Tag Archive | Centennial

Grand Canyon National Park Celebrates Its 100th-Year BIRTHDAY Today — Happy Birthday.

by Anura Guruge

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It shares a birthday with my other favorite National ParkAcadia.

That is how I know.

Strange. I haven’t seen anything in the media acknowledging this significant birthday.

I adore the Grand Canyon. I have visited it at least 8 times and know that I haven’t even scratched the surface. It takes my breath away each and every time without fail.

A natural wonder of the world.

Happy Birthday, the Grand Canyon National Park.

We need to be precise on this. The Canyon itself is much older. SMILE!

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by Anura Guruge


100-Years Ago, Today, Acadia Graduated From Being A ‘National Monument’ To A ‘National Park’.

by Anura Guruge

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Click image to access this post that EXPLAINS the transition from ‘National Monument’ to ‘National Park’.

Click to access the ‘WE WERE THERE’ post.

Well, first and foremost a fond Happy Birthday to a National Park we have visited 11-times (and counting).

Debatable as to what was the more significant centennial — the one in July 2016 when it became a National Monument or toady, when it was upgraded to a National Park.

The ‘Park’ itself commemorated the 2016 birthday. That made sense. Becoming a National Monument meant that it got ‘National’ status and protection. Plus, it was in July which made it a great time to celebrate. A bit difficult to have a birthday celebration in Acadia at the end of February.

But, let’s mark both.

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by Anura Guruge

Our “White Mountain National Forest” Celebrates Its Centenary TODAY.

by Anura Guruge

Click to ENLARGE.

Click to ENLARGE and read here. Wikipedia:

So, the park was established on . Neat.

This was just 2-years after the U.S. National Park Service was established — and around the same timeframe as the founding of Acadia.

I am not sure how widely this was marked and celebrated in New Hampshire. It should be a BIG deal. We, the State, make a LOT of money from the Park.

Well, the next time I am there, and I am sure to visit this year, I will tip my hat and remember that this is the Centennial Year.

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by Anura Guruge

‘Our Lady of Fátima’ Marian Apparition Took Place For The First Time This Day, 100-Years Ago; May 13, 1917.

by Anura Guruge

Just to refresh our collective memories.

Click to ENLARGE and read here. Wikipedia link:átima

This, i.e., the Centennial, was why Pope Francis was in Fatima to canonize the two younger cousins who died in 1918. Click image to access “The New York Times” original.

100-years ago today!

Our Lady of Fatima‘ has figured prominently in World history and culture since then — especially in the last 30-years, with all three of the popes during that period being avid fans.

Today’s canonization was timed to coincide with the anniversary. Neat.

The reason that only two, of the three, were canonized was because Lúcia Santos, the oldest, did not die until 2005 — aged 97. The canonization process can’t start until you die! Hence the delay. Her canonization has been fast-tracked — as was the case for , a huge Fatima fan. She will be canonized in a ‘few’ years.

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by Anura Guruge

“Mount Desert Oceanarium”, ‘Acadia’, Maine — The Place To Learn About Lobsters.

by Anura Guruge

Click pictures to ENLARGE.

All taken with my Fuji X-E2s.

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Click image to access the “Oceanarium’ Website.

We stopped at the “Mount Desert Oceanarium“, just outside Bar Harbor, on Saturday, July 9, 2016, on our way back from our 3-day jaunt to “Acadia National Park” for the Park’s Centennial. I had always wanted to check it out and the kids, of late, are BIG into things Aquarium-related. It was a damp and cloudy afternoon and visiting the Oceanarium seemed like a good option. We are so glad we did.

Though it has a “Touch Tank” with starfish, horseshoe etc. and some exhibits of fish this delightful place really should be called a “Lobsterarium” as opposed to an “Oceanarium”. 96% of it, in my estimation, is all lobster-related. Nothing wrong with that, especially in Maine. It is a treasure trove of exhibits and information about lobsters and the working, extremely busy “Lobster Hatchery” is a sight to behold. I, though Deanna is the daughter of a lobsterman, had no idea as to the early life of lobsters. Wow. 10,000 or more eggs laid at a time by a mother lobster but in the ocean less than 1% of these result in an adult lobster. The survival rate is much higher in the Hatchery — the only one in New England.

A visit to the “Oceanarium” includes two 30-minute presentations, one at the Hatchery and the other at the “Lobster Museum” as well as 30-minutes exploration at the Touch Tank. The presentations were very informative. I, as usual, lucked out. I got to have a long and meaningful chat with founder and owner David Mills (seen in the pictures above). This led to him spending nearly half an hour with Deanna and the kids showing them how to ‘knit’ lobster bait pots etc. That was a bonus.

All together a very good experience. Well worth the entrance fee, i.e., $15 for adults, $10 for kids. If you are in the area definitely stop by but make sure you have allocated at least 2.5 hours for the visit. Enjoy.

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by Anura Guruge

Flowers Of Acadia National Park — July, 2016 (Part I).

by Anura Guruge

Click pictures to ENLARGE.

All taken with the Fuji X-T1 I rented.

These were in the main taken on the periphery
of the Park, e.g., Somes Sound, Bar Harbor
& Northeast Harbor.
Another post of flowers within the Park Soon.

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During the Summer months and well into September Acadia National Park and the whole area around it is festooned with tantalizing flowers — off all shapes, sizes and colors — many wild but also quite a bit diligently (but lovingly) planted and nurtured to add to the ambience of this magical area. Though we live South of Acadia we in New Hampshire do not have 1/20th of the flowers that abound the Acadia area. It is so noticeable. I love to take pictures of the flora. Interestingly enough there isn’t that much fauna that you in this area — though we were lucky enough, once again, to see a solitary deer fairly close to the “Kebo Valley Golf Club” which is where we invariably see them.

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by Anura Guruge

Acadia National Park 100th Birthday, Friday, July 8, 2016 — In 18 Pictures & Few Words.

by Anura Guruge

Click pictures to ENLARGE.

All taken with the Fuji X-T1 I rented.

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Acadia National Park 100 years Anura Guruge Fuji X-T1

Sieur de Monts spring Acadia National Park Anura Guruge Fuji X-T1

“Sieur de Monts” spring. The park was established on July 8, 1916 as the “Sieur de Monts National Monument”.

Mother Earth’s Creations Pow Wow artifacts Anura Guruge Fuji X-E2s

Jordan Pond Acadia National Park Anura Guruge Fuji X-T1

It was definitely very low-key, unstated and there were no fireworks of any sort. The Visitor Centers had some small stickers and tattoos with the Centennial logo lying inconspicuously on the counter while the main center, at Hulls Cove, and the gift shop at “Jordan’s Pond” had some Centennial merchandise. I, as is my wont, spoke to a few people and they had no idea that they were visiting the Park on an auspicious day. Once I told them they were, as was to be expected, tickled. The locals knew but were not making a big deal about it. One motel in Bar Harbor updated their roadside notice board to wish the Park a happy 100th birthday. That was about it. It wasn’t a great day weatherwise. Though there wasn’t much rain it was overcast, gray and gloomy all day. But we still had a good day — since it is neigh impossible not to enjoy yourself while in Acadia.

So that was Friday, July 8, 2016 on “Mount Desert Island” — Acadia National Park

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by Anura Guruge

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