Tag Archive | cardinal

So What Happens To Credibility Of The Bishops Consecrated By Now (Thankfully) DEFROCKED Theodore McCarrick?

by Anura Guruge

Google ‘defrocked’ for more.

Click to access post.

Click to ENLARGE and read here. From Wikipedia.

Bishops, let alone Archbishops & ex-Cardinals, don’t get defrocked often. So, this issue that crossed my (ever fertile) mind doesn’t come up that often. What happens to the credibility of bishops who were LEGITIMIZED by Theodore McCarrick during his very long tenure as a bishop, archbishop and then cardinal.

‘Legitimized’ in this context referring to episcopal consecration — i.e., a bishop, per his standing as a bishop, elevating another to be a bishop.

This is the so called ‘Apostolic Succession‘. Each Catholic bishop is supposed to have a direct line to one or more of the original Apostles via this mechanism where a new bishop can only be established by an existing bishop … the theory being that the very first bishops were established by the original Apostles.

But, a bishop who gets defrocked could NEVER have been a worthy successor to the Apostles. He would have always been flawed. Otherwise he would not have got defrocked.

So, this would mean that McCarrick was a fraud when he was a bishop. Thus his consecrations have to be flawed if not bordering on fraud.

Think about it. I bet the bishops he consecrated are none too happy. You can bet on that.

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by Anura Guruge


Camerlengo Who Have Become Pope. Extremely Rare & Kevin Farrell Will NOT Be The Next Pope.

by Anura Guruge

Click to ENLARGE and read here. From my “The Next Pope 2011” book, which contains a ton of useful information such as this. So, rather than rewrite it, I just grabbed this from page 42. Click on image at the end of this post to access this book.

Click to ENLARGE.

First & foremost the Next Pope will not be American. You can take it to the bank.

Anybody who thinks that an American cardinal is a papabile is smoking dope, legally or otherwise. Will NOT happen. Pipe dream.

The world does NOT want the Vatican becoming ‘White House East’. That has always been the issue.

Plus, now we have the Sex Abuse Crimes reaching a new crescendo. The U.S. Catholic hierarchy has been totally discredited. The last thing that the other cardinals want is drawing more attention to the the horrendous problems transpiring in the U.S.

Plus, there is also Trump.

Actually, Kevin Farrell strikes out on three counts (at present).

  1. He is American. That is the BIGGEST disqualifier.
  2. Camerlengos do not often get elected. They are considered the henchman of the previous pope and Francis is not that popular.
  3. Currently at 71-years of age he is WAY TOO young. The next pope, like the past two, needs to be at least 75.

P.S., I know that the PLURAL of Camerlengo is Camerlenghi. But, not too many other do. So, there was no point using Camerlenghi because it would just mess up those doing a Google on ‘Camerlengos’.

[I know my SEO.]

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by Anura Guruge

The New Camerlengo — U.S. Cardinal Kevin Joseph Farrell, The 1st Non-European Camerlengo.

by Anura Guruge

Click to ENLARGE and read here. Wikipedia:

It has been 7-months. Click to access my post.

I did foresee the possibility of an American. Click to access my post.

What is MOST significant with Kevin Joseph Farrell’s appointment is that he is a non-European. A first, and as such, of course, the first American Camerlengo.

Do not read too much into this appointment. It does not indicate that a conclave is around the corner. Having a Camerlengo, on tap, is more normal than not having one. The 7-month gap, though possibly a tad long, is not exceptional. Popes like to wait awhile before they fill this post. Not having a Camerlengo, if the pope was to die, is not the end of the world. It happened when Pius XII died in 1958. The Dean of the College of Cardinals deputized on day 1 and then they elected a cardinal to act as the temporary Camerlengo.

We have had non-Italian Camerlenghi. The last Camerlengo, Jean-Louis Tauran, was French. So was Jean Villot, the iconic Camerlengo of the 1970s. We have also had a Spaniard, Eduardo Martínez Somalo, 1993 to 2007. So, these are the recent non-Italians. But, there was also a spate of French ones in the 14th century during the Avignon Papacy.

Choosing Farrell makes sense. At 71 he is of the right age, though one a few years younger would have made more sense. He is also a curialist; i.e., he works at the Vatican. That is a prerequisite. The Camerlengo has to reside in Rome.

So, this is all good.

Just don’t assume that a conclave is around the corner. Just revel in that he is non-European. A most welcome departure from what had been a 2,000-year custom.

Click to access post from Feb. 15, 2019.

Click for details.

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by Anura Guruge

U.S. Cardinal James Michael Harvey: An Inspired Choice As Next Camerlengo.

by Anura Guruge

Click to ENLARGE.


There has never been a U.S. Camerlengo. That alone Cardinal Harvey, as a potential candidate, interesting and intriguing. The Vatican has some similarities to NATO — the U.S. is the biggest contributor to its working budget. And it is no secret that since the early 1900s the U.S. Catholics have invariably helped out with conclave costs. So, it would be only fair to appoint a U.S. Camerlengo — given that the next pope, or the one after that … or the one after that will not be American.

James Michael Harvey, had a distinguished career in Rome, as the Prefect of the Papal Household; a post he held for 14-years. But, then, extremely incongruously, he was removed from that position the DAY BEFORE he was created a cardinal. Yes, his replacement was Pope Benedict XVI’s special friend, the handsome and debonair, fellow-German, Archbishop Georg Gänswein (61). So, we might have been trying to read too much into this. Benedict just wanted his friend in charge of his household rather than an American that had been appointed by an ailing John Paul II.

It is also true that ‘Vatileaks‘ came to be during Harvey’s watch and THE BUTLER was arrested six-months prior to Harvey being pushed out. But, this was now 6 years ago.

Harvey has kept his copy book clean.

He has all the qualifications to be a good Camerlengo. He is young, knows the workings of the Vatican inside-out and has demonstrable executive experience.

So, it is a name to think about.

Click for details.

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by Anura Guruge

Br. César J. Tobón, L.C. Officiating, Next To Pope Francis, At The Funeral Of Cardinal Darío Castrillón Hoyos.

by Anura Guruge

Click to ENLARGE.

In the words of Br. César J. Tobón:

“I also want to share with you that this Saturday I acolited the funeral Mass of Colombian Cardinal Darío Castrillón Hoyos. At the end of the rite I had the opportunity to greet Pope Francis and assure him of my prayers for his ministry. While the pope sprinkled the coffin with holy water, I became aware that it was “Peter” who was dismissing the mortal remains of Cardinal Castrillón, and at the same time Pedro was opening the doors of heaven.”

Br. César J. Tobón is directly to the left of the pope, holding the cardinal’s mitre in his hands.

More about Cardinal Darío Castrillón Hoyos.

Click to ENLARGE and read here. Wikipedia:ío_Castrillón_Hoyos

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by Anura Guruge

The 14 Cardinal Designates, Announced By Pope Francis, For The June 29, 2018 Consistory — By Br. César J. Tobón, L.C.

by Anura Guruge

Click to ENLARGE — original Spanish version. See below for English.

Click to ENLARGE — original English version

Another incomparably well-designed new-cardinal graphic by Br. César J. Tobón of  who has provided us with a similar, and much appreciated, graphics ahead of other cardinal creating consistories and whenever there has been major changes to the Roman curia. His beautiful work is always a joy to behold and an honor to present.

Here is a segment of the translated, official Vatican announcement. That will help with the names and titles:

Click to ENLARGE. Use link below for the Vatican original.

Click here for the Vatican original.

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by Anura Guruge

Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor, Of Britain, With My Friend, Father Anthony Churchill.

by Anura Guruge

This was taken in October 2012, the Cardinal (standing tall) on left.

Click to ENLARGE and read here. Wikipedia:

The Cardinal, aged 84, is ailing.

Two posts by Fr. Churchill
in the last ’24’ hours.

Click to ENLARGE and read here.


I was fortunate to meet Fr. Churchill, online, c. 2010, when I was working on my Pope books.

Fr. Churchill, STL, extremely gracious, patient and KNOWLEDGABLE, helped me tremendously — always taking time to answer my questions, translate Latin for I (he is both a Latin and theological scholar) and providing me with amazing photographs from his frequent trips to Rome. Two of his pictures grace the covers of my ‘‘ books.

Fr. Churchill currently is Episcopal Vicar for Ecumenical Affairs, and Parish Priest of St Michael’s Ashtead, Surrey (U.K.)

Cover picture by Fr. Churchill.

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by Anura Guruge

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