
Ringling Brothers/Barnum & Bailey May No Longer Have Elephants But The Kora Shrine Circus DOES!

by Anura Guruge

From their Facebook page (). And I think this is RECENTLY. They had 3 performing today (Saturday) in Augusta.

Click to access their Web page.

From their Facebook page. Looks colorful enough.

From their Facebook page again. I heard that Ringling have stopped doing the human cannonball too!

We were in Maine today, and Deanna’s niece had taken her 3-year old son to ‘the circus‘ in Augusta, Maine.

She was telling us all about it when she casually mentioned that ‘this year’ they had 3 elephants performing — whereas in past years they have only had one perform.

WOW. I grilled her. Appears that there were NO demonstrators, no protests.


I checked it out as soon as I got home.

VERY different to Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey.

For a start they do a 9:30am show. That would be good for some kids. I heard, however, that the 9:30am show, in Augusta, on Saturday, April 22, 2017, was not even half full!

Their MOST expensive tickets — reserved seating — is only $12! I am not even going to tell you what we are paying for our tickets, in Manchester, for Ringling Brothers.

The elephant dichotomy seems incongruous.

Was it JUST Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey that were targeted? If so that would be unfair. How do we know that these other circuses treat their elephants any differently?

I need to research this further.

Related posts:
++++ Search on ‘circus‘ & ‘elephants‘ for many, many other related posts >>>>

by Anura Guruge


Tags: 2017, , April, Augusta, Barnum & Bailey, circus, , Kora Shrine Circus, , , no protests, Ringling Brothers

About Anura Guruge

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