Tag Archive | inflatable

‘Atoll’ Hats Are As Impressive As Their Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Boards (iSUP).

by Anura Guruge

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Wow, these Atoll hats are IMPRESSIVE! I kid you not. As good as their 11′ iSUP that I am getting very fond of.

Those who know me will attest that I typically shy away from apparel — T-shirts, hats, sweats — that endorse a company, product or service. It has to be very special to I before I will endorse anything by wearing ‘branded’ apparel.

It is going to be different with Atoll. I am going to be wearing these hats regularly over the Summer. Wait and see. I will post pictures as proof. Smile.

Definitely recommend Atoll — the board and the hats.

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by Anura Guruge


The Garmin SUP (Stand Up Paddle Board) APP — The Data You Get.

by Anura Guruge

Garmin MARQ Expedition SUP APP Anura Guruge

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Click to ENLARGE.

This was the very first time I have used the Garmin SUP (Stand Up Paddle Board) APP.

I am pretty impressed and pleased with the data it provides. Basically, it emulates what you get with the RUN, WALK or HIKE APPs.

Do not get hung up on my actual data. I am 65-years old, recovering from major knee surgery and just got back into SUP after a 3-year hiatus. Plus, I was never a strong or great paddler. I just do it for the fun. We live close to a lake and we have beach rights. So, I try to get out on the water.

I am using an Atoll 11′ stand up paddle board (iSUP). I have only had it since Saturday. This was my 3rd ride with that board. I have and use a Garmin MARQ Expedition.

MARQ Expedition

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by Anura Guruge

GPS Track Of My Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board (iSUP) Ride On My New ‘Atoll’ 11′ — June 19, 2019 (3rd Ride).

by Anura Guruge

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MARQ Expedition

The GPS tracking from my Garmin MARQ Expedition — which does have SUP (Stand Up Paddle Board) APP. I used it for the first time today — on my third ride on this new board.

I am really getting to like, admire and trust the Atoll 11′ stand up paddle board (iSUP) I have only had it since Saturday.

Today was the first day I was not battling a strong wind. The lake was calm and it was fun. The board tracks strong and can move.

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Search ‘paddle board’.

by Anura Guruge

I With My New ‘Atoll’ 11′ Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board (iSUP) — June 17, 2019 (2nd Ride).

by Anura Guruge

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11' Atoll iSUP Anura Guruge

The 2nd ride on the Atoll 11′ stand up paddle board (iSUP) that I got on Saturday. Couldn’t use it on Sunday (Father’s Day) because we were in Boston all day (plus it was not a nice day in terms of weather).

Again a bit too windy for my liking BUT I am getting the hang of it — quite literally. Only fell in once and I was on the board for 40 minutes paddling. Compared to my old Coleman Banshee the Atoll, 19 pounds when inflated, is feather-light. That is what I need to get used to. But, I will. Board feels great. Tracks well. I am pleased.

Related posts:
Search ‘paddle board’.

by Anura Guruge

Inflating My ‘Atoll’ 11′ Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board (iSUP) With A ‘Driftsun’ High-Pressure Pump & Setting It Up.

by Anura Guruge

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Driftsun high pressure pump with Atoll iSUP Anura Guruge

I got a to go with my Atoll 11′ stand up paddle board (iSUP). The Driftsun seemed identical to the one that Atoll markets from their Website — but as I already mentioned I was placing my order through Amazon to avail myself to the great zero-interest financing I get from Amazon.

I have used the Atoll twice so far, bot with great success and each time I inflated it with the Driftsun. The Driftsun does come with a Halkey-Roberts (HR) high pressure air valve adapter — and that is the fitting that Atoll expects. Works fine so far. The Driftsun only goes up to 14.5psi but Atoll and others have claimed that that is fine and plenty. I, however, did not go that far up since it was just going to be I with all of my 158 pounds. So, I stopped at 13.5psi. Seems OK.

Getting up to 13.5psi only takes about 5 minutes. Yes, it gets loud. Towards the end I end up holding down the valve just to be on the safe side.

So far, so good. I am pleased.

Atoll 11' stand up paddle board (iSUP) Anura Guruge

Related posts:
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by Anura Guruge

Kudos To ‘Atoll’ For The Very Fine (Double-Boxed) Packaging Of Their Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Boards.

by Anura Guruge

Click to ENLARGE.

I was very happy with how my 11′ Atoll Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board arrived in the mail today.

For a start it was DOUBLE-BOXED. Kudos. The outside box had a ding on it and I had vision of a punctured board. Nothing to worry about. The second box (the white one) was untouched. So, everything inside was pristine. I am so glad.

Very well packed. Everything in its place and easy to take out.

Everything as promised.

I was glad. Nothing worse that having to try and get missing parts.

So far, Atoll really has surpassed expectations. I hope to keep it that way.

Wish me luck.

Related posts:
Search ‘paddle board’.

by Anura Guruge

My ‘Atoll’ 11′ Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board (iSUP) Surpassed Expectations.

by Anura Guruge

Click to ENLARGE.

A short YouTube video
(with a thumb in the middle).

My 11′ Atoll Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board arrived today.

It was beautifully packaged. Work of art.

It has surpassed my expectations. Very well made. You can feel the quality.

Using a ‘‘ pump I pumped it up to 13psi. It was plenty rigid then. Next time I will go higher.

It was stable. As you can see from the video it was WINDY and this was my first time up on a board in probably 3-years (and I had knee surgery 3-months ago). I still did OK.

I was impressed. I had fun. I think this board and I will become great companions.

Next week is going to be COLD and windy. But, I am sure I can find a day to take it out again. Hopefully it will not be as windy.

Check out Atoll’s friendly and information-packed Website. Just click.

Related posts:
Search ‘paddle board’.

by Anura Guruge

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