The New ‘Bentley Flying Spur’ Is Quite Spectacular, But As Far As I Am Concerned It Is a German VW!
It breaks my heart, these once GLORIOUS British companies now under German or Indian ownership. Bentley part of VW and my BELOVED Jaguars part of Indian Tata Motors.
This new ‘Flying Spur’, like all Bentleys, is near magical in its presence and gorgeousness — BUT it is no longer ICONICALLY British. Aaahhh! Why or why? Why did we let this happen.
Yes, I salivated over it, not that I would ever pay that kind of money for a car. But, an old Bentley, when it was still a British Bentley, might still be on the cards at some point. SMILE.
Anywho …
Just wanted to share with you and also express my distress as to what has happened to Dear Bentley.
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My Personal Tribute To ‘D-Day 75’ — June 6, 2019.
Remember. Reflect. Rejoice!
Click to ENLARGE.
Not much I can add. A solemn day in the end. Day to reflect, a day to give thanks — that we are speaking English rather than German.
Please check ALL the ‘D-Day‘ and ‘Red Poppy‘ posts on this blog. The search box is on the sidebar. In those days I covered much.
Remember. Reflect. Rejoice!
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Another BMW Owner Experiences ‘Instant Karma’ As His Car Catches Fire …
A screen grab from the video.
Use above link to access video.
Not the first time that BMWs have caught fire in front of their bewildered owners. There was a spate of such fires in late 2017 which even prompted a recall of BMWs.
And now this. Could not happen to a nicer bunch of folks. Well, anybody who is familiar with this blog or I will know my utter disdain for most things German — especially their bloody cars. No, I have not forgiven them as yet for bombing England during WWII! I am a very patriotic Brit. Hence why I find all misfortunes involving German cars amusing.
Instant Karma.
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I Wrote To The Queen About The Kraut Wagon At The Royal Wedding.
Click to ENLARGE.
I was NOT joking when I said that I was upset at the Princes arriving in Windsor in a German wagon.
So, I wrote to the Queen!
That is what she is there for and I did NOT become a monarchist if I did NOT believe I could call upon my Royals when I perceive that a wrong has been done.
I am actually sure that this letter will get some attention. It might never make it to the Queen but somebody at Buckingham Palace will take note. I sent it ‘certified’ etc.
I was NOT going to let it pass.
This is important stuff and I KNOW that I will find an ear in the Palace.
I know one thing for sure. Nobody seeing the letter will accuse me of disrespect or not been a patriot. The letter is clear that this is a matter of patriotism.
I have faith in this Queen. It took me a long time to get there and there.
I will, of course, keep you posted.
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Prince Harry Did GREAT With The Jaguar E-Type, But MESSED UP Badly With Kraut Wagon!
Click to ENLARGE.
How could they do this to US? How could they do this to ME?
Drive up in an ugly, black KRAUT wagon. WTF!
Beautiful, majestic British cars everywhere else Rolls Royces, Bentleys, Damilers, Jaguars …
And then this DISGUSTING German monstrosity.
Harry …. What were YOU thinking with?
I will NOT dredge up their German antecedents. We are beyond that.
But, why … oh, WHY?
You have enough Bentley’s in the family.
This was, to I, the LOW point of the day.
I really was crushed. I had to have a swig of wine to regain my composure.
I hate German bloody cars.
I love British cars.
This was CLASS.
British PRIDE.
We have Bentley’s and they don’t get ANY BETTER than that.
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“Ladies in Lavender” Movie (2004) — Quaint, V. British, Violin Extravaganza & Very Watchable.
The Full Movie, for FREE, on YouTube!
Found it on Amazon Prime for free. It was British, had Judi Dench and looked interesting. Did I already mention that it was also FREE.
That Maggie Smith, who we identify as being from “Downton Abbey” was a bonus.
It was very watchable, quaint and nicely captured the 1940 feel. Some superb pictures of the Cornwall coast. The violin music was impressive,
Improbable story! Could not have happened. Just ahead of WWII and he is a German-speaking Pole. But, an easy enough yarn to relax through. Not taxing. Just mellow.
If you are into quaint, 1940s British dramas — this is for you. Plus, two GREAT ladies. You can’t go wrong. Read about the movie and the two ladies on Interesting. They are nearly twins.
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“The Zookeeper’s Wife” Movie (2017) — Reaffirmed Why I Refuse To Own A German Car.
Quite the movie. Powerful & engrossing especially given that you know that it is based on a TRUE STORY!
“Schindler’s List” set in the Warsaw Zoo, during WWII.
Good movie, but distressing to watch the cruelty and the inhumanity of the Germans. It really hits you.
It was PG-13 and I wanted Teischan to see it. So, I had DVRed it, a few weeks ago, during an HBO Preview weekend. She watched it, with interest, though she is still quite hazy on the historical aspects of it.
Definitely recommend it. We should never forget what happened — NOT that long ago.
In the end it is an inspirational and feel-good movie
Made me feel real good — and glad — about my near 40-year resolution not to buy German cars after I saw the German bombing of Liverpool.
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