Archive | May 17, 2014

Are There Any Descendants Of The Buddha — i.e., Buddha’s Bloodline à la Da Vinci Code …

Anura Guruge, June 8, 2013.


Anura Guruge

Related posts:

>> Happy Vesak 2014>May 13, 2014.
>> Vesak 2014 Pandols>May 13, 2014.

>> Pope’s 2014 Vesak greeting — May 10, 2014.
>> 2014 Vesak post — May 4, 2014.
>> 2013 Vesak post — May 16, 2013.

++++ See Category ‘Sri Lanka‘ or search on ‘Sri Lanka‘ & ‘Buddhism‘  for other related posts >>>>

All the above posts on Vesak and yesterday’s post on Gandhi got me thinking whether there is a Buddha’s bloodline — i.e., folks that are descendant from Buddha. This is far from idle speculation, sacrilegious or even disrespectful in the slightest.

Unlike Jesus there is no question or doubt as to whether Buddha, or to be precise Gautama Buddha, had been married. [Actually given that I am not aware of any record of him getting a ‘divorce’ or equivalent he probably remained married — and should not be a problem. Marriage is not a bad thing.]

Siddharta Gautama’s wife was Yaśodharā — a cousin. They got married when they were both 16.

So that he was married is a incontrovertible fact.

He was also a Prince and he had, at a minimum, ‘handmaidens‘ — though most don’t pussyfoot around this and admit flat out that he had an harem.

So here are TWO extracts from the well regarded “” by Hermann Oldenberg. [Click to ENLARGE.]



So, as you can clearly see, that he was married and definitely had access to other women is no secret — though Buddhists, in particular Sri Lankan Buddhist who tend to be uncharacteristically prudish when it comes to all matters sex, despite the fact that they must mate like rabbits because the population of Sri Lanka has and is still exploding.

I even found this at and it is a Website specializing in ‘Ancient India‘  as opposed to the Karma Sutra.


Now, at least for me, things start getting interesting.

Buddha’s ‘GREAT DEPARTURE‘ was when he was 29.

The day that his son was born.

You know it is funny. When you are little ‘they’ indoctrinate you that this was a NOBLE gesture by the Buddha — and YOU buy it.

I am a father — a father of 4. I got separated and then divorced when my two oldest were 8 & 5. So I did leave them — BUT I never abandoned them. I provided for them, lavishly, till quite recently, saw them as much as I could and they always knew how to get hold of me. I think it is this more than anything else that allows me to empathize with this. To me there is no ‘if and buts’: the Buddha was a deadbeat dad! I am sorry if that offends SOME Buddhists but that is a fact. He abandoned his son — for at least 6 or 7 years. That, to me, is not kosher. It is interesting that NOW you can find, mainly Westerners, raising this and I recommend that you Google “buddha deadbeat dad“. This was taboo, among Sri Lankan Buddhists even just a few years ago. So, I am glad that others have started to raise this valid point.

My next point. Siddharta Gautama’s was married since he was 16 and in 13 years ONLY had one child!

And he had access to handmaidens!

Doesn’t that sound strange.

I actually have a stance on this. I am willing to believe it. I have come to the conclusion that Buddha was not that fond of women.

That explains a lot … right?

Notice that women were NEVER a temptation for Buddha. Hhhhmmmm.

So is it possible that he only had ONE CHILD — a son, who we are also told did NOT procreate.

Seems very strange to me.

But, if you want to argue with me that Buddha was a normal, healthy, All-Indian stud — were there OTHER descendants.

You can’t have it both ways.

Buddha, over a period of 13 years, with access to many women only had one child (who he then promptly abandoned) or he, as would be perfectly normal, begat a number of descendents.

That is THE question.


Boycott Wolfeboro, New Hampshire, By All Means, BUT Do So For The Unsolved Stacey Burns Murder Not For The Racist.

Anura Guruge, June 8, 2013.


Anura Guruge

Related Posts:
>> Boycott Wolfeboro I … — May 16, 2014.
++++ Search on ‘Wolfeboro’ for other Wolfeboro related posts >>>>

Copeland is getting way more attention than he deserves. This is the biggest ego trip in his life. You could see that he was sporting a woody after the Town Meeting. He is loving this attention. He is now a hero. As a non-white, very familiar with rampant racism in New Hampshire, particularly Alton and Wolfeboro, I DO NOT have a problem with Copeland using the ‘N’-word. I have heard worse, I have been called worse — and there is a restaurant in Alton, on the waterfront, that even basically REFUSED to serve us a few years ago because we weren’t all white. It is Copeland’s right and I say let him be.

The outrage should be that 5 years have gone by and Stacey Burns’ murder is still unsolved.

Folks, use this opportunity to draw attention to the Stacey Burns murder.

Ironically today was the day of a 5K run in Wolfeboro to mark the 5th anniversary of this dastardly crime.

Forget the N-word. I know Obama doesn’t mind. Lets not give this guy any more publicity. He is reveling in it. He will probably end up with a REALITY TV show.

Focus on Stacey Burns.

Click to access 2011 coverage from ABC -- yes 3 years ago!

Click to access 2011 coverage from ABC — yes 3 years ago!

Deanna had not seen my post from last ‘night’ (actually this morning given that I did it around 12:20 am). This morning watching the news she said: ‘The real crime in Wolfeboro is the murder of Stacey Burns’! That is what prompted me to do this second post.

'Stacey Burns' memorial Website.

Click to access the official ‘Stacey Burns’ memorial Website.

Calls To Boycott Wolfeboro, New Hampshire, Because Of Police Commissioner Copelands Remarks Makes It To CNN.

Anura Guruge, June 8, 2013.


Anura Guruge

Related Posts:
++++ Search on ‘Wolfeboro’ for other Wolfeboro related posts >>>>



Click to access CNN video from the Erin Burnett show.

As at least one of the Talking Heads points out it is crazy to punish Wolfeboro because of one ol’ geezer, who to be fair is echoing only what many Wolfeboro (or for that matter Alton) residents would agree with. Free Speech.

While the whole thing is very sad and disturbing (and I am VERY FOND of Wolfeboro) what I found most amusing was how the CNN folks mispronounce ‘Wolfeboro’.

For Pete’s sake (and Pete, alas, lives next door) Wolfeboro is THE Oldest Summer Resort in the U.S. Give it some respect. Plus I thought everybody learned how to say it after Mitt’s abortive run.

This is, alas, getting a LOT of coverage ….


Friday night’s WMUR coverage. Click to access.

Do a search on ‘Wolfeboro’ on Google news.

But there is a CRIME for which Wolfeboro
has to be held accountable for.

If folks want to BOYCOTT Wolfeboro for letting this murder go unsolved for 5 years
I will applaud them — I will join them.

5 years. And still no arrests.

'Stacey Burns' memorial Website.

Click to access the official ‘Stacey Burns’ memorial Website.


WMUR coverage, from last year, on the 4th anniversary of this unsolved murder.

Boycott Wolfeboro
— but do so for the right reason!

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