Why Has Discovery Channel ‘Fast N’ Loud’ Deteriorated Into ‘Funniest Videos’ With An Attitude?
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We used to like ‘Fast N’ Loud’ even if Richard Rawling’s creative math when claiming his profits would drive me (as a small business owner) batty. It was a good, fun and educational show. The kids love it. It and ‘Top Gear‘ were two of the favorite shows for Family TV. I am sure Devanee acquired her interest in cars from watching these shows.
So what gives of late? I am NOT even going to mention ‘Misfit Garage’. That whole thing, even for a second-tier reality show, was so fake and contrived.
Is it that difficult to record new episodes of actual cars getting made over? I have to believe that that was what Richard’s contract with Discovery Channel stated — x number of episodes showing the ‘Gas Monkey Garage’ at work (or at worse even play).
So what is the deal with bloody ‘Demolition Theater’? As far as I can see the last few weeks of 2014 all you got as new episodes was Demolition Theater — and IF you take out the umpteen, over-and-over-and-over-and-over-and-over reshowing of the same video clip and the commercials, each show is only about 18 minutes LONG! It is a travesty. How did they manage to pull that fast one on Discovery Channel. Shame on Discovery.
Yes, we do watch Demolition Theater. We like ‘funniest videos’ and they don’t have to be just ‘Americas’. The clips, especially from Russia and Eastern Europe do have me in stitches, but that said that is NOT what I want from ‘Fast N’ Loud’. I feel cheated and abused. Rawlings, arrogant and irreverent, taking the mickey out of me.
Well I hope there are a FEW others out there who feel that they have been hard done by. Luckily there is NO shortage of shows that we can record for Family TV. ‘Whale Wars‘ is back. Devanee & I are addicted to the show though we all, including 8-year old Teischan, realize that most of it is far from reality! Plus nobody can be that inept, year after year, on TV, unless it is meant to be a comedy. Though we are BIG into whale conservation we can’t take that show too seriously. We spend most of each show loudly speculating s to how they will screw up. Luckily Teischan has, of late, got a real liking for vet shows — and I am glad (given I was a ‘All Things Bright and Beautiful‘ aficionado for decades and still am). So for example tonight, I recorded two episodes of ‘Yukon Vet’ for her. That is her latest favorite. That is good. Very capable female vet. Good role model.
But as for Richard Rawlings … Maybe he should go and see a vet.
New Hampshire Governor Maggie Hassan’s 2015 Inauguration: YOU Should Attend The Open House.
Related Posts:
>> NH State House: Christmas 2014.
>> Pictures with Governor Hassan.
>> Virginia Drew, Director, State House Visitors’ Center.
>> Tour of New Hampshire Historical Society Museum.
>> Award ceremony at the State House.
>> N.H. Law Enforcement Officers memorial 2013.
>> First shift as a GSA at the N.H. State House.
>> Visiting the N.H. State House in Concord.
Click here to access the official Website for the inauguration.
The New Hampshire State House, in Concord, the nation’s oldest State House in which the legislature still occupies its original chambers, is always a delightful place to visit.
Governor Maggie Hassan, now in her second term, is a World Class Act, and a joy and honor to meet.
This Open House, on Thursday, January 8, 2015, will give YOU a chance to combine both in what you should be a very celebratory mood. I, as Granite State Ambassador (GSA) that volunteers at the House (or ‘General Court’ as it is correctly known), urge you to attend irrespective of your political stripes.
Alas we will not be there. But, Devanee & I had the honor of meeting with the Governor and her husband just before Christmas, at the State House, and the whole family got to meet her, at length, at the House again, last July. Plus, I am at the House more often than people realize BUT nowhere close to as often as I should be there! That said I am going to be there on Monday for some very special training. That should be fun and interesting. Plus we have to be in Concord that Thursday morning for a meeting with a State department. IF we have time, and I can find a place to park, we will drop in at the House to press the flesh and savor the spirit. I know quite a few people there and many know me by sight.
So, please try to go. It should be very rewarding.
I am so happy to see Governor Maggie Hassan reinaugurated. She is such an asset to the State.