Train Accident In Sri Lanka From 2011: 18 Year Old Girl Hit By Train Survives! Pretty Amazing.
I had posted this in my “Fun & Trivia With Anura Guruge” blog
in 2011. But, that blog does not get many hits or my attention.
So I am reposting it here since it is pretty amazing and
is related to the other train accident post from a few days ago.
They continue to have this type of accident in Sri Lanka, in many instances the outcome not being as good as in this case. As far as I can remember we have had people getting hit by trains — largely because people have used rail tracks as public roads. In the 1960s when I was growing up there we had folklore about getting run over by trains — the worst fear being that of getting one of your feet trapped in a junction point (‘switch’) and then being helplessly trapped as a train approached! People would actually talk about the best strategies for such scenarios — I kid you not. It was considered best if your free leg was outside of the rails, because you could then really lean over and just lose the bottom part of your leg. We really used to talk about such things. Yes, we also played chicken with trains — something I continued to do until I was about 16, even once doing it in India.
It still baffles me how these people don’t FEEL the train coming behind them — even if they don’t hear it. These lumbering trains, on not that well laid tracks, create one heck of a lot of ground vibration. Well, you have to watch the video:
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