Tag Archive | Meredith

25th Annual JTG Music Memorial Extravaganza, Giuseppe’s, Meredith, Sunday, May 5, 2019 — Program/Schedule.

by Anura Guruge

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Initial heads-up. As with last year 2019 JTG will be in May rather than in April, Sunday, May 5, 2019 to be precise.

As always this should be a blast, and I should know. I have been to at least 22 of the 25 JTGs over the years.

I will keep you posted. Stay tuned.

Click image to access post — from last year.

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Search on ‘JTG’.

by Anura Guruge


Taking Selfies My Way — Part XXXV; Giuseppe’s [Meredith, NH] — October 10, 2018.

by Anura Guruge

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We went to Giuseppe’s, in Meredith (NH), one of our perennial favorite restaurants for Devanee’s 18th birthday. They have a nice mirror that I had noticed on prior visits. This time I managed to shoot a picture.

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Search ‘Selfies’.

by Anura Guruge

Another Excellent Birthday At Giuseppe’s Pizzeria & Ristorante (In Meredith, NH) — October 10, 2018.

by Anura Guruge

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Last Year — at Giuseppe’s.

12th Birthday — at Giuseppe’s.

2013 — Annual JTG Music Extravaganza at Giuseppe’s.

Click to access 2012 post.

Search on ‘JTG‘ for my annual JTG posts.

Today, 10/10/2018, was Devanee’s 18th birthday.

As has been HER custom for as long as we can remember there was only one, and only one place she wanted to go for her birthday dinner — Giuseppe’s in Meredith. It is her all time favorite place and has been basically all her life. A great testament to the wonderful owner of Giuseppe’s, Julie Gnerre Bourgeois — a good and dear friend to us all.

We started taking Devanee to Giuseppe’s in 2003, if not 2002. She would have been 3 (or 2). She has loved it ever since.

We know that AT LEAST for the last 8-years, if not more, we have been taking her to Giuseppe’s on October 10 for her birthday.

It has always been a fabulous experience. They go ALL out and Julie makes sure we get a really scrumptious, memorable cake. (Thanks, Julie.)

No different this year. Another great experience — with an added BONUS. Our favorite local musician, Paul Warnick, was playing. That was the icing on the cake. We think Paul is the cat’s whiskers. So, it could not have been better.

The staff, as ever, was outstanding. Thanks Giuseppe’s. Thanks Paul. Thanks Julie.

Related posts:
Search ‘Giuseppe’.

by Anura Guruge

Impressive Solar Energy Project At ‘Inter-Lakes’ High School, Meredith, N.H.

by Anura Guruge

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I Googled.
Found this on ‘The Laconia Daily Sun‘.

Click to ENLARGE and read here. Use link above to access the original.

I had not been to ‘Inter-Lakes‘ in quite a few years and I no longer read the local paper on a daily basis. So, I had not heard about or seen this 960-panel solar farm. Saw it yesterday when we went to see ‘Newsies‘. It is hard to miss, but I was a bit nostalgic since we (i.e., my son Matthew, I and the two Goldens we then had) used to sled down that slope when we lived in Meredith, 1997 — 1999. I actually permanently damaged my right arm biceps on the slope. That is another story.

I was so impressed and happy to see this solar project. Another instance of Meredith rising ABOVE the other towns in New Hampshire.

Of course, it wasn’t going to be cheap, and it must have taken quite a bit of clever footwork to get it approved by the Town Voters. But, over the long haul it will pay dividends and the newspaper article I show claims that.

But, even MORE IMPORTANTLY it is such a great, everyday REMINDER to the kids on the beauty of solar energy. Having the big monitor in the foyer showing the status of the system is MAGIC.

Bravo & Kudos.

Meredith you are such a shining example to THE WORLD. I am in awe. I regret that I ever moved away.

Related posts:
Search ‘Meredith’.

by Anura Guruge

by Anura Guruge

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Taken with my Google Pixel 2 Phone.

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starving artist Meredith New Hampshire Anura Guruge Google Pixel 2

The also rans:

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by Anura Guruge

‘Newsies’, Interlakes Summer Theatre, Meredith [N.H.] — August 17, 2018.

by Anura Guruge

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Click to access the “Interlakes Summer Theatre” Webpage.

Click to ENLARGE and read here. Wikipedia:

The dancing — acrobatic and adroitly choreographed — was very good, as good as what you would see on TV on “World of Dance” or “America’s Got Talent” (AGT). But, for a musical the songs weren’t that great and to make it worse the sound system left a lot to be desired. The lady seated in front of us, told us at the intermission, that she had to take off her hearing aid! That is not good — for a musical. It took me awhile to recognize the signature song — “Seize the Day” — and that was after Teischan gave me a hint!

I was not familiar at all, at all, with “Newsies“. I was confounded that it was billed as a Disney movie cum Broadway musical. I had to look it up. Ah! 1992. None of my kids were old enough. That explains it all.

It was a genuinely full-house. Not a single empty seat. We got the last two seats this morning. It is a small theatre so there are NO bad seats.

I was not familiar with the storyline — the “Children’s Crusade” in New York City. So, that was worthwhile learning. It wasn’t bad. Just wasn’t that great.

Though I have not been in quite a few years, I am no stranger to Interlakes Summer Theatre. When I lived in Meredith, 1996 — 1999, and during my early years in Gilford I used to attend regularly. Sometimes went to all the shows in a Summer season. I am sure I saw “Pirates of Penzance” twice in one week because my son, Matthew, loved it.

I always make a point to appreciate live theatre. And the dancing was GOOD. So, it was worthwhile. Huge thunderstorm during the show. You could hear the rain hammering on the roof. Tomorrow, i.e., Saturday, August 18, 2018, is the last show of the 2018 Season.

Related posts:
Search ‘theatre’.

by Anura Guruge

Flowers Of ‘Cackleberries Garden Center’, Meredith, New Hampshire — Mother’s Day, 2018.

by Anura Guruge

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huge turtle New Hampshire Anura Guruge Sony a7 II

Warning! Herein starts the ‘Flowers …’ posts for the Summer/Fall of 2018. {Smile} If you do not like flowers you should NOT look at these posts. They will be full of flowers. Sorry.

This is a FANCY nursery cum gift center in , New Hampshire. We drive by it often, but had not stopped until today. Very impressive and this is but the start of the 2018 season. We even bought some plants.

Enjoy. Spring has finally arrived in New Hampshire, though it is still atypically cold for this time of year.

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Check Categories ‘Sony’ & ‘Six Images’.

by Anura Guruge

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