Tag Archive | Buddhism

“Twin Reincarnation” In 1950s England Has Me Intrigued As To Buddhist Explanation.

by Anura Guruge

Click to ENLARGE. In May 2019 issue of “Reader’s Digest”.

Click to ENLARGE.

Click image to access posts.

Reincarnation is one of my favorite and enduring hobby-horses. That is mainly because reincarnation defined my early life. I was accidentally adopted by an extremely devout and activist Buddhist family. My early life revolved, endlessly, around Buddhism. There would not be a day in my life when I could escape Buddhism or active interaction with Buddhist monks. I would be at a Buddhist temple most days of the week. Reincarnation was the end-all and be-all of the Buddhism I was inculcated in. Buddhism was reincarnation. We lived to be reincarnated.

Then I left Ceylon. Was sent off to boarding school and then university by my adoptive parents. I finally got space and time to do my own thing. I started thinking about religions, Buddhism and reincarnation — much of it through a heady haze of unbridled sexual liberation.

I realized that, despite having seen, first hand, so called irrefutable proofs of reincarnation, I could not reconcile the science of reincarnation. I had too many questions that had no logical answers. See this post … for a start.

I eventually realized that I could NOT believe in reincarnation.

Then, since my Buddhism was all reincarnation I realized that I could also no longer be a Buddhist. This was in my early 20s.

Buddhism had been my religion.

When I stopped being a Buddhist I stopped believing in ALL religions.

But, the belief in reincarnation still intrigues I.

So, this article about ‘Twin Reincarnations‘ in England, in the May 2019 of “Reader’s Digest” had me transfixed.

Got me thinking, which is not hard to do.

What would be the Buddhist explanation to a Twin Reincarnation.

Statistics dictates that twins even triplets (and more) must be born to Buddhists — even identical twins and triplets.

Even if identical twins would not have the same fate ahead of them — we could even call it Karma. Though identical twins they would have separate lives — each contingent on the merits they acquired in their previous lives. So, why have twins in Buddhist families?

The HUGELY MAGICAL ‘system’ that implements Buddhist reincarnation doesn’t need to deal in twins. Twins are not important to Buddhist reincarnation. So, why have them.

Something to think about.

This “Unsolved Mysteries” article in RD, commissioned by RD, is pretty excellent. I was only familiar with one case — the airline hijacker that vanished. If you can try and get your hands on this article.

Related posts:
Search ‘reincarnation’.

by Anura Guruge


The Saddest (& In A Way Funniest) Thing That I Read Today — Albeit On Facebook.

by Anura Guruge

Click to ENLARGE.

How to gradually reduce sensual desires?

Doesn’t old age do enough on that front?

Yes, I appreciate that this all has to do with the Buddhist fear of having too much fun. And that is why I am NOT a Buddhist.

You can read my response. I do NOT think they were amused BUT, as Buddhist, they are way to polite to delete my comment or be rude to I.

Sad. Sad. Sad.

Some very sad, unhappy people in this world.

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by Anura Guruge

Has The Dalai Lama Started Using Ordinal ‘XIV’ And Affecting A Style Of That Of A Pope?

by Anura Guruge

Click to ENLARGE. Seen on Facebook today.

He is, per that school of Buddhism, indeed the 14th Dalai Lama — and really the ONLY one most of us have ever known since he has held this title since 1940!

This is the very first time I have seen an ordinal — in this case XIV (for ’14’) — used next to the Dalai Lama title. With the use of the Roman numerals it looked exactly the same as that used by popes.

Not sure whether this is official or whether it was a creation of western ‘graphic artist’ trying to be clever.

There is nothing wrong with it. I am just curious about the timing. Why now.

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Check Category ‘Religion
Search on ‘Burma’ & ‘Buddhism’.

by Anura Guruge

Meditation Is NOT Yoga, Yoga In Itself, Is NOT Meditation.

by Anura Guruge

Click to ENLARGE and study.

It both amuses and disturbs me to see how folks in the West have complicated meditation. Meditation was never meant to be complicated. Complicating meditation defeats its whole purpose!

As some of you know I teach meditation classes every once in awhile. I have had folks tell me, at these classes, that they get stressed because so much emphasis has been put on ‘staying focused on one object’ and they are worried that they might NOT be able to do that. That is crazy. Nothing about meditation should be stressful.

This is why, I took the time, to write this “Quick & Easy Meditation” book, this Summer, though I was in the midst of writing a book dear to my heart (to do with THINKING) and already have a 300+ page book in my head about Buddhism.

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by Anura Guruge

Appears That Some Buddhists In Sri Lanka Are Eager To Emulate What Happened In Myanmar (Née Burma).

by Anura Guruge

Click to ENLARGE and read here.

From “Green LeftClick for original.

From Facebook.

From Facebook.

I have been warning you about this for years. One examples (and click image to access the post on this blog):

I really HOPE I am dead wrong on this!

I am just going by what little I have seen on over the last 72-hours (and all of it has been in Sinhalese) and my general knowledge of where so many Sri Lankan Buddhists stand on this.

This would be a grave humanitarian crisis and another blot in Sri Lanka’s copybook.

What would really make a refugee crisis dire is that Sri Lanka — unlike Myanmar — is an Island. The only way to flee the country is across water. Thinks small boats …

Not good.

The intolerance by the Buddhists makes me sad. Growing up in Ceylon (the prior name of Sri Lanka) we prided ourselves of being a extremely tolerant multireligious, multiethnic society. Not so any more.

So, I am hoping that my fears will be unfounded.

So, I have given some of YOU a heads up. Of course I will keep you posted.

Related Posts:
++++ Check Category ‘Religion
**** Search on ‘Burma’ & ‘Buddhism’.

by Anura Guruge

The Dalai Lama Should Go On A Hunger Strike To End Refugee Crisis In Myanmar (Née Burma).

by Anura Guruge

Click to access BBC coverage from today.

Click to access “Huff Post” coverage from yesterday.

Click to access CNN coverage from yesterday.

‘We’ all know that this crisis was architected and engineered by Burma’s hardline Buddhists. This has been coming to a head for years.

I have been warning you about this for years. Just two examples (and click image to access the post on this blog):

** ** ** ** **

Well it is time for the Dalai Lama to ACT. Words, especially from him, are cheap and mundane.

Mahatma Gandhi would have gone on a hunger strikes, without hesitation, demanding a STOP to the violence. And it would work.

It is about time the Dalai Lama stopped raking in his celebrity money and did something constructive to shape/help Buddhism — given that he has the Western World hoodwinked that he represents Buddhists. So, come on Dalai Lama. Be a MAN.

[Yes, there is a very good reason he would NOT dare go on a hunger strike for this cause or any other. He is NO Mahatma Gandhi. ‘They’ would just let him die!]

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++++ Check Category ‘Religion
**** Search on ‘Burma’ & ‘Buddhism’.

by Anura Guruge

Buddha’s Birthday — April 8, i.e., Today, Is NOT Universally Celebrated/Accepted As Such.

by Anura Guruge

Click to ENLARGE and read this snippet here which does talk about April 8th as the Buddha’s birthday. Use link below to access original.

Click here to access the original article from
The Japan Times‘.

Most Buddhists believe that the Buddha was both born on and died on the Full Moon day of May — albeit 70 odd years apart.

Hence the widely celebrated holiday of Vesak — which is on the month of May Full Moon.

So celebrating the Buddha’s birthday on April 8th seems strange.

Yes, of course, one could have worked backwards and tried to determine when the Full Moon was in ‘that month’. It would not have been April or May. Those are European creations that make centuries later. So, trying to nail a specific date would be hard and quite ‘hit or miss’.

Big difference between April and May — and a fixed date vs. the Full Moon.

Just wanted to make sure YOU appreciated that April 8th is not universally accepted or celebrated as the Buddha’s birthday. Not by a long chalk.

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++++ Check Category ‘Religion
**** Search on ‘Buddha’ & ‘Buddhism’.

by Anura Guruge

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