Alton Central (ACS) School Board: Letter To Profile Bank Re. Lander/Leggett YET LLC Looks WRONG. Very Wrong!
by Anura Guruge
Index to latest ACS Board & Lander/Leggett Posts:
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William (‘Bill’) Lander
The Inglorious Tenure At Alton Central School (ACS):
The Redux — Partial Gallery.
A. Hiring of suspended facilitator. B. Near illiterate blog posts.
C. Using another lawyer. D. Getting facts wrong, again.
E. Can’t chew gum and run meeting. F. Baseless allegations.
G. Board overturns decisions.
++++ Check Category “Alton’s Funniest Videos” for many more >>>>
This is but a PARTIAL gallery of shame. I will add to it as I have time.
This letter is on Facebook.
It was obtained by (we think) Lou Clay via a ‘Right to Know‘. If it was, THANK YOU, Lou. Great job. Take a bow. If it was somebody else, the same goes. Kudos. Thank you.
This is BLOODY amazing.
It says “Alton School District/SAU #72″ WILL CONTRACT …”
That sounds like a contract to me.
Though I am not a lawyer I have, over a period of 30 years doing Consulting Services for the likes of IBM, Microsoft, Northern Telecom, Cisco etc. etc., written and signed 100s of professional contracts. This looks pretty definitive to me.
Lander/Leggett (YET LLC) would definitely appear to have a case to SUE Alton for this $125,000 based on just this letter — WITHOUT ever having to provide any services just based on this letter. Sweet deal, very sweet deal for Lander/Leggett. Collect $125,000 from Alton for doing nothing based on this letter.
Now RECALL, and you can clearly see it on the video, Jeffery Clay, obviously very astute in these matters, asked Lander, at the Feb. 17, 2015, Board Meeting to publicly state that he would not SUE Alton over this ‘contract’. As we all know Lander ignored him. NOW REMEMBER as I recently brought to your attention Lander pulled this same trick when he hired his friend to be the $3,000 facilitator WITHOUT disclosing that she was currently suspended. He said that his friend will sue Alton for the $3,000 so Alton might has well just use her rather than reneging on the deal.
So here we go again.
It would appear that Profile Bank TOO could go after Alton IF they have already parted with some or all of this $125K based on this letter.
I am NOT sure whether Sandra ‘clueless’ Wyatt has the law on her side in terms of writing this letter!
She appears to be stating something that was not really the case.
She would definitely appear to be on very thin ice.
Take note. Take note. This letter is no joke.