Alton Central (ACS) School: IF Lander/Leggett Are So Proficient Why Did Board OVERTURN A Bunch Of Their Bullying Related Decisions On June 25, 2014?
by Anura Guruge
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William (‘Bill’) Lander
The Inglorious Tenure At Alton Central School (ACS):
The Redux — Partial Gallery.
A. Hiring of suspended facilitator. B. Near illiterate blog posts.
C. Using another lawyer. D. Getting facts wrong, again.
E. Can’t chew gum and run meeting. F. Baseless allegations.
++++ Check Category “Alton’s Funniest Videos” for many more >>>>
This is but a PARTIAL gallery of shame. I will add to it as I have time.
Bullying has been a big problem at ACS for years. We know. We even took Devanee out of ACS for over a year because of bullying (she actually got hit in the face).
Do a search on ‘bullying’, using SEARCH box on the right (over here →) and you will see how bad things have been — and that is NOT counting Mrs. Whitehouse’s letter about the staff being bullied or a statement by a School Board member of bullying at Board Meetings.
We hear people in Alton talk about bullying, at ACS, past and present, on a weekly basis.
I think all ACS parents would agree that one of the BIGGEST jobs of the ACS Administration team would be that of dealing with bullying. Some members are supposed to be explicitly trained on how to deal with bullying.
So if the Lander/Leggett administration team is SO PROFICIENT why did this School Board, on June 25, 2014 OVERTURN, we are talking 180° about turns, of MULTIPLE bullying decisions made by William (‘Bill’) Lander and Leggett?
Of course, it was done in ‘Non Public‘. But a letter was written and I have seen the letter.
So the Board cannot deny this. Because if they did I will get my hands on that letter.
So my question is very simple. If Lander and Leggett are so proficient why did they get so many matters to do with bullying WRONG?
PLUS, going forward, do we NOT as Alton residents want an Administration team that can CORRECTLY handle bullying?
Those are the facts.
Lander, Leggett or the Board cannot deny it happened.
But, there were and still are two related issues that also need pondering.
As soon as I heard about this reversal of decisions I contacted, by phone and e-mail, the ‘N.H. Dept. of Education’ in Concord.
I was perturbed. The employed staff at ACS is supposed to have been trained on handling bullying. As far as I know the ACS School Board is NOT trained on handling bullying. So the supposedly trained staff at ACS made a series of decisions and the Board overturned them? Aaahh! So, then why bother with having trained staff? Just let the Board make all the decisions about bullying.
Think about it.
There was a HUGE (unbelievable) Conflict of Interest within the Board on this matter!
Yes, I have heard that a number of members stated that they did have ‘conflicts’ and said that they would recuse themselves. But that did NOT happen.
But, unbeknownst to the other members one member had an active, ongoing Conflict of Interest. That was never divulged.
I think that conflict should have been divulged to the other Board Members.
The person I feel bad for is Mikel LaChappele, Assistant Principal. He was not just thrown under the bus, the bus backed up and ran over him again. If only he knew about the conflict of interest.