For Those Celebrating “No Bra” Day On October 13 — Hang Loose!
by Anura Guruge
Related posts:
** “National No Bra Day”.
>> “National Orgasm Day”.
>> “Orgasms: 101 Facts & Trivia” book …
++++ Search on ‘orgasm’ or ‘sex’ for other potentially related posts >>>>
Since I can still get away without wearing a bra, everyday is a ‘No Bra’ day for me — at least for now.
But, as you must know I also empathize, always, with the Fairer Sex (and lets face it, most anybody is fairer than I). So I am ALWAYS happy to plug ‘No Bra’ day. IF it suits I have no issues if everyday is a ‘No Bra’ day. So hang loose. Enjoy. And I propose that we make December 25th a ‘No Bra’ day also.
These ladies, as far as I can tell (and as you must know I am no expert on such matters), are NOT wearing bras. From “National Geographic” — the new alternative to no-nudes “Playboy”.
The New Canon G5X Could Very Well Be My Next (Companion) Camera
by Anura Guruge
Other Related posts:
>> Lumix FZ1000 stunning pictures.
>> Lumix FZ1000 blog.
>> Got a Panasonic Lumix FZ1000.
** Canon G3X is ugly.
** Canon G3X: 80% my next camera.
** ‘Camera Labs’ review of Canon G3X.
** Sony RX10 II vs Canon PowerShot G3X.
>> Search ‘Sony’, ‘Panasonic’ & ‘Canon’ for other related posts >>>>
I really thought long and hard about getting a Canon PowerShot G3X as an alternative to my Canon Rebel T3i (which has now become Devanee’s camera). In the end the MAIN REASON I did not get it was the lack of a built-in electronic viewfinder (EVF). Yes, I knew I could get an external add-on but that jacked the price beyond what I was willing to pay.
Then as I have amply documented here, I ended up getting a Sony a77 mk II which I had assumed — and maybe even hoped — would be my permanent camera for at least 24 months. Well that was not to be. When I lost 989 images with it, I just could not deal with it. So I ended up getting a Panasonic Lumix FZ1000 as a short-term compromise. I LIKE THE FZ1000. It can take some stunning pictures — out of the box. That appeals to me. But given that I got 100% of my money back on the Sony a77 II I kind of have $1,000 in the bank from my camera fund.
I have been toying with getting another camera to augment the Lumix FZ1000 — primarily one that I can carry around, most of the time, without having to lug the FZ1000. PLUS I have been hankering, this week after again reading reviews of Olympus OMD cameras, for a camera with a LOT of control wheels! I do not like fiddling around with menus to set parameters. I want a dedicated ‘Exposure Compensation’ wheel (like I had with the Sony). Another wheel or two I could customize, maybe for flash and focus, would really appeal. The G5X seems to offer me this capability and it has a EVF and a 1″ sensor.
Yes, I am seriously thinking about it. Might not get it this week! I still need to spend some quality time with my FZ1000. Maybe for Christmas. I will keep you posted.
Bottom line, the Canon PowerShot G5X sure is more attractive than the G3X.
Canon slashing prices of other PowerShots,
including G3X & G9X, ahead of G5 X. Click …
I get a refurbished PowerShot G1 X, from Canon, for $269.
‘Poppy Day’ (Remembrance Day) 2015: U.K. Appeal Starts October 22.
. .
by Anura Guruge
For ALL the ‘Red Poppy’ posts from past years:
One of the key annual events extensively covered
by this blog is “Poppy Day” — “Remembrance Day“.
Having acquired the habit when I lived in the U.K.
I wear a Red Poppy with PRIDE every year
and do all I can to stress the significance & importance of this
So please join me.
Time to remember and reflect.
The least WE can do for all those that got us where we are today.