
Shoveling Snow By Hand After A Nor’Easter — A Privilege!

by Anura Guruge

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My INNER MAN in the winter — I and my shovel.

The kids helped yesterday.

Cleared for the two generators — just in case. So happy that we didn’t need to use them, THIS TIME.

We have had a lot of snow.

Much of this PILE is snow that I have shoveled, by hand, this winter. When I look at it I can see how much shoveling I have done. As they said last Summer — FEEL THE BURN.

The snow even tries to climb trees.

I like to shovel snow, by hand!

That I am strange, goes without saying. But, this snow shoveling isn’t a total fobile. I try to get at least 50-minutes of solid exercise 6-days a week; 3-days on, one day off. My usual form of exercise is running, with 6 lbs of wrist-weights, for about 2.5 miles — in terrain with considerable elevation. So, I am no stranger to exercise …

I would, in the winter, rather shovel than run.

Like today, the day after the BIG Nor’Easter. Sun beating down, 26°F, cloudless cobalt blue skies and nobody around. It beats skiing! It is NOT as good as sex, but what is. But next to that, in terms of physical activity, I will take shoveling on a day like today.

Within 20 minutes I was so hot and sweating that I had to get rid of my jacket. Just to be on the safeside, given my advancing years, I put on another sweatshirt.

I lost 1.2 pounds in one hour of shoveling. Yes, much of that was liquid. But, wouldn’t YOU like to lose 1.2 pounds in a day?

I have been shoveling by hand for over 15 years. I plan to carry on till I drop. I could, as ever, be wrong, but I do NOT somehow see myself dropping dead while shoveling! Just don’t. It isn’t as if my ol’ hear doesn’t know what shoveling is all about.

Clearing the mailbox.

This was my main project today.

The mailboxes of my two neighbors,
and they both have snowblowers.

This motivates me.

My snow shoveling tutorial from 2014.

Basically it was ditto today — no jacket.

Enjoy. I wish ALL of you could share the pleasure and privilege of shoveling snow by hand.

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by Anura Guruge


Tags: , by hand, , February, , Nor'easter, sex, shoveling, snow, , tutorial

About Anura Guruge

See 'The Blogger' on my blog.

One response to “Shoveling Snow By Hand After A Nor’Easter — A Privilege!”

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