Archive | January 18, 2015

Is It Really Too Late To Create A Flu Vaccine For 2015 That Is Better Than 23%?

.Anura Guruge December 2014 thumbnail
by Anura Guruge

Related posts:
>> 2014 flu shot, again from Hannaford.
2013 flu shot from Hanaford.

>> 2012 flu shot, at Hannaford.
>> Free flu shots for NH kids.


Click to access original from “Tech Times”.

This has always been my concern about the flu vaccine. They create it so early, like in May – June of the year, that they have NO IDEA what the actual influenza for that Winter is going to be. It is a out and out gamble. Well there are places for gambling (the stock market my poison) but I don’t think we should gamble to this extent when it comes to the flu vaccine.

You can ask Deanna. She is attest. Every August when Wal-Mart puts up their signs saying “Get Your Flu Shot Now” I march up to the Wal-Mart pharmacy and ask what the vaccine is based on, i.e., what it is supposed to protect against. The point I am trying to make is that in August, in New Hampshire, with the temperatures hovering in the 80s, nobody but nobody has a clue as to what the Winter’s virus is likely to be.  Invariably they tell me that the new virus is designed to BEST fight the virus we had ‘last Summer’. They say that, my rote, on Mutual Fund prospectuses: “Past performance is no guarantee of future performance”

Before I get my shot, I also ask the pharmacist as to the composition of the shot he/she is giving me. Two of them have been very upfront and told me that they had no idea. They hadn’t read the blurb. They just give the vaccine that is supplied to them.

I know it is not easy. But I am sure that now we know the strain we are dealing with they can rush through a new vaccine for us. OH, YES! The cost. Who will pay for the 2nd shot. I am sure most insurance companies, though they will resent it, will succumb when they realize that it is probably still cheaper to pay for a second shot than having a person going to the doctor because of the flu.

So, all I am asking is “Can we PLEASE have a new flu vaccine that is customized to treat the 2015 flue and NOT the 2013 – 2014 flu’. Thank YOU.


Why Does It Rain So Often On Popes Parades?

.Anura Guruge December 2014 thumbnail
by Anura Guruge

Related posts (click to access):
Francis airport -> Colombo
† Arrival ceremony                   Pope on the way to Sri Lanka

Pope’s schedule Sri Lanka        Visit proceeds despite election upset  
† Topless protests                                        † Pope asked to reconsider
† Programme for pope’s visit                    † Sri Lanka will be different
† Pope’s visit not a good idea                       † President visits pope 

† Francis must apologize …                         † Canonization of Vaz … 


popemanilabbcstorm2b From the UK BBC. Click to access original.


Click to ENLARGE and read. From August 2011 Pope Benedict XVI visit to Madrid, Spain for ‘Youth Festival’. Use link below to access post at my old ‘Popes and Papacy’ blog.

Click to access original post at my “Popes and Papacy” blog.

The ultimate of ironies. Pope visits Tacloban, in the Philippines, to sympathize with the folks devastated by Typhoon Haiyan a year ago — and has to beat a hasty retreat because of ANOTHER storm, albeit one nothing like as powerful.

What gives?


Rain is a normal, natural thing, BUT the pope is supposed NOT to be normal or natural. For Christ’s sake, he is Christ’s Vicar on Earth. That is one of his titles. Vicar means substitute. Per the Catholic creed, the oldest in the game, the Pope is Christ’s, and as such per the Doctrine of the Trinity, God’s, substitute (or representative) on Earth. [And for now we will put aside question as to why he, a 78 year OLD man, goes around throwing mock punches at middle-aged priests.]

This raining on the pope’s parade has happened before. Happened in August 2011 in Madrid (above) and some people even got hurt.

But to make it worse, the pope, at that time Benedict XVI (#266), actually said, and you can go and check, “The Lord is sending us his blessings with this rain”.

So let us go by what Benedict said. “The Lord is … blessing ….”.

In other words the Lord God is AWARE of what is happening down here. What a trip.

So, rather than sending rain can’t the Lord be nice and send sunshine?

Please, please don’t start prattling on about FREE WILL. Nothing to do with Free Will. We are talking weather and God’s oversight over the World. While God is said to be reluctant to micro-manage would it be such a big deal for him/her to steer a storm or two away from the pope — when he is on his travels.

Just a thought. Just the kind of things that I would like my God to do.

“Spin Master” Sends Us Free Replacement For ‘Flutterbye Flying Fairy’ That Broke. We Are Impressed.

.Anura Guruge December 2014 thumbnail
by Anura Guruge

Related posts:
1. ‘Spin Master’ offers free replacement.
2. Flutterby for Christmas was a success.

a. Latest with Teischan quadcopter drone.

++++ Search on ‘Teischan’ and ‘drone’ for other flying toys posts >>>>

Click to ENLARGE.

We are impressed.
We are pleased.
A company that DID the RIGHT THING.
Bravo. Kudos.
We endorse. We recommend.

Spin Master“, the makers of the captivating ‘Flutterbye Flying Fairy’, send us, FREE of charge, a replacement for the fairy that broke, on Christmas Day.

We didn’t even have to send the damaged one back. We just had to send them a picture of it decommissioned (see top) and a copy of the invoice — via e-mail. I did that on Tuesday, December 30, 2014. That day Teischan actually received the new Fairy I ordered, on Christmas Day itself, when the other one broke.

The replacement fairy arrived, via UPS, crack of dawn, on Thursday, January 15, 2015. So it took a touch over 2 weeks — but we had New Year’s too.

It wasn’t a ‘Dusk’ — i.e., the one that broke (and the one that I re-ordered from Amazon). It was ‘Tinker Bell‘. That was OK with us since Teischan already had a new ‘Dusk’. But that could be an issue IF a kid gets a fairy they already have or do not like.

15 days wasn’t great — and I did not get tracking information. Just an e-mail on January 7, 2015 to say that they had received the ‘paperwork’ I had sent.

But, overall NOT bad. Good customer care.

Expensive hobby for “Spin Master”. I trust they priced these replacements, and shipping thereof, into their price. That would mean they have high margins. IF not they probably can’t sustain this for long.

All said, a GREAT toy. I am glad I got it. This and the DRONE have been great hits. But, I have a reputation for picking good presents for the kids. Lots of experience. 

The toll-free number to call IF you have a problem with a ‘Flutterbye’ is on the instructions that come with it. That is all we did. Yes, we looked it up on the Web etc. BUT in the end started with the number on the instructions. That worked.

Overall a great experience. Great toy. Get one. Maybe even two. Enjoy. 

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