Archive | October 13, 2015

For Those Celebrating “No Bra” Day On October 13 — Hang Loose!

.Anura Guruge December 2014 thumbnail
by Anura Guruge

Related posts:
** “National No Bra Day”.

>> “National Orgasm Day”.
 “Orgasms: 101 Facts & Trivia” book …

++++ Search on ‘orgasm’ or ‘sex’ for other potentially related posts >>>>

Since I can still get away without wearing a bra, everyday is a ‘No Bra’ day for me — at least for now.


But, as you must know I also empathize, always, with the Fairer Sex (and lets face it, most anybody is fairer than I). So I am ALWAYS happy to plug ‘No Bra’ day. IF it suits I have no issues if everyday is a ‘No Bra’ day. So hang loose. Enjoy. And I propose that we make December 25th a ‘No Bra’ day also.

These ladies, as far as I can tell (and as you must know I am no expert on such matters), are NOT wearing bras. From “National Geographic” — the new alternative to no-nudes “Playboy”.


The New Canon G5X Could Very Well Be My Next (Companion) Camera

Anura Guruge December 2014 thumbnail
by Anura Guruge

Other Related posts:
Lumix FZ1000 stunning pictures.
Lumix FZ1000 blog.
>> Got a Panasonic Lumix FZ1000.

** Canon G3X is ugly.
** Canon G3X: 80% my next camera.
** ‘Camera Labs’
of Canon G3X.
Sony RX10 II vs
Canon PowerShot G3X.

>> Search ‘Sony’, ‘Panasonic’ & ‘Canon’  for other related posts >>>>


Click to access the “dpreview” for the new Canon G5X.


Click to access Canon online store page for the G5X.

I really thought long and hard about getting a Canon PowerShot G3X as an alternative to my Canon Rebel T3i (which has now become Devanee’s camera). In the end the MAIN REASON I did not get it was the lack of a built-in electronic viewfinder (EVF). Yes, I knew I could get an external add-on but that jacked the price beyond what I was willing to pay.

Then as I have amply documented here, I ended up getting a Sony a77 mk II which I had assumed — and maybe even hoped — would be my permanent camera for at least 24 months. Well that was not to be. When I lost 989 images with it, I just could not deal with it. So I ended up getting a Panasonic Lumix FZ1000 as a short-term compromise. I LIKE THE FZ1000. It can take some stunning pictures — out of the box. That appeals to me. But given that I got 100% of my money back on the Sony a77 II I kind of have $1,000 in the bank from my camera fund.

I have been toying with getting another camera to augment the Lumix FZ1000 — primarily one that I can carry around, most of the time, without having to lug the FZ1000. PLUS I have been hankering, this week after again reading reviews of Olympus OMD cameras, for a camera with a LOT of control wheels! I do not like fiddling around with menus to set parameters. I want a dedicated ‘Exposure Compensation’ wheel (like I had with the Sony). Another wheel or two I could customize, maybe for flash and focus, would really appeal. The G5X seems to offer me this capability and it has a EVF and a 1″ sensor.

Yes, I am seriously thinking about it. Might not get it this week! I still need to spend some quality time with my FZ1000. Maybe for Christmas. I will keep you posted.

Bottom line, the Canon PowerShot G5X sure is more attractive than the G3X.

Canon slashing prices of other PowerShots,
including G3X & G9X, ahead of G5 X. Click …

I get a refurbished PowerShot G1 X, from Canon, for $269.

‘Poppy Day’ (Remembrance Day) 2015: U.K. Appeal Starts October 22.

P1000059Anura Guruge December 2014 thumbnail.
. .
by Anura Guruge

For ALL the ‘Red Poppy’ posts from past years:



Click to access U.K. appeal page.

One of the key annual events extensively covered
by this blog is “Poppy Day” — “Remembrance Day“.

Having acquired the habit when I lived in the U.K.
I wear a Red Poppy with PRIDE every year
and do all I can to stress the significance & importance of this

So please join me.
Time to remember and reflect.
The least WE can do for all those that got us where we are today.

Poppy Day 2015.

2013 — wearing a Canadian Red Poppy with PRIDE.

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