Archive | January 8, 2015

Sri Lanka President (Now Ex) Concedes Defeat In January 8, 2015 Election. This Is HUGE.

.Anura Guruge December 2014 thumbnail
by Anura Guruge

For other related posts:
++++ Check category ‘Sri Lanka’ on sidebar >>>>


From the BBC. I got the heads up from a Sri Lankan Webpage I was following for the news. Click to access BBC coverage.

Quite the turnabout. Wow.

He called this snap election with 2 years of his 2nd term left so that he could get elected to a 3rd term — with a full 6 years. Now he is out.

Controversial figure.

This has major implications to the pope’s visit. It is his wife that is Catholic; he a Buddhist in this 70% Buddhist country.

Also a MAJOR and much needed blow to astrology and Sri Lankan mumbo jumbo superstition. Look at the wrist of his upheld hand. Those are all lucky amulets! He looks like he is from a different millenium. A President who believes that wearing dirty white strings, blessed by Buddhist monks, will make him win. His astrologer is in BIG trouble. He is the one who told the President to call the snap election saying his ‘stars were in the ascend’. Just 72 hours ago he was prattling away how Thursday was an auspicious day for the President. Well it wasn’t.

For me, IF this event will help free Sri Lankans from their slavish belief in astrology and mumbo jumbo superstition it would definitely have been worth it — just for that.

But, I do NOT believe it is over. I think there could be a power struggle. It is 9pm I have yet to have dinner. When I come back for my 3rd shift I will do more coverage, if it is needed.


I Feel The Urge To Listen To A Bit Of The ‘Hallelujah Chorus’, By A Good Choir, Very Loud.

.slideshow_859149_bigstockphoto_cartwheel_at_sunset_1789653Anura Guruge December 2014 thumbnail
by Anura Guruge

It doesn’t have to be Christmas. Right?

Life is good.

The good prevails.

Truth is beauty, beauty is truth.



Click to access YouTube video. Ignore the annoying Ad. This is quite the rendition. Enjoy.

Alton Central School (ACS), N.H.: Now Official. Superintendent William (‘Bill’) Lander Is Indeed Leaving.

.Anura Guruge December 2014 thumbnail
by Anura Guruge

Other Related posts:
1/ ACS rumor over Christmas.

>> Search ‘ACS’ for other related posts >>>>

Today, Thursday, January 8, 2015 front page story in ‘The Baysider’.



My post of December 29, 2014 when I tried to give YOU a heads up.

By that time we knew that it was no longer a rumor BUT all those
that needed to know knew by then as I said right up front.

See my e-mail, of that same day, Dec. 29, to Josh Spaulding
of ‘The Baysider‘. I not only give him the tip but provided him
with the basis for his headline.

Click here or the image above to access my December 29, 2014 post.

My December 29, 2014 e-mail, at 12:29 pm to Josh with the subject
“Alton Superintendent Leaving in June”

In my December 29 post I documented the timeline.

Deanna got a phone call about it on Saturday, December 20, 2014. It was from an Alton resident. That person had heard it from a friend — also an Alton resident. Neither of these people work at or for ACS. One doesn’t even have any young kids. Just a concerned Alton Taxpayer.

Then we heard it again, from an Alton resident, at a Christmas Eve party in Alton. The person telling the story was not in any way associated with ACS — this person also did not have any young kids. So the story had done the rounds of Alton. Suffice to say there was much merriment at the party, as is to be expected at a Christmas party. Not that I needed any excuses but I thoroughly enjoyed a few glasses of fine red wine — the hosts of the party noted for their impeccable taste in good wine.

By now we all knew the scoop.

‘The Baysider’, sticking to its mission of refusing to do any ‘investigative reporting’, never got to the bottom as to why Lander is meandering away.

Was he by any chance asked to leave? I hope not. I have been told that he is the most qualified, experienced and proficient Superintendent around. 

Is he leaving per his own volition? Seems reckless given that right now ACS does not even have a principal.

We lost a Principal last June, this June we lose the Superintendent.

This seems a bit careless to me. You can understand losing one. But losing both in a year.

Never mind. New opportunities. Pastures new. We have Linda Wilman. And she is doing a stellar job. That is the one bright spot in all of this. 

A Tantalizing YouTube Video Of The Beauties Of Sri Lanka’s Tea Country — Today Being Sri Lankan Presidential Election Day.

.Anura Guruge December 2014 thumbnail
by Anura Guruge

For other related posts:
++++ Check category ‘Sri Lanka’ on sidebar >>>>

Click to access YouTube video. You will thank me for sharing this with you. Sent to me by a cousin in Australia. I guess you must be wondering what the heck I am doing in New Hampshire. Good question. I wonder that too.

You did KNOW that it was election day in Sri Lanka — right?

Presidential Election.

You would never know by the U.S. media. They have done a real good job of keeping it a secret.

The pope’s visit to Sri Lanka, next week, was tied to this election.

I might do a few posts on the outcome of the election, IF I can figure what happened. I do NOT follow Sri Lankan politics and no longer personally know any of the protagonists.

Malaysian Airlines MH370: Today Is 10 Months And Still No Debris — No Sign.


by Anura Guruge

Just SOME of the Related post:
>> Maldives & Sri Lanka — Mar. 15, 2014.
>> 4 hours in air, Sri Lanka, Cell phones …
Mar. 13, 2014.
>> Malaysia flight 370: My Thoughts
 — Mar. 10, 2014.
>> Could have landed … — Mar. 11, 2014.

>> 3 month anniversary               >> 4 month anniversary
>> 5 month anniversary               >> 6 month anniversary
>> 7 month anniversary               >> 8 month anniversary
>> 9 month anniversary

++++ Search on ‘MH370‘ for other related posts >>>>

Today is 10 months!

306 days.

Nothing. Nada. Zilch.

Do YOU still believe it crashed into the sea?

Not one single piece of debris!

cf. AirAsia QZ8501. Debris on the surface
within 72 hours.

It has been 7,344 hours since MH370 vanished.
Just disappeared into thin air.

102 times longer than AirAsia
and still NOT one piece of debris.

Give me a break.



PSNH To Change Its Name To “Eversore Energy”.

.Anura Guruge December 2014 thumbnail

by Anura Guruge

Related posts:
>> PSNH increases rate to 10.56c/kWh.
 PSNH Thanksgiving 2014 outage.

>> PSNH cheaper than ENH (for now).

++++ Search ‘PSNH’, ‘ENH’ & ‘Resident Power’ for MORE posts >>>>


To be fair to them, which is far from what they have ever been to its long suffering customers, PSNH has never tried to pretend that it ever intends to do anything other than make their customers sore — both in mind and body.

So, now at least their new name will reflect it. Trips off the tongue. ‘Eversore Energy‘ — providing so, so, at that, service.

TDS Telecom Overcomes Internet Bandwidth Limits By Ignoring The Laws Of Physics!

.Anura Guruge December 2014 thumbnail
by Anura Guruge

Other Related posts:
1. TDS claiming Gigabit by Oct. 2015
Dec. 30, 2014.
1a. I get 75Mbps download with MetroCast — Jan. 7, 2015.

2. TDS Jamaica Call Center a Joke — Dec. 26, 2014.
It really is Jamaica — Oct. 29, 2014.
TDS outsourcing Call Center — May 5, 2014.

>> Search ‘TDS’ and for other related posts >>>>


Earlier this evening, when I was trying to determine whether I really should keep a TDS Internet connection as a backup for my 75Mbps MetroCast connection, I found this MISLEADING and hilarious graphic on the TDS Website — under ‘Internet’.

So it purports to show, quite graphically, how long it takes — with 0% overhead — to download a 15MB picture file at different speeds.

I was looking at the ‘Turbo’ speed — 8Mbps to 15Mbps. [I actually have the 15Mbps service.]

It says that YOU can download a 15MB file with the 15Mbps Turbo service in 7.5 seconds.

Check the graphic. That is what it says.

Ooopps! Wrong! Cannot be done. Will violate the laws of physics. It is like saying that that 2÷2 = 2.5.

How can I be so sure.

Elementary dear Watson.

MB stands for Megabytes and Mbps stands for Megabits per second.

8 bits in a byte.

So if the file was 15MegaBITS and you were downloading it on a 15Mbps connection (devoid, magically, of any overhead) it would take 1 second. 15Mbits –> 15Mbps.

But we are talking 15MBYTES. 8 times more bits. 8 seconds.

You can’t download a 15MB file on a 15Mbps connection ANY faster than 8Mbps. Physics and maths.

Yes, if the 15Mbps connection was 15.5Mbps, yes, it would, of course, be faster than 8 seconds. But, it doesn’t say 15+Mbps.

So there is ONLY one conclusion.

TDS Telecom is NOT bound by the laws of physics.

TDS Telecom has supernatural powers.

Get TDS Telecom and break your shackles from the limitations of physics.

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