some absolute bargains to be had at this absolute auction. But the goal is NOT to buy any property in NH anymore! 


‘Sandwich Fair’, New Hampshire, 2015: It Will Be Soggy On Saturday.

Anura Guruge December 2014 thumbnail.

by Anura Guruge

Related posts:
Sandwich 2015 — the shows.
Sandwich 2015 — schedule.

>> Sandwich 2014 — the Parade.
Sandwich 2014 Roderick Russell.
Sandwich Fair 2014 10 images.
Sandwich Fair 2014 preview.

>> For pictures from Sandwich 2013.
>> Sandwich 2013 — Favorite Vendors.
>> Sandwich Fair 2012.

++++  Search ‘Sandwich’ or ‘fair’ for TONS of other past posts and pictures.  >>>>>>

Sandwich Fair, N.H., 2015, Full Schedule.

Sandwich Fair, N.H., 2015 — Featured Shows.


From ‘’ for Friday (today).

We are getting a lot of rain and it appears that it will not stop till tonight.

Of course, Sandwich Fair, 2015, will happen BUT the grounds will be soggy, particularly the on-field parking. We know. In the 20 years (or more) that we have been going to Sandwich it has rained a few times. In 2005 it bucketed down and they actually closed the fields and people had to park on the road.

Just a heads up. Much of the main fair ground is paved and as such will be fine.

The rides are open tonight, at cut-price but the rain might put a damper on that.

Enjoy and remember it is a 3-day event. I checked the weather forecast. Good weather on all three days. SMILE.

.Anura Guruge December 2014 thumbnail
by Anura Guruge

Other Related posts:
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>> No sound on Roku.
>> Beyond pleased with Roku 3.

>> Getting Roku 3 with DishWorld.

++++ Search ‘Roku‘ many other related posts >>>>

Click to access “MarketWatch” original. They have another post on this too.


They currently have Rokus listed BUT the ban does NOT kick in till October 29, 2015 and even that is for NEW listings from what I can deduce.

I only saw this ban on ‘non-Amazon’ streaming devices this morning. I, as a AMZN shareholder and a huge fan of Roku, was perturbed by this. Seems short sighted and very unlike Amazon. I did buy a from Amazon earlier this year (– and returned it within 48-hours because I hated it). I didn’t get my Roku 3 from Amazon but I could have.

I will have to think about this. I think there will be repercussions and Amazon will be forced to change its mind.

What will happen IF Roku and others say that you can’t run the Amazon Prime APP on their devices? That would be a disaster. Amazon Prime and SLING are the two channels we watch most on Roku though we also subscribe to Acorn.

Did Watson Use AI To Pick Bob Dylan For The New IBM Commercials?

cics47ssad.Anura Guruge December 2014 thumbnail

by Anura Guruge

Related Posts:ibm40old
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>> “Think” sign — Aug. 28, 2014.
>> Hursley’s John Fairclough …
>> Mainframe 50th.
>> Gene Amdahl & I.
>> IBM Hursley pictures.
>> Malaysia flight 370: And ‘Poor’ IBM.

Search on “Hursley”, “IBM” & “mainframes” for other IBM (Hursley) related posts … and also ‘Dylan’ >>>>

Click either image to access the YouTube video of the commercial.

This commercial was on CNBC this morning around 10 am (Eastern). Deanna called me out of the bathroom to (rewind the DVR) and watch it.



In my eyes Bob Dylan can do no wrong. I am a huge, ‘life long’ fan. We saw him, at ‘Meadowbrook‘, 2nd row seats, c. 2004. Deanna hates him with a passion. And that could be the issue with this commercial.

It will resonate with folks of my vintage — and most of those do have ‘C’ titles. That is good. But the problem is that 95% of corporate IT is now being done, time never standing still, by folks of Deanna’s age and younger. Dylan doesn’t mean much to them. And that really is the BIG problem that has besetted IBM for the last decade. Never mind Dylan, the name ‘IBM’ holds no significance, let alone reverence, to the current crop of IT professionals.

Think IBM “Think” signs sits in front of my keyboard even as I now type. It was given to me during my first week at IBM in August 1974. One of the FEW things from that era that I still have. But I also have one of my original S/370 reference cards and a few IBM flowcharting templates!

The days of ‘you can’t get fired for choosing IBM’ are long gone and in reality it is now a case of ‘you can most certainly get fired for choosing IBM’.

I have to confess, though he does smile, Dylan does look scary in this commercial. Deanna opined that she was not surprised that he looks so bad that ‘given that he must be in his 80s’! How unkind. I said I didn’t think he was that old and that he has to be in his 70s. I just looked. Born May 24, 1941, Robert Allen Zimmerman, in Duluth, Minnesota. So he is 74.

Bob Dylan is 17 years OLDER than IBM (which came to be known by that name as of February 14, 1924). THINK about that.

New Hampshire In Fall, October 8, 2015 — 5 Pictures.

Anura Guruge December 2014 thumbnail


by Anura Guruge

Related posts:
>> 2015 Foliage — Alton.
>> 2015 Foliage — Locke Lake.
>> 2015 Foliage — Oct. Lakes.
>> 2015 Foliage — Oct 1
>> 2015 Foliage — Mid-Sept. II
>> 2015 Foliage — Mid-Sept.

++++ Search ‘foliage’ for other posts from 2013 & 2014 >>>>


Click pictures to ENLARGE.

Attribution WILL be enforced. 

Taken in and around Alton, on Wednesday, Oct. 8, 2015
~ 5:15 pm.

Lake Winnipesaukee.

Foliage on ‘Littlemark Island’, with its cute white chapel, on Lake Winnipesaukee.

All above taken with my NEW Panasonic Lumix FZ1000.

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