
Now Have Roku “My Feed” On My ‘Old’ Roku 3 — Software v6.2 Build 3332.

.Anura Guruge December 2014 thumbnail
by Anura Guruge

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theme on Roku.

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>> Beyond pleased with Roku 3.

>> Getting Roku 3 with DishWorld.

Click to ENLARGE

As you can clearly see from the above images I now have, without doubt, the new Roku ‘My Feed’ feature. That is good. I just noticed it today. I took it for a drive and it works.

Here is the strange thing. My software version and build has NOT changed. Check the picture (above) and what I wrote in this April 8, 2015 post. Version 6.2 Build 3332. You can’t see it in the picture BUT it also say, to the left, that the software was last updated April 6, 2015.


So, maybe it was a ‘My Feed’ ACTIVATION at the Roku ‘Mothership’ with the same software.

Just letting you know.

So YOU too should now have ‘My Feed’.

Check the software version.

That is all I can help. I don’t want to bother them and bust their chops as to how it suddenly became available without a software upgrade. I suspect that it was ALWAYS in Build 3332 BUT needed to be activated.

Are we cool? 


Tags: 3332, , build, , release, , Roku 3, Roku 4, software, update, Voice Search

About Anura Guruge

See 'The Blogger' on my blog.

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