
Alton Bay “Airport On Ice” 2018 — In Full Swing, Saturday, February 17.

by Anura Guruge

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Last week Alton’s famous ‘Airport on Ice‘, on Alton Bay, on Lake Winnipesaukee, NH, was ready for action but there was a paucity of planes. Not so on Saturday, February 17. This is the ‘carnival’ weekend, with Sunday slated as the day of the ‘festival’ per se. But, it is snowing as I write and there will be snow on the runway and taxiway first thing in the morning until it is cleared.

Today was a tad colder than last weekend, at 33°F (i.e., just above freezing). But, with no snow on the ice, the Bay was slippery. I did NOT want to venture far with my Sony a7 II. IF I fell and damaged it — that would be a bit of a shame.

Sunday will be warm, in the 40s°F (4.4+°C). So, I think there will be a fair amount of plane traffic come the afternoon.


Related posts:
Search ‘airport on ice’.

by Anura Guruge


Tags: 2018, Airport on Ice, Alton Bay, , Festival, Lake Winnipesaukee, landing, , , planes taking off

About Anura Guruge

See 'The Blogger' on my blog.

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