“The Good Karma Hospital”, ITV Series, Season 2, Now On “Acorn TV”.
Happened to find it on ‘Acorn TV‘ serendipitously. We hadn’t been to Acorn in a few days, and as such had not seen the ‘banner’ saying Season 2 was here.
Teischan, our British TV aficionado loves this Series, so we had no choice but to watch Episode 1 of Season 2.
It was “OK”. I think it is badly, if not downright poorly, written. Very improbable and contrived storylines. Plus the appearances of the locals confound and confuse me. Most of them do not look Sri Lankan though the series is filmed in Sri Lanka. I do like seeing what today’s Sri Lanka looks like given that I have not been back in 26-years!
But, you, like Teischan, may love it. So, just wanted to make sure you knew that Season 2, which started showing in the U.K. in March 2018, is now available in the U.S. — though not in Canada.
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“The Good Karma Hospital”, ITV Series, Now On “Acorn TV”, Shot In Sri Lanka Though Set In Southern India!
It was one of the new shows available on ‘Acorn TV‘ (i.e., British shows) on the Roku. I was attracted to it just by its title — since it immediately brought to mind ‘The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel’. Well it is NOWHERE close to being that funny — BUT to be fair, it is not meant to be. It is more of a (somewhat obvious, predictable and stereotyped) romance-drama. It is OK. Teischan finds it ‘acceptable’ and I found it HOPING that she would like it. “Mrs. Hughes” from ‘Downton Abbey‘ made and appearance and that was a bonus.
Right from the start the scenery, especially the BEACHES, reminded me of Ceylon — Sri Lanka — especially those around Galle that I was extremely conversant with during my 14-years there. But, having also been to India, multiple times, I knew that the southwest coast of Southern India was similar. The catamaran boats shown also reminded me of Sri Lanka ….
Then I checked IMDb.com. It was indeed shot in Sri Lanka! Wow. Now I will have to tell Teischan.
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PBS Masterpiece “Home Fires” Season 2 Ended Last Week, Unexpectedly BUT With A Bang, With Episode 6.
IF ‘they’, i.e., PBS, told us that ‘Home Fires‘ Season 2 will end last Sunday with Episode 6, I missed it.
This weekend I kept on looking for it. Then worked out that it must have ended. A quick Web search confirmed that.
Wow. Episode 6, quite literally, ended with quite the BANG! So there will most likely be a Season 3 — though it might not be for a long time. There was a 17-month gap between Seasons 1 and 2.
Episode 6 should be available online.
Just wanted to make sure you did not miss it.
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Did YOU Know That Amazon Owned These 36 Companies, Including IMDb & Goodreads?
Of course I knew of ‘Kindle‘ and ‘CreateSpace‘. I publish my books EXCLUSIVELY through them.
Yes, I knew of ‘Prime‘. I am a proud member.
I knew of ‘DPReview‘ that I read multiple times a day.
And, of course, the whole world knows about ‘Amazon Web Services’.
But ‘IMDb.com‘? ‘AbeBooks’? ‘Goodreads’?
As an Amazon shareholder I am delighted.
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This Being Gallipoli 100th Anniversary “The Water Diviner” Is A Great Enlightening Movie To See.
Saturday, January 9, 2016 marked the 100th anniversary of the ending of the incredibly gruesome World War I ‘Gallipoli Campaign‘, 25 April 1915 – 9 January 1916, in which over 112,000 soldiers, from both sides, died — ironically, pretty close to 50:50. The Allies that fought in ‘Gallipoli’ were made up of forces from the U.K., France, Australia, New Zealand, British India & the Dominion of Newfoundland.
Most of us, especially those of us lucky enough to be from the mighty British Commonwealth, obviously, know of ‘Gallipoli’ but would be hard pressed to come up with much details other than that a lot of folks, many of Australia and New Zealand, died. And yes some of us know of and mark ANZAC day.
Well, this movie, is a great way to learn a LOT about what happened in Gallipoli while being entertained to a fairly good yarn and some beautiful cinematography.
HBO had it, i.e., “The Water Diviner“, as its featured Saturday night movie a few weeks ago. I DVRed it and we watched it recently. We liked it. I learnt a lot. So sharing that with you.
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