Archive | January 26, 2015

NOIEX, ‘Northern Income Equity Fund’: A Puny (Even Insulting) 0.00513 Dividend For January 2015.

.Anura Guruge December 2014 thumbnail

by Anura Guruge

tinyRelated posts:
1/ NOIEX: flat after Dec. distribution.
NOIEX: post huge distribution.

a/ Sticking with BJBHX till 2015.
BJBHX has decent December 2013.
Uncontrollable Infatuation With BJBHX.
I Bailed With Regret 2013.

++++ Search ‘BJBHX‘, ‘IPO‘, ‘stock‘ etc. for other related posts >>>>

After December’s unprecedented, and near obscene of $3.987/per share I kind of expected the January distribution to be small — BUT I never thought it would be this puny and meaningless.

To be fair in 2013 it did NOT do a dividend at all and the 2014 dividend, rounded up, was 0.006. But, 0.00513. That is a joke. Kind of belies the fact that it is SUPPOSED to be an income fund. I sure hope nobody was relying, in January, for a NOIEX dividend — because they will be in for a big shock.

That said, NOIEX has done quite well in the last 4 days, since January 20, 2015. Up to that day, i.e., Jan. 20, it was flat as of the December 18, 2014 distribution, i.e., NAV $12.57 on Dec. 18 and $12.57 on Jan. 20. But it has been going up since. Closed on Jan. 26, ex-Jan. dividend (puny though it may have been) at $12.75. On Jan. 22 it hit $12.81. At $12.75 it has gone up 1.4% (ex-dividend) over the last month. Given what we have gone through in the market that is probably not bad.

But, somebody needs to keep a close eye of NOIEX. As far as I am concerned it is ‘on notice’.

All the best.


“Triolo’s Bakery” (Bedford) — All New Hampshire, Award Winning, High Quality & Now ONLINE.

cookie-tower-247x300.Anura Guruge December 2014 thumbnail
by Anura Guruge

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Good News!

trilioslogo trilioschoc trilioscake1667a

Click to ENLARGE and salivate.

Click here to access the Triolo’s Website — and INDULGE.
Yes, they are an ONLINE bakery.

They were brought to my attention via e-mail this morning. Despite I having not eaten ANY chocolate now for 2 years and 1 week, I still know my chocolate. [I didn’t get this color just using a tanning light.] The chocolates look world class and as some of you know I spent a lot of time in Paris and a fair amount in Brussels. Deanna and the kids are unashamed, unapologetic chocoholics. They made brownies to keep them going during tomorrow’s storm — but ate most of them as soon as it came out of the oven. I told them about Triolo’s. They looked them up on their phones. They were suitably impressed. They want to go, and that we will do.

Triolo’s is in Bedford, not that far — basically across ‘River Road’ — from Bedford Mall. So easy enough to get to. But you don’t have to go (even with gas at $2.29/gallon). They are ONLINE.

I wish them all the best. It does look yummy. 

First Hand Account Of Pope Francis’ Flight, On Air Lanka, From Colombo To Manila.

.Anura Guruge December 2014 thumbnail
by Anura Guruge

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Francis airport -> Colombo
† Arrival ceremony                   Pope on the way to Sri Lanka

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† Topless protests                                        † Pope asked to reconsider
† Programme for pope’s visit                    † Sri Lanka will be different
† Pope’s visit not a good idea                       † President visits pope 

† Francis must apologize …                         † Canonization of Vaz …

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Sri Lankans Fly High.

“Pope Francis hardly slept on his six-hour flight
out to Philippines”

said Sri Lankan Airline official
who was on the Airbus A340 aircraft.


Click to ENLARGE and read.


Pope Francis, looking rather radiant and robust, boarding the Air Lanka A340 for the flight to Manila.

“Carl’s Jr.” Cheeseburger Super Bowl 2015 Commercial Should Be Quite The Hit — Who Could Resist Those Buns?

.Anura Guruge December 2014 thumbnail
by Anura Guruge

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Click to access RIVETING video
at the U.K. “Daily Mail”.

You may have to scroll down
till you get to it.
But, I doubt you will mind too much.

You WILL thank me.

I am bummed that Carl’s Jr. do not have any outlets within 600 miles of me!

How could they do that to ME?

They got me hook, line and sinker with that burger. I could NOT keep my eyes off it. My mouth was watering. I will give the buns to the dogs, as I always do, and just concentrate on the beef.

Very good ad. The picture definition of the burger is first class. Didn’t understand the market scene. Seemed a bit superfluous to the needs. All they had to do was to show a picture of the burger.

I wonder if I can get them to ship me some?

Anthony Melchiorri’s “Hotel Impossible”: Most Shocking, Blowups & Meltdowns Over The Next 2 Weeks.

.Anura Guruge December 2014 thumbnail
by Anura Guruge

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>> ‘Grand Budapest Hotel’ — IMPOSSIBLE.
 Hit on Twitter.
‘Woodstock Lodge’ for sale.
>> Anthony Melchiorri responds.
‘Woodstock Lodge’ on ‘Hotel Impossible’.

++++ Search on ‘hotel’ & ‘TV’ for other related posts >>>>

Click to ENLARGE.


Tuesday, January 27, 2015 episode.


Tuesday, February 3, 2015 episode — one day ahead of Sri Lankan Independence Day. There is a rumor that Anthony is redoing the historic Mount Lavinia Hotel in Sri Lanka in the next series.

Click here to access the “Hotel Impossible” site on the “Travel Channel” Website.

Of course, it goes without saying, that the now notorious “Woodstock Inn” will feature, big time, in one or both of these shows. That seems predestined.

I am curious whether the ‘Autoport Motel’ (Pennsylvania) will get a shout-out. They should. We read the post filming commentary that rolls across the screen at the end of each episode. Right after the episode was filmed the owners of the Motel got sued, by the ex-wife of one of them, for trademark violation on the name ‘Clem’ — the Motel’s restaurant. Appears that the ex-wife also had a ‘Clems’ in Pennsylvania. Given that I am somewhat familiar with divorce, ex-wives and trademarks this struck me as odd. Was it JUST a coincidence that they got sued following all the commotion that must have ensued when the show was being taped. The ex-wife must have known about the ‘Clem’ in the Motel. If the lawsuit came about because of the publicity I have to believe others are going to get nervous. Interesting. Deanna has already instructed me to tape the 2 shows — to add to 5 we still have, unwatched, on the DVR.

I am hoping that we might even get to see a sneak preview of “The Budapest Hotel“.


“Autoport Motel” episode. Click to watch video.

2013 Google Doodle for India Republic Day.

.Anura Guruge December 2014 thumbnail
. .

by Anura Guruge

2015mlkthmbdgLast Google Doodle:

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ Check CATEGORY ‘Google Doodle’ for other posts —>>> (sidebar)

2015 India Republic Day.

2015 Australia Day. I like how they portrayed the multiethnicity of today’s Oz. Nice job. Cute touch. Remember it is mid-Summer down there.

Permanent access, independent of date,
provided via the Google Doodle Archive.

Do NOT confuse Indian Republic Day, viz. January 26, with Indian Independence Day, viz. August 15.

After gaining Independence (from Britain) on August 15, 1947, they had to come up with a constitution for the Republic. That constitution was passed on November 26, 1949. It was adopted on January 26, 1950. That is when India became a Republic. Hence Republic Day. January 26, was also the day, in 1930, when the Indian National Congress, the party of Gandhi and Nehru, passed a declaration that they would seek Independence. So it is a very historic day for India.

Come February 4, Sri Lankan Independence Day, Sri Lankans, worldwide, will be bummed IF they don’t get a Google Doodle. Sri Lanka has only had ONE Google Doodle for Independence Day, that in 2013 — and that was BECAUSE to Google. Sri Lankans will be bummed that India gets at least two Doodles a year — of late. But lets face it. India is a much bigger, much more important country and at least 5% of Google (worldwide) must be Indians.

Past Google Doodles for India Republic Day, Australia Day and India Independence Day.

Click to ENLARGE.



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