
We Are Supporting Raymond (‘Ray’) Howard For N.H. Belknap 8 Seat.

Anura Guruge, June 8, 2013.

by Anura Guruge


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I had meant to write this ever since I saw that he was running. I like Ray. He, on most topics, makes sense though suffice to say we don’t agree on everything but that to me is not a major problem. Ray is a good guy. I used to see him and talk to him often. I even have his phone number though we haven’t spoken in a long time. Yes, I know and appreciate that he probably considers me a downright, unwashed liberal. He is probably more than half right in that. That is OK. We don’t have to agree 100% on everything, plus us not agreeing on some issues doesn’t detract from Ray being a good person and that I respect his integrity.

He once gave me some elk burgers which were delicious. And in general I try to be nice to anybody who has fed me. So that is another reason why I am endorsing Ray. Maybe now that hunting season approaches I might see him on my run like I used to. Maybe he will try to run me over like so many try to do on a daily basis. It is kind of a game. But, for now, lets wish him all the best in his run. I hope he wins. I would like to see him in Concord along with my other friends. I think they will like Raymond, though I am not sure whether the converse will be true.

But, vote for Raymond on the Republican ticket. He is a good, decent man. You could do much, much worse.

P.S., Yes, I know the name but I have no idea who Elaine Swinford is. I know she has run before and is quite well known. I just don’t know her and she has never come to my door with venison or elk. Hint. Hint. I am easy to please.

P.P.S., Does Raymond have a Website? I can’t find one but I am not good at that stuff. I know that other candidates do have Websites. Maybe I should help him create one. Will only take me less than an hour.


About Anura Guruge

See 'The Blogger' on my blog.
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