
Clearlakes Chorale “Come, Gentle Spring” Concert, Saturday, May 17, 2014: Yet Another Virtuosismo Tour de Force.

Anura Guruge, June 8, 2013.



by Anura Guruge

Related posts:
>> Clearlakes 2013 Christmas:
>> Stupendous
 — Dec. 15, 2013.

>> French Christmas 2013 concert —

>> Oct. 14, 2013.
>> Our little Ad. for Clearlakes —

>> Oct. 27, 2013.
>> Spring 2012 Clearlakes Chorale
>> concert — May 12, 2013.

Click to access Clearlakes Chorale Website.

Yet another enchanting, sometimes mesmerizing, performance by Wolfeboro, New Hampshire based Clearlakes Chorale performing at Alton’s St. Katharine Drexel Catholic church.

It was the sixth or seventh Clearlakes Chorale concert I have attended (not counting going to both Saturday and Sunday of the same concert or ALL the rehearsals I sit through on a weekly basis).

There are all brilliant, but this one had a certain, beguiling je ne sais quoi feel to it — possibly having to do with the two Mozart pieces included.

I liked it very much. Can’t wait to hear it again tomorrow. Yes, I go to both performances — because I kind of help out.

This concert was different. All the solos were done by Chorale members. That was neat. We all liked that. Also the entire first half was all ladies — just sopranos and altos. That was different. Kind of funny to have all the gentleman, very dapper in their tuxes, sitting in the back pews.

It was Devanee’s fourth separate concert with Clearlakes: two Christmas concerts and now two Spring concerts. Given that she is still 13 that is pretty good. She is still the youngest (by far).

There are still tickets available for Sunday’s concert at 2pm, at St. Katharine Drexel. make it if you can. You will thank me.

Click to ENLARGE.

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