
‘The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel’ (For The Elderly & Beautiful): A Must Watch Movie From Britain With Some Great Indian Talent & Humor.


Anura Guruge


We have only watched 1/2 of it, but it is beyond good.

It was another free, HBO preview weekend on DISH and I recorded a bunch of movies (space limitations on our already packed DVRs the only limitation). As soon as I saw the title, never mind the description, I knew I had to record it.

It is funny and poignant at the same time.

Lots of familiar (and famous) faces.

A bit bummed that the movie and review sites don’t give due credit to the Indian STARS. They are as good as the famous Brits.

Key among them is Dev Patel fromSlumdog Millionaire‘. Deanna, to her credit, spotted him right away. I didn’t. All brown folks look the same to me (and Deanna even chastizes me that I can’t even tell blondes apart).

Great movie. If you haven’t seen it make a point of watching it.

[Street cricket scene. The wickets were too close together. And the strokes weren’t that great. But, that is movie license.]

Kind of funny, there was another ‘Indian’ movie with a similar name, i.e., ‘Marigold‘ a few years back. We saw that too. That was good too.


Tags: actors, , Beautiful, , , Dev Patel, Dish, Elderly, HBO, , Indian, Marigold, Slumdog Millionaire, stars,

About Anura Guruge

See 'The Blogger' on my blog.

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