
Myanmar (Burma), Hardline Buddhist Monk Dictated Population Control Law Is A Disgrace To All Buddhists Worldwide.

.Anura Guruge December 2014 thumbnail
by Anura Guruge

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Click to ENLARGE and read snippet here. Use link below to access New Zealand “Herald” original.

Click here to access access New Zealand “Herald” original.

The extremist Buddhists, ably spurred on by unscrupulous hard-line Buddhist monks, have become totally out-of-control in Burma and Sri Lanka.

What is happening in Myanmar (Burma) is inexcusable. This new population control law, to hopefully curb the growth of the non-Buddhist minorities, is BEYOND a joke. But, alas it is very real.

Sri Lankan Buddhists, always ready to ape anything and everything bad from Burma, will no doubt try to pass a similar law.

How come there is NO Global OUTRAGE?

Talk about trampling all over BASIC human rights? We are talking about the right to reproduce.

This is wrong.

All Buddhists, around the World, should speak out against this.

Burma should face trade sanctions and boycotts — and so should Sri Lanka IF they too insist on trying to ape Burma.

I am NO longer a Buddhist BUT as a child I was inculcated with more Buddhism than most. Google (or check Amazon) with “Guruge Buddhism“. So I do know my Buddhism much, much better and more insightfully than most. So trust me on this. This is NOT what Buddhism is about. Buddhism, not a religion per se, is about compassion, MODERATION and tolerance. Just ask YOURSELF, if you are a Buddhist, “what would Buddha say?”


Tags: , boycott, Buddha, , , , compassion, extremist, Guruge, hard line, law, moderation., monks, , population control, say, , tolerance

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