Tag Archive | Catholic

1559 Sede Vacante Coin Recently Acquired By My Friend ‘Mark T.’

by Anura Guruge

Those that are familiar with my papal posts no doubt remember ‘Mark T.‘ (from the Mason-Dixon line vicinity) — a Federal Employee who is both an expert on matters papal and an avid collector of papal coins. Over the years I have published quite a few pictures of his amazing and beautiful coins.
This is one of his recent acquisitions and I have not dared ask how much it cost.
It is from 1559 — and it is a sede vacante (vacant see (in this case the Apostolic See of Rome)) coin. Such coins are issued by the Camerlengo (acting chief executive of the church in the absence of a pope) during the gap (i.e., vacancy) between the end of one papacy and the start of the next.
The 1559 sede vacante was between the papacies of Paul IV (#224, elected 1555) and his successor Pius IV. It was a relatively lengthy 4-month vacancy from August 18 to December 25, 1559. Yes, Pius IV was elected on Christmas.
The Camerlengo at this sede vacante was Guido Ascanio Cardinal Sforza (1518 — 1564) — the grandson of Paul III (#221, elected 1534). He was created a cardinal, aged 16, by his grandfather — as was normal for the time. He was appointed Camerlengo, yet again by his grandfather, in 1537 — when he was but 19-years old! He would go onto preside over four sede vacantes, 1559 his last.
The obverse side of this coin shows his coat of arms (per his prerogative as the Camerlengo) along with the notation SEDE VACANTE 1559.
The reverse side shows St. Peter standing with his keys keys along with the notation: S•PETRVS•©•ALMA•ROMA — where ‘Alma Roma’ refers to the ‘New Rome’ (under Christianity).This coin was minted in Rome.

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by Anura Guruge


Pope Francis May Be Guilty Of Heresy, But Who On Earth Is Going To Depose Him?

by Anura Guruge

Click image for the ‘Daily Caller’ article. Google ‘Francis heresy’ for more coverage.

How Donald Trump must wish he was the Pope. No Congress to hound him or a special counsel to bug him. Total and utter autocratic power on Earth.

So, Pope Francis may have committed heresy, a papal equivalent of ‘obstructing justice’, but who on Earth is going to depose the pope? And he, as headstrong as any dumb Argentinian bull will only resign when he wants to — not because there was a public outcry.

Yes, way back a number of popes (and quite a few anti-popes) were deposed, legitimately or otherwise; e.g. John XII in 964 and Gregory VII in 1080. But, both those deposings were conducted by a powerful Emperor in cahoots with a synod. These days we don’t have such powerful European emperors or synods capable of doing anything without papal approval.

So, we can forget Pope Francis getting deposed.

So, he can continue indulging in heresy.

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by Anura Guruge

Pope Francis, Once Again Wearing Gold, With The Insane Riches Of The Vatican As A Backdrop, Condemns Wealth.

by Anura Guruge

Click to access ‘The Washington Post’ article. Annotations & graphics are MINE.

Click to access my post from Christmas 2018.

This irks me no end. Yes, the pope makes a pretense of trying to lead a simple life BUT he invariably surrounds himself with gold. There is nothing in the Bible that says he need gold to give him credibility.

And as for the Vatican’s insane wealth — or for that matter the opulence in which Church prelates continue to live.

I no longer think that Francis is a hypocrite when it come to this matter — i.e., telling us to abandon wealth while the Vatican and the prelates continue to accumulate and glorify.

No, I just think he is TOO STUPID to realize what he is saying and the hypocrisy involved!

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by Anura Guruge

Pope Francis, From The Insane Opulence Of The Vatican, Again Has The Audacity To Condemn Materialism.

by Anura Guruge

For the original BBC article … click here.

Click to ENLARGE.


He is such a CLOWN … among other things, and most are NOT good.

Yes, of course, his message is good. But, charity, as always, starts at home. You get rid of your possessions at the Vatican and I will follow your lead.

It is no good trying to claim that he, as pope, leads a simple life. It is all relative. He is surrounded by opulence. As pope he can get rid of some of the Vatican’s insane wealth and set an example to the world.

The Vatican’s wealth is incalculable. The Vatican could afford to give away billions a year in charity. Just sell a few paintings a year.

Oh, NO. Everything at the Vatican is sacred. Cannot be parted with — BUT I need to get rid of what little I have.

You are such a CLOWN Francis.

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by Anura Guruge

Bad Pope Francis Is Such A Hypocrite, He Makes Donald Trump Look Like A Saint!

by Anura Guruge

Click to ENLARGE.

Click to ENLARGE. From “The New York Times”. Google for more articles.

I said it before …

Francis, the BAD POPE, calling upon abusive priests to turn themselves in is so, so hypocritical.

Francis has, of late, been the Chief Cover-Upper of clerical sex crimes. He has done everything he can to prevent the guilty from being brought to justice. He is now the BIGGEST culprit of them all.

He is such a fraud. He really makes Donald Trump look like a Saint.

He lies, cheats and uses the media to dupe his extremely gullible base — and I am talking about Francis.

This is laughable if it wasn’t so sad.

Francis answers to no one and of late I think he thinks that he is not even accountable to God.

A terrible pope. The worst pope since Pius XII. Will go down in history as another pope than brough infamy to the papacy.

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by Anura Guruge

Pope Francis Resists Temptation, For Now, To Change The “Lord’s Prayer”.

by Anura Guruge

Click for “National Catholic Register” original.

Has it ever occured to you that the “lead us not into temptation” line in the Lord’s Prayer sounds incongruous?

It is telling the Lord not to lead you into temptation! Yes, Ah!

Why would the Lord want to lead you into temptation?

But, that is basically what that line is saying.

Please Lord, do NOT lead me into temptation“.


Pope Francis quite rightly thinks it just doesn’t sound right.

But, he is NOT going to change the Lord’s Prayer.

I repeat, he is NOT going to change the Lord’s Prayer.

He could, if he wanted, BUT he is NOT going to do it for now.

He just wants you to THINK about it. And I always like folks that ask others to THINK about something worthwhile.

The French have changed their translation to take out the ‘lead’. The pope likes that. So, do I.

It has all to do with translations.

Contrary to what so, so many Americans think the Bible was NOT written in English and Jesus did NOT speak English.

The English and French versions have come about through a tortured course of translations over 1,600 years. From Aramaic/Hebrew to Greek … to Latin … to colloquial Latin (i.e., Vulgate) … English/French.

It was during this process that the ‘lead us’ came about.

So, NOW you know the real story.

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by Anura Guruge

Pope Francis Is Disingenuous When It Comes To Gay Catholic Priests.

by Anura Guruge

Click to ENLARGE and read here. Comments are MINE. Use link below to get original.

Click to access my post from 4-years ago.

Wikipedia even has an entry.

Pope Francis lies even more than Donald Trump — and that takes some doing. His recent feigned outrage about gays in the Church is SO FAKE.

He was talking about it 4-years ago, as I demonstrate above.

Plus, it is beyond common knowledge that homosexulaity within the ranks of Catholic priests is rampant. This is a well trodden road. I kind of assume that most Catholic priests are GAY.

The Catholic Church with its all male-culture and this stupid notion of celibacy ATTRACTS gay men to become priests. The Catholic priesthood is a club for gays. You can be gay and nobody need to know because you are a priest and, moreover, supposed to be celibate.

Francis’ call for gay priests to quit the Church is so patently fake. If they all quit there wouldn’t be a Church. The Vatican will be empty.

Please Francis.

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by Anura Guruge

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